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Will someone know if I untag myself on Facebook?

Will someone know if I untag myself on Facebook?

Facebook’s tagging feature allows users to tag other users in posts and photos. When you remove a tag from yourself, it does notify the original poster, so they will know you untagged yourself. However, whether others can see that you untagged yourself depends on a few factors.

Notification to Original Poster

If you untag yourself from a post or photo, Facebook will send a notification to the user who originally tagged you. They will get an alert saying “[Your name] removed themselves from this photo” or “[Your name] removed themselves from this post.”

So the original poster will always know if you untag yourself from their content. They just won’t get a notification if you untag yourself from someone else’s post.

Visibility to Others

When you remove a tag of yourself, it does not delete the post or photo itself. The content will still be visible to anyone the original poster shared it with. However, your name will no longer be associated with it.

For example, if your friend Jane tagged you in a photo:
– Originally it would show “Jane Doe with John Smith”
– If you untag yourself, it now shows “Jane Doe with 1 other”

So visitors to the post can see someone untagged themselves, but they won’t know specifically that it was you.


There are two cases where others may still see you tagged, even if you untag yourself:

1. Friends of original poster

If the original poster and the visitor are friends on Facebook, the visitor will still see the original tag with your name. Your untag action only impacts what you see, not what the original poster’s friends see.

2. Mutual friends comments

If a mutual friend comments on the post mentioning your name, their comment will still link to your profile. So visitors will be able to see the comment and connect you to the post, even if they can’t see your tag directly.

Does Untagging Delete Posts?

No, untagging yourself does not delete the post or photo from Facebook. The original content will remain visible to anyone the poster shared it with. Untagging only removes your name and link to your profile from that specific piece of content.

Does Untagging Notify the Original Poster?

Yes, when you untag yourself from a post or photo, Facebook sends a notification to the original poster letting them know. They will get an alert saying you removed the tag.

So if your friend Jane tagged you, she would get a notification saying something like “John Smith removed himself from your post” or “John Smith removed himself from your photo.”

Can You Retag Yourself Later?

If you change your mind after untagging yourself, you can re-tag yourself in the post or photo. Just visit the post again and tag yourself by typing @ followed by your name.

The original poster will get another notification that you re-tagged yourself. And your name will now show up again to visitors of the post.

What About Untagging Others?

You can also remove tags of other people from posts and photos. When you do this:

  • The original poster will get a notification you untagged someone
  • That person’s name will be removed for you, but may still show for others
  • The post itself remains, just without that person’s tag

So the process works the same whether you untag yourself or someone else.


Untagging yourself from Facebook posts or photos simply removes the link to your profile. It does not delete or hide the actual content. The original poster is always notified when you untag yourself or others. And mutual friends may still be able to connect you to the post through comments. But visitors who don’t know you will just see an unnamed tag rather than your specific name.

So in summary:

  • Original poster is notified when you untag
  • Post/photo remains visible to original viewers
  • Your name is removed from that piece of content
  • You can re-tag yourself later if desired

Untagging is therefore a simple way to dissociate yourself from a particular post or photo, without removing the content itself.

How to Untag Yourself on Facebook

If you’ve been tagged in a Facebook post or photo you want to remove, here are the steps to untag yourself:

  1. Go to the post or photo that you’re tagged in
  2. Hover over your name in the post or over your face in the photo
  3. Click on the “X” icon that appears
  4. Confirm that you want to remove the tag

You will then no longer be tagged in that post or photo. The original poster will be notified that you untagged yourself.

Turning Off Tag Notifications

If you don’t want to be notified every time someone tags you in Facebook content, you can turn off tag notifications:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Notifications on the left sidebar
  4. Scroll down and turn off notifications for “Tags”

This will prevent you from getting notifications when tagged. But keep in mind others can still tag you, you just won’t know about it unless you check the post itself.

Review Tagged Posts Regularly

To be sure you want to remain tagged in Facebook content, it’s wise to regularly review posts and photos you’re tagged in. You can do this by:

  • Clicking on your profile and choosing “Photos”
  • Clicking on your profile and choosing “Posts You’re Tagged In”

This allows you to periodically check all the places you’re tagged and remove ones you don’t want to be associated with.

Preventing Tags Without Approval

If you want full control over when you are tagged, you can enable tag review. This requires you to approve a tag before it becomes active. To enable this:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on Timeline and Tagging
  4. Enable Timeline Review for tags

Once activated, you will get a notification whenever someone tags you. You can choose to approve it or ignore it. If you take no action, the tag will not be applied.

Removing Tags on Old Posts

What if you want to remove tags on old Facebook posts or photos? You’ll need to go through these steps:

  1. Click on your profile picture and view your activity log
  2. Use the filters to go back through previous years
  3. Click on any post or photo where you are tagged
  4. Remove the tag of yourself as desired

It can be time consuming to go back through years of old posts. But this is the only way to selectively untag yourself from past content.

Automatically Untag Yourself

Manually reviewing and removing unwanted tags takes effort. Some browser extensions can automatically untag you from any new Facebook posts or photos where you’re tagged. Examples include:

  • Social Book Post Manager
  • F.B. Purity
  • NoTag

These extensions monitor your Facebook feed and automatically untag you from content based on keywords or other criteria you set. This saves you time from manually removing unwanted tags.

