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Will instagram reels bonus come back?

Instagram has not made any official announcements about bringing back the Reels bonus program at this time. The bonus program which offered money to creators for top performing Reels was discontinued in 2022. However, Instagram is continuously evolving its features and incentives, so there remains a possibility of some form of bonus or monetization program being introduced for Reels in the future.

What was the Instagram Reels bonus program?

The Instagram Reels bonus program was launched in 2020 as a way to incentivize creators to make engaging Reels content on Instagram. Selected creators could earn cash bonuses for Reels that reached certain levels of views and engagement.

Some key things to know about how the Reels bonus program worked:

  • Instagram invited select creators to participate in the program via notifications in the app.
  • To qualify for a bonus, a Reel needed to get a minimum number of views within the first 30 days – ranging from 10,000 to 250,000+ views depending on region and audience size.
  • Bonuses started at $100 for 10,000 views and increased up to thousands of dollars for Reels with millions of views.
  • Bonuses were based on unique views and accounts reached in the first 30 days.
  • Creators could check their progress towards bonuses in the app’s Bonuses section.
  • Bonuses were paid out through bank transfer or PayPal once approved.

The program aimed to make Reels more popular and competitive with other short-form video platforms like TikTok. The bonuses gave creators a financial incentive to put more effort into producing engaging Reels.

Why did Instagram end the Reels bonus program?

In July 2022, Instagram announced they were sunsetting the Reels bonus program to shift focus towards their creator fund initiatives.

There were a few likely reasons behind this decision:

  • Reels had become much more established – The bonuses were partly meant to draw creators to the new Reels format when launched. By 2022 Reels was deeply integrated and widely adopted, making the bonuses less necessary.
  • Too expensive to maintain – With more creators making Reels, the bonus payouts likely became too large and costly for Instagram to justify continuing.
  • New monetization options – Instagram has been expanding native monetization tools for creators like ads in Reels and Instagram Subscriptions, reducing the need for bonus incentives.
  • Focus on Creator Funds – Instagram is dedicating more resources towards Creator Funds that pay creators based on content performance and platform policies, which they believe is a more sustainable model.

Essentially once Reels was firmly established, Instagram shifted bonus funds towards initiatives focused on long-term monetization for a broader range of creators.

Could Instagram bring back bonuses for Reels?

There’s always a possibility, but Instagram currently seems focused on expanding their Creator Fund model. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • No announcements hinting at bonuses returning yet – Instagram has not given any indication through announcements or media reports that they plan to reinstate Reels bonuses.
  • Creator Funds are top priority – Instagram seems committed to expanding their Creator Funds initiative, which involves carefully crafted rules and content guidelines that bonuses didn’t have.
  • Other monetization options rolling out – Instagram is continually launching new ads, shopping, affiliate, and subscription features that creators can use to monetize their content and audience.
  • Bonuses didn’t align with Instagram’s vision – One-off bonuses based on views didn’t encourage creators to build communities and deep relationships with fans, which is Instagram’s long-term goal.

For these reasons, Instagram is unlikely to rerun the exact same Reels bonus program from 2020-2022. However, they could introduce new incentives or earnings opportunities related to Reels in the future.

What new Reels monetization options might Instagram explore?

While unlikely to reboot the previous bonus structure, here are some potential ways Instagram could integrate new monetization or incentive features for Reels:

  • performance-based payments – Instagram may test making direct payments to creators for Reels that hit certain engagement thresholds, outside of its Creator Funds.
  • in-stream ads – They could allow video ads within Reels, letting creators earn revenue from the ads displayed against their content.
  • shopping commissions – Instagram may more closely integrate Reels with shopping features to let creators earn commission when products are purchased via their Reels.
  • sticker sponsorships – Brand sponsorship stickers could allow creators to tag sponsors in Reels and receive payment from those sponsors.
  • Reels challenges & rewards – Instagram could offer one-time bonuses or prizes for Reels that utilize certain effects, audio, AR filters, or themes as part of interactive campaigns.
  • Creator coins – They may test features that let fans “tip” or support creators with digital goods and coins as appreciation for their Reels.

It’s unclear if or when Instagram may introduce options like these. However, they present opportunities to entice creators to engage with Reels while better aligning incentives with Instagram’s long-term goals.

