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Will Facebook Marketplace refund if I get scammed?

Will Facebook Marketplace refund if I get scammed?

Facebook Marketplace is a convenient platform for buying and selling used items locally. Unfortunately, as with many online marketplaces, scams do happen. Getting scammed can be frustrating and make you wary of using Facebook Marketplace again. The natural question is: will Facebook provide a refund if you get scammed on Marketplace?

What constitutes a scam on Facebook Marketplace?

There are a few common scam scenarios to watch out for on Facebook Marketplace:

– Fake listings – A scammer lists an item for sale but never intends to deliver it. They may use photos copied from elsewhere online. Their goal is to collect payment without providing the item.

– Item significantly different than described – The item arrives but is not as advertised. It may be a cheap knock-off or in poor condition.

– Non-delivery – The seller takes payment but never ships the item at all. They stop responding after receiving payment.

– Fake payment – The buyer claims they will send payment or have paid, but the payment never clears into your account.

– Return scam – The buyer receives the item but then claims it is damaged or not as described. They file a return request but send back an entirely different (often broken) item.

If you encounter any of these scenarios as a buyer, you’ve likely been scammed.

Does Facebook Marketplace provide refunds for scams?

Unfortunately, Facebook Marketplace itself does not offer refunds in the event of a scam. All Marketplace transactions are between individual buyers and sellers. Facebook only provides the platform, not guarantees or buyer protection.

This applies both to purchases made directly through Facebook Payments and transactions completed externally using methods like cash, PayPal, Venmo etc. Facebook is not involved in the actual exchange of items or money.

Facebook’s Purchase Protection only applies to eligible items

Facebook does have a program called Purchase Protection for transactions completed using Facebook Payments. However, it has strict eligibility requirements:

– Item must be tangibly shipped (not digital goods or services)
– Seller must be authorized to use Commerce Manager and accept Facebook Payments
– Purchase Protection only applies to items $250+
– Claims must be filed within 3 days after estimated delivery date

Since most scams violate the terms of the Facebook Commerce Policies, scam transactions are not eligible for Protection refunds. Scammers also tend to deal in lower cost, non-tangible goods that are ineligible.

So while Purchase Protection provides some fraud coverage for qualifying Marketplace transactions, it does not offer universal protection against all scams.

What are your options if you are scammed?

If you fall victim to a scam on Facebook Marketplace, here are some actions you can take:

Report the scammer

Report the offending Facebook profile for violating Marketplace policies. This can get the account blocked from future scam attempts.

To report a Marketplace scammer:

1. Go to their Facebook profile
2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner
3. Select “Report”
4. Choose “Report Profile”
5. Select “Scam” as the reason

Provide additional details on how you were scammed in the text box.

File claims through payment methods

If you paid using a protected payment method like a credit card or PayPal, file claims with those providers promptly. They have fraud resolution processes that may refund your money.

Provide documentation like screenshots of your conversation establishing what item/service was promised and copies of the fraudulent listings.

Involve law enforcement

You can file a complaint with agencies like the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) or your local police department. This creates an official record of the scam which may help with recouping losses through banks or providers. Law enforcement can also pursue criminal charges against repeat offenders engaging in fraud.

Leave negative feedback

Make sure to leave comments on the seller’s Marketplace profile to warn future buyers. Their profile may be taken down eventually, but not before other victims see those warnings.

Spread awareness

Share your experience in local Facebook groups and online forums related to the item category. This helps others identify potential scams before paying. You may even find other victims of the same scammer.

How to avoid scams on Facebook Marketplace

While Marketplace scams are always a risk, there are some best practices that can help avoid them:

Only buy from local sellers

Stick to in-person transactions you can complete face-to-face. Don’t trust sellers claiming to be out of state/country who want to ship items.

Beware too-good-to-be-true deals

Massively discounted prices that seem unrealistic should raise red flags. Only pay fair market value.

Reverse image search photos

Scammers often use stock photos or images copied from other listings online. You may be able to find the original source.

Ask for identification

Request IDs from sellers to confirm their identity and make sure names match their Facebook profile.

Use safe payment methods

Avoid irreversible payments like wire transfers, gift cards or cash. PayPal Goods & Services offers buyer protection.

Inspect items before paying

Thoroughly inspect the item, test it out, and compare to the listing description before handing over money.

Get receipts

Get a receipt with the seller’s name, signature, and transaction details when completing purchases in person.


Unfortunately, Facebook Marketplace does not offer refunds or fraud protection if you get scammed. While Purchase Protection applies to some eligible transactions, it excludes most scams. If you do become a victim, make sure to report the scammer, leave feedback, and file claims with your payment provider right away. Your only recourse is through your bank or payment method. To avoid scams in the first place, only transact locally in person, follow payment safety best practices, and thoroughly vet sellers before sending money. With proper precautions, you can use Facebook Marketplace while minimizing the risk of scams.