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Will it notify if I remove reaction on Facebook?

Will it notify if I remove reaction on Facebook?

When you react to a post or comment on Facebook with an emoji, the person who posted it will get a notification. However, if you later remove your reaction, the original poster will not get notified about it.

Does Removing a Reaction Send a Notification?

No, Facebook does not send a notification when someone removes a reaction from a post or comment. The only time a notification is sent is when the reaction is first added. Once a reaction is removed, it simply disappears from the post without any notice to the original poster.

Why Don’t Remove Reactions Trigger Notifications?

There are a few reasons why Facebook does not notify users when reactions are removed:

  • It would lead to a lot of unnecessary notifications that would clutter up the original poster’s feed.
  • Reactions are often added and removed casually by users browsing Facebook, so not every change is meaningful enough to warrant a notification.
  • The lack of remove notifications simplifies the user experience and cuts down on redundant or spammy notices.

Essentially, Facebook’s priority is highlighting meaningful interactions for users rather than minor changes. So new reactions merit a notification, but removals do not.

Are There Any Exceptions?

In most cases, reaction removals will not trigger a notification. However, there are two exceptions:

  • If you react to your own post or comment and then remove it, you will get a notification about the removal since you reacted to your own content.
  • Page admins get notifications when reactions are removed from their Page’s posts in addition to when they are added.

But for reactions to other users’ content, removals will not generate notices.

How to Tell if Someone Removed Their Reaction

Since removals don’t send notifications, how can you tell if someone has retracted their reaction to your post?

Here are some ways to check:

View Reactions on the Post

The easiest way is to simply view the current reactions on your post. If someone’s reaction no longer appears, then they must have removed it.

You can see who has reacted by clicking on the reaction icons below your post. This will show small profile icons for each person that reacted.

Check Your Notifications

Even though removals don’t send new notifications, your past notifications can provide a clue. If you got a notification earlier that someone reacted but now their reaction is gone, they must have removed it.

You can often identify the remover if you recognized their name when you first got the reaction notification.

Use Social Insights Chrome Extension

There are third-party browser extensions like Social Insights that track changes to your Facebook posts. When installed, they can detect reaction additions and removals.

The Social Insights extension shows a feed of changes to your posts including who reacted or unreacted. This makes it easy to identify followers who removed reactions.

Try Checking on Desktop vs Mobile

Due to differences in caching and display, you may be able to identify removed reactions by checking your post on both desktop and mobile.

A reaction that displays on mobile but not on desktop likely means it was recently removed by someone.

Why Would Someone Remove a Reaction?

Users retract reactions for a variety of reasons, both intentionally and unintentionally:

  • They reacted accidentally by tapping the button and want to undo it
  • They changed their mind and no longer want to react positively
  • They meant to react with a different emoji
  • They are trying to tidy up their activity and remove old reactions
  • They don’t want the post to appear in their reaction history
  • They reacted from a shared device and want to erase the trace

In most cases, removals aren’t meant as a strong statement. But it can occasionally be indicative of someone reconsidering their reaction to your content.

How to Prevent Reaction Removals

While you can’t totally stop people from retracting reactions, you can make it less likely by:

  • Posting engaging content that people enjoy reacting to organically
  • Following up with positive interactions when you get reactions
  • Cultivating real relationships with followers who are invested in your posts
  • Checking who frequently removes reactions and reconsidering those connections

Quality content and engaged followers will react sincerely and have no reason to remove their reactions later on.

Other Ways Reactions Can Disappear

In addition to manual removals by users, reactions can disappear from posts due to:

The Post or Comment Being Deleted

If the original post or comment is deleted by the author, all reactions on it instantly disappear as well.

The Reacting User’s Account Being Deleted

When a Facebook account is deleted, all reactions from that account also get erased from posts across Facebook.

Facebook Glitches

In rare cases, a Facebook glitch might cause reactions to vanish unintentionally. Rebooting the app or site usually resolves reaction display issues.

Tools to Track Reaction Notifications

Here are some third-party tools that can help you monitor reaction activity and notifications:

Tool Key Features
Social Insights
  • Tracks additions and removals of reactions
  • Shows who reacted or unreacted
  • Browser extension for easy monitoring
Social Pulse
  • Tracks reactions and other metrics
  • Generates reports on your Facebook performance
  • App and desktop version available
Simply Measured
  • In-depth analytics for Facebook and other platforms
  • Metrics for reactions, engagement, followers, and more
  • 14-day free trial


Removing a reaction on Facebook does not trigger a notification, so the original poster will not be alerted. The only way to know if someone unreacted is by checking your current reactions and past notifications.

While reaction removals aren’t usually meant negatively, you can discourage them by posting great content and engaging followers. Use third-party tools to stay on top of your reaction metrics if needed.

With good content and real community engagement, your followers will keep their reactions active on your posts to show their support.