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Why wont my contacts sync with Facebook?

Why wont my contacts sync with Facebook?

If you are having issues syncing your contacts from your phone to Facebook, there are a few potential causes and solutions to try. In the opening paragraphs, we’ll go over some quick answers to common questions around contact syncing problems.

Quick Questions and Answers

Why do my contacts show up as ‘Unknown’ on Facebook?

If Facebook is displaying your synced contacts as ‘Unknown’, it likely means that either those contacts don’t have a Facebook account associated with their phone number, or there was an issue matching their phone number to their Facebook profile during the sync process.

Why are only some of my contacts syncing to Facebook?

In some cases, only a portion of your contacts will sync to Facebook successfully. This can happen if some of your contacts don’t have Facebook accounts, have privacy restrictions in place, or changed their phone number without updating it on Facebook.

How do I get my contacts to sync properly?

To get your contacts fully syncing, first make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app and your phone’s contacts and Facebook apps have proper permissions enabled. You can also try re-syncing your contacts, merging duplicate contacts, and manually connecting contacts by searching for them on Facebook.

What Causes Contact Syncing Issues

There are a few common causes for why your phone contacts may not be syncing properly to Facebook:

Outdated App Versions

If you are running an outdated version of the Facebook app, it may not support contact syncing or have bugs that disrupt the syncing process. Make sure you have updated to the latest version of the Facebook app in your device’s app store.

Restricted Permissions

The Facebook app needs access permissions to your contacts in order to sync them. Check that the Facebook app has permission to access your contacts through your device settings. You may need to manually enable it.

Contacts Without Facebook Accounts

If some of your contacts don’t have Facebook accounts associated with their phone numbers, they will show up as “Unknown” after syncing. Encourage these contacts to sign up for Facebook with their phone numbers.

Mismatched Contact Info on Facebook

If your contacts have changed their phone numbers without updating them on Facebook, it can cause a mismatch that prevents proper syncing. Have your contacts update their contact info in their Facebook account settings.

Duplicate Contacts

Having duplicate contacts on your device with slightly different names or numbers can confuse the syncing process. Delete or merge any duplicate contacts before syncing.

Corrupted Contact Data

In rare cases, corrupted contact data on your device could interfere with syncing. Try clearing your local contacts and restarting the sync to refresh your data.

Solutions and Troubleshooting Tips

If your contacts aren’t syncing properly, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take:

Update Your Apps

As mentioned before, having outdated app versions is a common culprit. Update the Facebook app and your device’s Contacts app to their latest versions.

Re-enable Permissions

Open your device Settings, go to the Facebook app page, and make sure Contacts permissions are enabled. Turn permissions off and on again to force a refresh.

Resync Contacts

In the Facebook app’s Menu, go to Settings & Privacy > Settings and choose Contacts. Tap on “Sync Contacts” to start a fresh sync.

Merge Duplicate Contacts

Eliminate any duplicates in your contacts list, then resync. This avoids mismatches based on duplicate info.

Manually Connect Contacts

For key contacts that won’t sync, manually search for them on Facebook using contact info and send a friend request.

Clear Local Contacts Cache

As a last resort, clear your device’s local contacts storage through Settings. Then restart the sync to rebuild your contacts.

Best Practices for Syncing Contacts

To ensure smooth contact syncing between your phone and Facebook going forward, follow these best practices:

Best Practice Reason
Keep contacts updated Prevents mismatches due to outdated info
Merge duplicates Avoids duplicate sync failures
Use primary numbers Sync works best with main mobile numbers
Keep apps updated Fixes bugs and improves sync reliability
Monitor permissions Ensure Facebook has access to contacts


In summary, common contact syncing issues involve outdated apps, privacy restrictions, duplicates, and mismatched data between your contacts and Facebook profiles. Updating your apps, re-enabling permissions, merging info, and manually connecting contacts can help resolve many sync problems. Following best practices like eliminating duplicates, using primary numbers, and monitoring app permissions will prevent issues in the future. With the right troubleshooting and preventative steps, you can get your contacts syncing seamlessly between your phone and Facebook.