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Why would you lock your Facebook profile?

Why would you lock your Facebook profile?

There are a few key reasons why someone may want to lock down or limit access to their Facebook profile:


One of the main reasons is privacy. By default, Facebook profiles are searchable and viewable by anyone on Facebook. Locking down your profile limits who can see your info, photos, posts, friends list etc. Some reasons you may want more privacy include:

– Avoiding random friend requests or being searchable by people you don’t know
– Controlling who can see personal information like your location, family members, relationship status, etc.
– Preventing employers, co-workers, or other acquaintances from stumbling across your profile and viewing your non-professional posts and photos
– Reducing risk of identity theft or stalking by limiting access to personal info
– Keeping details about your life and contacts more limited to your closest friends and family


Locking down your profile can also improve security and reduce risks like:

– Having your account hacked if you have a simple password that’s easy to guess
– Having your info or photos copied and shared without your consent
– Scammers or spammers accessing your friends list for targeting purposes
– Minors viewing inappropriate content if you don’t restrict access

Having a more locked down profile reduces surface area for these types of attacks and abuse of your info.

Drama Reduction

For some, limiting access to their profile and posts helps reduce unwanted drama or debates, especially with acquaintances like co-workers, distant family members, or people from your past. It allows you to share and post more freely knowing that only your closest friends and connections can view it.

Staying in Touch With Close Connections

For others, the main purpose of Facebook is keeping up with their closest friends and family. Locking down their profile allows them to focus their news feed and interactions on just those key connections.

Maintaining Separate Identities

Some professionals may want to keep work and personal lives more separate. Locking down profiles allows them to represent themselves differently to colleagues versus close friends.

How to Lock Down Your Facebook Profile

Luckily, Facebook provides a number of tools and privacy settings to restrict access to all or parts of your profile. Here are some of the main ways to lock it down:

Adjust Profile Privacy Settings

In your profile’s Privacy Settings you can:

– Switch from a Public profile to a Friends-only profile – this limits profile views to friends only
– Limit old posts visibility – restrict who can view posts beyond a certain date
– Review friend list – remove anyone you don’t want accessing your profile
– Customize who can see your friends list, family members, relationship status, photos and posts
– Review tags – remove yourself from any posts or pics you’re tagged in

Update News Feed and Search Privacy

You can limit who sees your public posts and who can find you in searches:

– Switch from Public to Friends for future posts – limits visibility
– Limit search ability based on email address or phone number
– Remove yourself from public directory searches on Facebook

Review App Settings

Check which apps you’ve connected to Facebook and remove any you no longer use or trust to reduce third-party access to data.

Enable Login Approvals

Adding login approvals means you get a code sent to your phone whenever someone tries accessing your account from a new device. This prevents unauthorized logins.

Use a Restricted List

The Restricted List lets you specifically limit access to your posts to a subset of friends vs. your whole list. Great for family, close friends, etc.

Go on Hiatus

If you want to lock down your account for a period of time, you can temporarily deactivate it and reactivate later when you’re ready to come back.

Pros of Locking Your Profile

Some of the major advantages of locking down your Facebook profile include:

Increased Privacy and Security

As covered earlier, limiting info shared on your profile reduces risks associated with identity theft, stalking, employers viewing your content, etc. Locking it down gives you much more control.

Ability to Be More Selective

Having a locked profile lets you be more selective about who you connect with. You likely won’t accept friend requests from strangers, remove old contacts, etc. This lets you focus on connecting with people you’re closest with.

Reduced Chances of Unwanted Drama

You can share and post more freely about your life knowing that acquaintances or random contacts can’t view or comment on your content. This reduces chances of unnecessary drama.

Show Different Sides to Different Groups

People show different sides of themselves to friends, family and work connections. Locking down your profile lets you customize what each group sees and keeps those identities separate.

Children Are Protected

Locking down profiles is critical for minors and anyone posting pics of their kids. It protects them from dangers like child predators viewing their info and photos.

