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Will someone know if I unfriend them from Facebook?

Will someone know if I unfriend them from Facebook?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms for people to connect with friends, family, and acquaintances. However, over time you may wish to “unfriend” some people from your Facebook friends list for various reasons.

This can lead to the question – if you unfriend someone on Facebook, will they know? Below we’ll explore the answers to this question and other related aspects of unfriending on Facebook.

Does Facebook notify people when you unfriend them?

The short answer is: No, Facebook does not directly notify someone if you unfriend them. When you remove someone from your friends list, they will not get an alert or notification informing them of this change. So in most cases, the person will not know unless they find out some other way.

There are a few ways the person may eventually realize you’ve unfriended them on Facebook:

  • They may notice your name is missing from their own friends list.
  • They won’t see your posts and updates in their News Feed anymore.
  • Any conversations or messages between you will no longer exist.
  • They won’t be able to tag you or invite you to events.
  • Mutual friends may mention that they can no longer see you interact on Facebook.

But none of these methods provide immediate or direct feedback that you have unfriended the person. Facebook simply does not notify users when they have been unfriended.

Does unfriending someone remove them from your news feed?

Yes, when you unfriend someone on Facebook it automatically removes their posts, photos, and updates from appearing in your News Feed. This change happens as soon as you confirm the action to unfriend them.

Your News Feed is populated by the activity of your Facebook friends. So once you eliminate someone from your friends list, their content immediately disappears from your feed.

This means you will no longer see any of their posts, photos, videos, comments, or other interactions. Essentially it will be as if they do not exist on Facebook as far as your News Feed is concerned.

Can you find out if someone has unfriended you on Facebook?

There is no foolproof way to know if someone has unfriended you on Facebook, since the platform does not directly reveal this information. However, there are some techniques you can use to figure it out:

  • Check your friends list – See if their name still appears there or not.
  • Visit their profile – If the Add Friend button appears, they likely unfriended you.
  • Use a browser extension – Some extensions can analyze friends lists to detect changes.
  • View your post visibility – If posts are no longer visible to someone, they may have unfriended you.

Using one or more of these methods can provide clues that someone may have removed you as a friend. But without an official notification from Facebook, it is difficult to know with complete certainty if you have been unfriended.

If I unfriend someone, can I refriend them later?

Yes, when you unfriend someone on Facebook it does not permanently prevent you from sending them a new friend request in the future. You can refriend someone you previously unfriended at any time.

To do so just visit their profile and select the Add Friend button. This will send a new friend request to the person, which they can then choose to accept or ignore. If they accept it, you will be Facebook friends again and able to see each other’s activity and interact as normal.

There is no limit on how many times you can unfriend and refriend someone. The process works the same each time.

What happens when you unfriend someone on Facebook?

Here are the key things that happen when you unfriend someone on Facebook:

  • They are removed from your friends list immediately.
  • All their posts and activity disappear from your News Feed.
  • You can no longer see their profile information.
  • Any messages between you are deleted.
  • You can no longer tag them or invite them to events.
  • They are essentially invisible to you on Facebook.

However, unfriending does not delete any past interactions, such as posts you made on each other’s timelines. And either person can send a new friend request in the future.

Does unfriending someone delete your messages with them?

Yes, when you unfriend someone on Facebook it automatically deletes any messages, posts, photos or other conversations that were shared privately between the two of you. This content gets erased from both your account and their account.

This helps provide a clean break between users who unfriend each other on Facebook. It ensures that any past private communications are not left behind for either party to access later on.

The only messages that remain are those that were posted on each other’s public timelines, as those are not owned exclusively by the two users.

Can you restrict someone on Facebook without unfriending them?

Yes, Facebook provides options to limit or restrict your interactions with someone as an alternative to fully unfriending them. Some of these options include:

  • Unfollowing – You remain friends but their posts don’t show up in your News Feed.
  • Adding them to your Restricted list – This limits what they can see about your account.
  • Blocking them – This prevents them from viewing your profile or contacting you.
  • Turning off commenting – Their comments on your posts need approval before being visible.

Using these tools can allow you to create some separation from someone without formally unfriending them. You retain control over your experience and privacy without ending the online friendship entirely.

Should I unfriend or block someone on Facebook?

If you need to remove someone from your Facebook experience, you have two main options – unfriending or blocking. Here are some key differences:

Unfriending Blocking
Removes them from your friends list Makes you invisible to each other
Stops seeing their posts and activity Prevents them from contacting you
Lets you refriend them later You can unblock them later

In general, unfriending is better for connections you wish to reconsider later. Blocking provides more complete separation for people who make you feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

Can someone tell if you looked at their Facebook profile?

No, there is no way for someone to know for sure if you specifically looked at their Facebook profile. Facebook does not notify users about who views their profile pages.

The only exception is if you interact in some way while on their page, such as liking one of their posts or pictures. Those types of engagement do generate notifications.

But merely opening and viewing someone’s profile provides no indication to them that you did so. Facebook profiles do not have view counts or view trackers. So you can visit any profile just to browse without the user knowing.

If you unfriend someone on Facebook, can you still see their posts and pictures?

No, once you unfriend someone on Facebook you can no longer see any of their posts, pictures, or other content they share. Their entire Facebook presence becomes invisible to you.

Their profile picture will appear blurred or blank to you in places like mutual friends’ posts. You have no access to anything they post going forward and will no longer see any of their past posts.

Unfriending someone provides a clean break where they are essentially removed from your Facebook experience. The only trace will be posts they made on your own profile in the past, if any.

What happens when you delete someone as a Facebook friend?

Deleting someone as a Facebook friend does the same thing as unfriending them – it removes them from your friends list and cuts off all connections on Facebook.

Specifically, when you delete someone as a friend:

  • They are immediately removed from your friends list.
  • Their posts and info disappear from your News Feed.
  • Any private messages between you are deleted.
  • You can no longer interact with each other’s profiles.
  • Either of you can send a new friend request in the future.

So deleting a Facebook friend achieves the exact same outcome as unfriending them. In general, the two terms can be used interchangeably.

If you unfriend someone, can you still message them?

No, when you unfriend someone on Facebook it removes the ability to message them altogether. Any previous messages between you are also deleted.

Without being friends on Facebook, there is no way for you to contact them through Facebook messaging, comments, posts, or any other tools.

The only way to message someone again after unfriending them is to send a new friend request. If they accept it, full messaging capabilities are restored as your online friendship is reestablished.

Can someone unfriend you without you knowing?

Yes, it is possible for someone to unfriend you or delete you as a friend on Facebook without you being directly notified about it.

As mentioned earlier, Facebook does not proactively alert people when they have been unfriended. So someone can remove you from their friends list without your knowledge.

The change would become apparent if you notice you can no longer see their profile, posts, or interact with them on Facebook. But there is no message sent confirming you were unfriended.


While Facebook does not directly notify people when they have been unfriended, there are still ways to draw conclusions about lost Facebook friendships from the surrounding signals.

The experience of being unfriended isn’t the most pleasant. But it is relatively seamless thanks to the design choices made by Facebook to erase past private interactions and prevent unwanted contact in the future.

Overall, unfriending is meant to provide an easy option to curate one’s Facebook connections without causing significant grief on either end. Understanding the impacts can lead to informed choices about when to unfriend versus simply restrict unwanted connections.