Tips for earning money from Instagram Reels without bonuses

Even without an official bonus program, there are ways for creators to earn money directly from the Reels content they make:

  • Monetize with ads – Creators can apply to enable video ads in their Reels via Instagram’s in-stream ads program, earning a rev share from the ads displayed against their Reels.
  • Use affiliate links – Add affiliate links to your Reels description to earn commission when followers purchase through them. Great for product reviews and recommendations.
  • Promote brand deals – Partner with brands relevant to your audience and promote their products, services or offers in your Reels in exchange for payment.
  • Leverage for other income – Use Reels to attract more followers and build your audience, which you can leverage to earn income through other monetization methods like sponsored posts, live streams, selling merchandise and more.
  • Boost visibility with hashtags and trends – Using popular hashtags and audio tracks can help increase views and engagement on your Reels, making them more attractive for potential monetization.

While a bonus program would provide nice extra income, creators can still unlock a steady stream of revenue from Reels content itself. Focus on producing engaging Reels aligned with your brand and monetization strategies.

Joining the Instagram Reels Play Bonus Program

Unfortunately, the Instagram Reels Play Bonus program closed to new signups when it ended in 2022. Here are some tips if Instagram opens applications again in the future:

  • Build your audience – Focus on generating lots of views, likes, comments, and shares on your existing Reels. A strong engaged following makes acceptance more likely.
  • Understand program rules – Carefully study the bonus program guidelines around content eligibility, geo-targeting, hashtags, etc. Adhere to the rules.
  • Craft viral Reels – Study trends and make innovative Reels using popular audio, effects, AR filters, etc. Virality signals your expertise.
  • Apply as soon as possible – Program acceptances are limited, so submit your application as soon as signups open to maximize your chances.
  • Match target demographics – Tailor your content to Instagram’s desired audience demographics like 13-34 year olds in key regions.
  • Have business tax info ready – To get paid, you need to provide tax forms and payment details, so be prepared to submit these quickly.

Gaining access to special Instagram programs requires both skill and timing. Lay the foundations for an engaging profile now, so you’re ready to apply if bonuses make a return.

Risks of relying on Instagram bonuses for income

While the potential for big bonus payouts is exciting, creators should be cautious before depending too heavily on Instagram bonuses for their income:

  • Inconsistent and unpredictable – Bonuses depend on the fluctuating performance of each Reel, making potential earnings erratic and unreliable compared to other monetization methods.
  • Subject to program changes or removal – As Instagram demonstrated by shutting down their previous program, bonus schemes can change or end abruptly at their discretion.
  • Intense competition – Chances of earning big bonuses decrease as more creators compete for rewards through their Reels.
  • Temporary model – Bonuses are designed as short-term incentives, not a indefinitely sustainable income stream for most individual creators.
  • Risk of burnout – The pressure to constantly churn out viral bonus-worthy Reels can be mentally and creatively taxing for creators.
  • Diversion from long-term goals – Bonus incentives don’t always align with creators’ core content missions and audience development goals.

Bonuses should be treated as supplemental income, not the sole source for creators’ livelihoods. Diversifying monetization strategies, even without bonuses, leads to greater stability and control.

Fact-checking rumors about a Reels bonus return

There are often unverified rumors swirling about Instagram bringing back bonuses. When assessing any claims, watch for:

  • Official announcements from Instagram – Unless stated directly by Instagram in the app, press releases or via their official social media accounts, rumors should not be trusted.
  • Specific sources – Vague claims of “announcements” or “reports” without specifics should be taken skeptically. Legitimate news will cite direct sources.
  • Reasonable details – Rumored bonus programs that promise outrageously high payments for little engagement are almost certainly fabricated.
  • Quote context – Partial quotes from Instagram executives may seem to hint at bonuses returning, but should be considered in their full context.
  • Up-to-date information – Old recycled news about previous bonus programs does not mean the program has returned. Verify the recency of reports.

It’s safest to wait for explicit confirmation directly from Instagram before anticipating the return of any Reels bonus program. Adjust expectations accordingly until official announcements are made.

The future of Instagram Reels monetization

While the short-term future likely won’t include a reinstated bonuses program, Instagram will continue expanding built-in monetization tools for Reels in line with their long-term vision:

  • More Instagram Creator Funds – Open to more geographies and focused on content that strengthens communities.
  • Expanded in-stream ads – Will empower more individual creators to earn revenue directly from their Reels.
  • Closer integration with Commerce – Building a tighter commerce experience between Reels and Instagram Shops.
  • New virtual gifting features – Allowing fans to support their favorite creators with virtual gifts during Reels live streams.
  • Paid premium content – Potential for creators to offer exclusive Reels content to subscribers who pay a monthly fee.

Instagram wants to provide sustainable, stable income through features aligned with its values. Rather than hope for a temporary bonus revival, creators should focus on unlocking these upcoming opportunities.