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Will I get my hacked Facebook account back?

Will I get my hacked Facebook account back?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be an extremely frustrating experience. Your account contains personal information, photos, conversations with friends and family, and potentially sensitive data related to your work or business. Getting your account back after it has been compromised is possible, but it will likely take some time and effort on your part.

What to do immediately if your Facebook account is hacked

If you notice any suspicious activity on your Facebook account, take action right away:

  • Log out of your account on all devices if you’re currently logged in.
  • Change your Facebook password to a strong, secure one that you don’t use on any other sites.
  • Enable two-factor authentication on your account for extra security.
  • Scan your computer for malware, spyware, or keylogging software that could be stealing login info.

Doing these things quickly can help limit the damage a hacker can do while in control of your account. Make sure friends and family know your account was hacked so they don’t interact with the hacker unknowingly.

How to report the hack to Facebook

The next step is to report the hack directly to Facebook. This alerts them to the issue so they can take action on their end:

  • In your web browser, go to Facebook and click “Forgot Password.”
  • Follow the reset instructions, but when asked for the new password, click “No longer have access to these?”
  • Facebook will then allow you to report your account has been hacked.
  • Provide details on how you noticed the hack and what kind of suspicious activity has occurred.

Facebook’s automated systems may detect further signs of compromised access and prompt you to confirm more information. Follow any additional screens to fully report unauthorized changes.

How Facebook investigates hacked accounts

After you report the hack, Facebook will investigate the activity on your account to confirm it has been compromised. This includes:

  • Looking for login attempts from suspicious locations or unknown devices.
  • Checking any changes made to account recovery options like email and phone numbers.
  • Reviewing new friend requests, post activity, messages sent and other digital footprints.

Facebook has systems in place to detect common markers of hacked accounts. If their investigation confirms your account was compromised, they will take steps to secure it and get it restored to you.

Getting your account back from hackers

If Facebook finds that your account was indeed hacked, they will:

  • Lock or disable the account while they address the security breach.
  • Remove any content posted by the hacker, like offensive photos or spam.
  • Notify your Facebook friends that the account was compromised.
  • Provide on-screen instructions for creating a new password and securing your account.

In most cases, you just need to follow the on-screen prompts, update your password, set up two-factor authentication, and then Facebook will return full access to your account.

Steps if Facebook doesn’t restore your account

For various reasons, Facebook may be unable to fully confirm your account was compromised based on their security checks. In this case:

  • Double check that you reported the hack through the proper channels, as outlined above.
  • Submit another report providing additional details of suspicious activity.
  • Use the Facebook Help Center to communicate with support agents.
  • Be patient, as reviews can take 1-2 weeks in complicated cases.

Keep trying to prove your case to Facebook so they can complete a full investigation. Multiple hack reports with specific evidence often lead to restored access.

How to further secure and protect your account

Once you regain access to your account, you should take measures to better secure it for the future:

  • Change your password to something completely new that isn’t used anywhere else.
  • Set up two-factor authentication via SMS text or authentication app.
  • Remove any unfamiliar trusted devices or browsers logged in.
  • Revoke access to questionable third-party apps.
  • Turn on login notifications to be alerted of new logins.

Enabling extra login protections, monitoring account activity closer, and being cautious when accessing third-party apps can help safeguard your account from future hacks.

Preventative steps to avoid getting hacked

Here are some key tips to improve your overall Facebook security:

  • Create a strong, unique password only used for Facebook.
  • Never share login credentials with third-party services or websites.
  • Be wary of phishing emails, links and Facebook ads trying to steal your password.
  • Use up-to-date antivirus software to detect potential keyloggers.
  • Turn on login approvals and account recovery as an added layer of protection.

Staying vigilant against common hacking techniques makes a big difference in keeping your Facebook account safe.

Can I delete my hacked Facebook account and start over?

If your account has been permanently compromised or you wish to disconnect fully from Facebook, you do have the option to delete your account. However, note that:

  • You need to be logged in to delete the account – which is difficult if hackers remain in control.
  • Deleted accounts can be recovered for 14 days after cancellation.
  • All account content will be permanently erased and you will lose connections.
  • Making a new account doesn’t prevent the previous one from being hacked again in the future.

Unless your case is extreme, working to strengthen your existing Facebook account security is typically the best path forward after being hacked.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be a frustrating and unsettling experience. However, by taking quick action to report unauthorized access and working diligently with Facebook support, the majority of users are able to recover their account and restore security.

Be persistent in messaging Facebook, enable all account protections available, and take preventative measures to avoid future hacks. With some dedicated effort, you have a good chance of regaining control of your account from hackers.