What About Deleting Tags?

Regular users can’t delete Facebook tags – only the original poster has that power. When you untag yourself, it only impacts what you see personally. The tag still exists for others.

If you want a tag completely deleted, you would need to contact the original poster and request they remove it fully. But they are not obligated to do so.

Pros of Untagging Yourself

Here are some of the advantages to removing tags on yourself:

  • Privacy – Untagging removes your personal association with content
  • Control – You decide what posts you’re tagged in
  • Professionalism – Can distance yourself from unprofessional content
  • Safety – Untag location tags if they reveal too much

In most cases, untagging yourself is harmless and just a way to manage how others see you on Facebook.

Cons of Untagging Yourself

Some potential downsides of removing Facebook tags include:

  • Offending friends – Those who tagged you may be upset you removed it
  • Missing memories – Untagging removes your association with nostalgic posts
  • Less content – Your profile loses photos and posts others tag you in

In some cases, it can be prudent to leave tags in place, especially if they are from close friends or relatives.

When Should You Untag?

Here are some situations where you may want to consider removing a Facebook tag of yourself:

  • Embarrassing or unflattering photos
  • Inappropriate posts
  • Posts that reveal your location
  • Tags from people you don’t know well
  • Professional contacts tagging you in informal posts

You don’t have to untag everything. But monitoring tags and removing certain ones can help manage how you’re portrayed on Facebook.

Mistaken Identity Tags

Sometimes people tag you by accident because they mistook you for someone else. When this happens, you should remove the incorrect tag and let the poster know they made a mistake.

Repeated cases of mistaken identity tags could indicate someone is using your image or identity. You may need to report this to Facebook if it persists.

When Should You Leave Tags?

Here are some cases where you may want to leave Facebook tags in place:

  • Tags from close friends and family
  • Group photos at events or special occasions
  • Posts and photos you also enjoy and want to save
  • Professional networking posts

Being tagged can help you stay connected and share memories. Don’t feel compelled to remove every single tag automatically.

Asking Someone to Remove Your Tag

Rather than untag yourself, you can request the original poster delete your tag completely. Some messages you can send them:

  • “Would you mind removing my tag from that post?”
  • “Could you delete my tag from that photo? Much appreciated!”
  • “Would you please take down my tag on that post for me?”

Keep the request friendly. If they refuse or ignore you, then you can untag yourself instead.

Avoiding Tag Conflicts

To avoid conflicts over tagging, you can:

  • Turn on tag review so you must approve all new tags first
  • Limit who can see your posts and photos to avoid unwanted tags
  • Block people who repeatedly tag you inappropriately

Proactive privacy settings and blocking can reduce the need to untag yourself later.

Accidental Self-Tagging

It’s possible to tag yourself by accident if you:

  • Start typing your name with the @ symbol in a post
  • Click on your name thinking it was someone else’s
  • Select your name from the tagging dropdown menu

Facebook sees this as you self-tagging. Just untag yourself if it was unintentional.

Tagging Others Appropriately

To avoid issues when tagging others:

  • Only tag people who you know will not mind
  • Avoid tagging strangers or vague acquaintances
  • Get permission if you feel unsure about tagging someone
  • Respect it if someone asks you to remove a tag of them

Following proper tagging etiquette will prevent problems on both sides.

Untagging Minors

You should be extra mindful about tagging anyone under 18 years old. They may not fully understand privacy risks.

As a parent, make sure to:

  • Review tags on your child’s profile
  • Ask other parents not to tag your child without approval
  • Educate your child on when and why to untag

Children’s online safety should take priority over casual tagging.

Reporting Abuse of Tagging

If someone is repeatedly tagging you against your will, or tagging you in inappropriate posts, you can report them to Facebook by:

  1. Going to the post or photo where you’re tagged
  2. Clicking on the …, then Find Support or Report Post
  3. Selecting “I don’t like this profile or Page” or “This post is abusive or harassing”
  4. Following the on-screen instructions

Facebook may warn, suspend or ban users who tag others against their consent.

Can You Undo an Untag?

If you change your mind shortly after untagging yourself, you may be able to undo it:

  • On the post, click on the ellipses (…) and choose Edit Post
  • Re-tag yourself using the @ symbol followed by your name
  • Click Save

However, if it’s been awhile, your only option is to tag yourself again as if it’s new.

Facebook Untagging on Other Platforms

You can also remove tags identifying you on other platforms linked to Facebook:


  • Go to the photo you’re tagged in
  • Click the tag you want to remove
  • Select Remove Me From Post


  • Go to tweet mentioning you
  • Click the ellipses (…) icon
  • Choose Unmention Me from this Tweet

So the ability to disassociate yourself from content spans beyond just Facebook itself.

The Bottom Line

Untagging yourself on Facebook simply removes the link between you and the post or photo in question. The original content remains unless the poster deletes it.

Whenever you untag yourself, the original poster is notified. Others may still be able to connect you to the content if they are friends with the poster or based on mutual friend comments.

Reviewing tags regularly and modifying your privacy settings can help minimize unwanted tags in the future. But the option to untag gives you control over what you’re personally associated with on Facebook.