Pros Description
Increased Privacy and Security Limiting info shared reduces risks like identity theft, stalking, employers viewing content, etc.
Ability to Be More Selective Lets you focus on connecting with people you’re closest with by limiting access.
Reduced Chances of Unwanted Drama You can share/post more freely knowing acquaintances can’t view or comment.
Show Different Sides to Groups Lets you customize what friends, family, coworkers, etc. see and keep identities separate.
Protects Children Critical for minors and anyone posting pics of kids to limit dangers.

Cons of Locking Your Profile

However, there are also a few potential drawbacks to be aware of:

Fewer Chance Connections

Serendipitous friendships – like running into old classmates – are less likely if your profile is locked down. You may reconnect less often.

More Difficult to Get in Touch

Friends or family who aren’t in your inner circle may have a harder time contacting you or viewing your updates if blocked.

Less Exposure

For artists, entrepreneurs and professionals wanting to establish their “personal brand”, a completely private profile means less visibility and exposure.

Can Seem Secretive

Some friends may interpret a very locked down profile as being secretive, especially if they are restricted from viewing certain content.

Time Consuming to Manage Settings

Customizing all of Facebook’s granular privacy settings takes effort. It’s like a part-time job keeping everything restricted.

Cons Description
Fewer Chance Connections Serendipitous friendships less likely if old contacts can’t find you.
More Difficult to Get in Touch Non-close connections may have harder time contacting you.
Less Exposure Artists, entrepreneurs, etc. get less visibility with private profile.
Can Seem Secretive Friends may interpret locked profile as being secretive.
Time Consuming to Manage Customizing Facebook’s granular privacy settings takes effort.

Tips for Locking Down Your Profile

Here are some tips to make locking down your Facebook profile easier:

Switch Gradually

Don’t go from public to private overnight. Transition incrementally so it’s not a shock to your network.

Use Friend Lists

Organize connections into Close Friends, Acquaintances, Work Friends, etc. to customize visibility.

Review Regularly

Check your privacy settings, tagged photos, apps connected, etc. routinely to limit unauthorized access.

Explain to Close Connections

Let close friends and family know you’re locking down your profile and why so they understand.

Leverage Other Social Platforms

Post occasional public updates on LinkedIn or other networks if you need some exposure.

Use Private Groups

Keep engaging subsets of friends in smaller private groups vs. a public profile.

Create a Public Persona Page

If you need to establish a visible social media brand, create a separate public page.

Ask Contacts to Remove Tags

If old posts still show you after locking down, ask any tags be removed.

Who Should Lock Their Profiles?

Locking down your Facebook profile makes the most sense for the following groups:

Anyone Concerned About Privacy

If you have even the slightest worry about identity theft, stalking, employers checking you out, etc. restricting access is wise.

Posters of Minor Children

Parents should be extremely cautious about kid’s photos being viewed by strangers or predators. Lock it down.

Celebrities and Public Figures

Famous people need to be very selective about who can access their personal profiles and content.

Domestic Abuse Victims

For victims of domestic abuse or stalking, controlling profile access is critical to safety.

Those With Controversial Opinions

Anyone posting something inflammatory or offensive that could get them in trouble if public should lock it down.

People in New Relationships

When starting to date someone, it’s normal to only want them seeing certain relationship pics and posts.

Anyone Dealing With Mental Health Issues

People going through depression or tough times may want to limit visibility during the healing process.

Teenagers First Getting Facebook

Teens should start with locked down settings and open up slowly as they gain maturity around social media.


While a public profile provides maximum exposure and connections, locking down your Facebook profile gives you much greater privacy, security and control over who accesses your personal information and content. It allows you to focus on connecting with your closest circles. However, managing settings takes effort and can limit serendipitous interactions. Overall, routinely reviewing and limiting access makes sense for most users, especially those concerned about any sort of risks associated with a wide open profile. Adjust settings incrementally and leverage friend lists and private groups to share access more selectively vs. a blanket “everyone” or “no one” approach.