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Will someone know if I hide my story from them on Facebook?

Will someone know if I hide my story from them on Facebook?

Quick Answer

Yes, someone will know if you hide a Facebook story from them. When viewing your profile, they will see a note indicating that a story has been hidden from them. However, they won’t know which specific story was hidden.

More Detailed Answer

Facebook allows users to share stories with their friends and connections. These stories appear in the Stories section at the top of the News Feed. Stories can include photos, videos, text, drawings, GIFs, and more.

By default, any story you share is visible to all of your Facebook friends. However, you do have the option to customize your audience and hide stories from specific people.

If you hide a story from someone, here is what happens:

  • They will not be able to view that story when looking at your profile or News Feed.
  • A notice will appear stating “User’s name hid a story from you.”
  • They won’t know which specific story was hidden.
  • Other stories you share will still be visible to them as normal.

So in summary – yes, they will know that you hid a story from them, but they won’t know the contents or details of that story.

When Someone Views Your Hidden Story

If the person you hid the story from views your profile, they will see a notification indicating a story was hidden.

The notice will appear in place of the hidden story, stating:”[Your name] hid a story from you.”

They will not be able to see a preview or any details about that story. Essentially, it will appear as a blank space where a story should be.

Who Can See Your Hidden Story

When you share a story, you can use the audience selector to choose who can view it. The options include:

  • Public: Anyone who can see your profile.
  • Friends: Your Facebook friends.
  • Custom: Specific friends or lists.
  • Only Me

If you select the Custom option, you can handpick individuals to hide the story from.

Those you hide it from will see the notice as mentioned above. All other friends and followers will be able to view the story normally.

How Long Hidden Stories Last

By default, Facebook stories expire after 24 hours. This applies to both regular stories and hidden ones.

So if you hide a story from someone, they won’t be able to see that story for 24 hours after you originally posted it.

You also have the option to delete a story before the 24 hour period ends. If you do this, no one will be able to view the hidden story any longer.

Hint That a Story Was Hidden

As explained above, the notice indicating a hidden story doesn’t specify which story was blocked. But there may be some clues that provide hints.

For example, if you see that notice, check if others have reacted to or commented on a recent story. If so, it’s likely that is the one that was hidden.

You can also make an educated guess based on the types of stories the person usually shares and who they typically hide stories from.

Why People Hide Facebook Stories

There are a few main reasons why someone might hide a story from you on Facebook:

  • The story contains something personal or embarrassing they don’t want you specifically to see.
  • They want to avoid drama or conflict with you over something in the story.
  • They don’t want certain people like family or colleagues viewing a particular story meant just for friends.
  • The story relates to an event you weren’t invited to.
  • They find your comments on their stories annoying.

In most cases, it’s not done with malicious intent towards you specifically. They simply want more control over their audience and privacy.

Ways to Tell if Someone Has Hidden Your Stories

Just as others get notices when you hide stories, you can also tell if someone has hidden your stories from them.

Here are a few signs to look for:

  • Check stories you’ve shared recently and look at the audience. If the person doesn’t appear, they likely hid your story.
  • Notice if they stop reacting, commenting or engaging with your stories suddenly.
  • Pay attention if they reference stories shared by mutual friends but not yours.
  • See if they continue to engage with your feed posts but not stories.

If you notice one or more of these signs, they have probably hidden one or more of your stories. Unfortunately there is no definitive way to know for sure.

What Happens When You Hide Someone’s Story

Hiding someone else’s story works similarly as when someone hides your story from them.

Here is what happens when you hide someone else’s story:

  • You will no longer see that story when looking at that person’s profile.
  • That person won’t be notified or know that you hid their story.
  • Other stories they share will still show up in your feed.
  • If they limited the audience, it will seem like they chose not to show it to you.

Essentially, you are able to curate and customize the stories you see from them in your News Feed like normal.

How to Hide Someone Else’s Story

To hide a story from your feed, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the profile of the person who posted the story.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the story.
  3. Select “Hide from Profile”
  4. Confirm that you want to hide this story.

You will no longer see that story. You can repeat these steps to hide multiple stories from a person.

Difference from Unfollowing

Hiding someone’s story is different from unfollowing them. When you unfollow someone:

  • You will no longer see any of their stories or feed posts.
  • They will know you unfollowed them.

Hiding a story allows you to silently block just that one story instead of all content from that person.

Limits to Hiding Facebook Stories

While you can hide stories on Facebook, there are some important limitations to be aware of:

  • Hiding stories is not a true block. Stories are hidden on an individual basis, not for the person overall.
  • Some hidden stories may still show up in shared spaces like Groups or Events.
  • Notification that a story was hidden can call attention to the fact that something was blocked.
  • There is no way to see which specific stories you’ve hidden from others.
  • Stories disappear after 24 hours regardless of being hidden.

In other words, hiding Facebook stories limits visibility in some cases but does not guarantee privacy or full blocking capabilities.

Alternative Options

If you are looking for more complete blocking options beyond hiding individual stories, here are some alternatives:

  • Restrict – Stops someone from seeing your posts without unfollowing or blocking them.
  • Unfollow – Removes all their stories and posts from your News Feed.
  • Block – Prevents them from viewing your profile or contacting you.
  • Lists – Share stories to smaller custom lists instead of all friends.
  • Adjust Privacy – Limit story audience to smaller groups.

Using these options can help limit story visibility without relying on hiding alone.

The Bottom Line

Hiding Facebook stories from someone will:

  • Remove that specific story from their view.
  • Add a notice that “User hid story” from them.
  • Not notify them about which story was hidden.
  • Allow your other stories and posts to remain visible.

So in summary, yes they will know a story was hidden but not have details about which story. Hiding stories selectively limits visibility but does not fully block people.