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Why would someone ask for email on Facebook Marketplace?

Why would someone ask for email on Facebook Marketplace?

There are a few potential reasons why someone may ask for an email address on Facebook Marketplace rather than using the Facebook messaging system:

To move the transaction off of Facebook

Facebook Marketplace encourages buyers and sellers to communicate and finalize transactions within the Facebook platform. However, some users prefer to take the transaction “offline” and use email or other contact methods. There are a few reasons a buyer or seller may want to do this:

  • To avoid paying Facebook Marketplace fees – Facebook charges a fee for items sold over $5. Asking to move to email avoids this fee.
  • To make negotiation easier – haggling over price or details may be easier over email than Facebook messaging.
  • To scam – Unfortunately some “buyers” or “sellers” have ulterior motives and want to get the transaction off Facebook. For example, a scammer may ask for your email to send a fake payment confirmation or to try and trick you into providing personal information.

To vet potential buyers/sellers

Asking for an email address can be a way for buyers and sellers to vet each other before agreeing to a transaction. For example:

  • A seller may want to look up a buyer’s email address to see if they have social media accounts that seem legitimate.
  • A seller may email a potential buyer to ask for ID or other verification before agreeing to a sale.
  • A buyer may look up a seller’s email to see if it’s associated with a real business or matches other online profiles.

Essentially, asking for an email allows both parties to do some due diligence before moving forward.

To coordinate pickup/delivery logistics

For transactions involving physical items, buyers and sellers may want to switch to email to coordinate pickup, shipping, or delivery details. This allows them to share additional contact information, discuss timing, provide delivery/shipping tracking info, etc. Facebook messaging alone may not provide all the tools needed to smoothly handle the logistics.

To create a paper trail

Some buyers and sellers feel more comfortable asking for email as it provides a paper trail of communication outside of Facebook. This can help if there are any issues down the line – email records can serve as proof of negotiation, agreed upon terms, etc. Relying solely on Facebook messaging means communications could be lost if either party deletes messages or deactivates their account.

Habit or preference

For some seasoned Marketplace users, asking to switch to email may simply be habit or personal preference. They are accustomed to taking transactions off of Facebook and prefer to communicate via email. The Facebook messaging system may feel clumsy or unfamiliar compared to standard email.

To establish ongoing contact

If a seller makes frequent transactions, they may ask buyers for an email address to store for future sales or special offers. Or vice versa – buyers may wish to keep a seller’s email on file in case they want to purchase additional items down the road.

Data collection

In some cases, unscrupulous sellers may request email addresses in order to build up marketing email lists. By collecting buyer email addresses over time, they can compile a list to potentially re-sell or use for distributing spam/unwanted marketing messages.

What precautions should you take when asked for email?

If you’re unsure why someone is asking you to move a Facebook Marketplace conversation to email, here are some precautions to consider:

  • Vet the buyer/seller first – Review their Facebook profile for signs it’s a real person, look up their name online, etc. Be extra cautious transacting with new users.
  • Use a secondary email address – Consider using a spare email not associated with your primary accounts or financial information.
  • Move back to Facebook messaging – If you become uncomfortable, suggest moving back to the Facebook platform for further communication.
  • Request references – Ask the buyer/seller for references from past transactions.
  • Meet in person for pickup – When transacting locally, offer to finalize the sale in person rather than providing personal details online.
  • Be wary of scams – Be very cautious of any emails asking you to click suspicious links, provide sensitive info, or that otherwise seem like scams.

In summary:

There are many valid reasons a Facebook Marketplace user may request to move the conversation to email – convenience, habit, record keeping, etc. However, there are also risks, so proceed with caution if anything seems suspicious. Vet the other party, use a spare email address, and trust your gut if you have doubts.

Potential Reasons to Request Email Potential Risks
Avoid Facebook fees Data harvesting/spam
Easier negotiation Scams
Logistics coordination Phishing for personal info
Paper trail Identity theft
Habit or preference Unsafe payment links
Vet other party

In conclusion:

Asking to move a transaction to email is common on Facebook Marketplace, but does come with some risks. Take reasonable precautions, but don’t necessarily treat it as a red flag. With proper vetting of the buyer/seller, most email requests are harmless and simply an effort to take the transaction offline. Be wary of anything suspicious, go with your gut, and don’t hesitate to block further communications if you become uncomfortable.