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Why won’t my apps open on my Kindle Fire?

Why won’t my apps open on my Kindle Fire?

If you are having issues opening apps on your Kindle Fire, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can try to get your apps working again. In this article, we will go over some of the most common reasons why apps may not be opening and how to fix them.

Apps Won’t Open or Load

One of the most common issues Kindle Fire users face is apps not loading or opening at all when tapped. There are a few potential causes for this:

  • Outdated app – Apps may fail to load if they are outdated and need to be updated. Open the Amazon Appstore on your Kindle Fire and check for any available app updates.
  • Corrupt cache – Over time, corrupted data in the app cache can prevent apps from launching properly. Clearing the cache may help resolve the issue.
  • Full storage – If your Kindle Fire is low on storage space, apps may struggle to load. Check your available storage and delete unused apps, photos, or media to free up space.
  • Software issue – A bug or glitch in the Kindle Fire software can sometimes interfere with apps loading correctly. Restart your device and install any available software updates.

If updating, clearing the cache, and freeing up space does not work, a software issue may be the cause. You can contact Amazon customer support for further troubleshooting.

App Crashes Shortly After Opening

Another common problem is when an app seems to open but then crashes or freezes shortly after launching. Some potential reasons for this include:

  • App needs update – Like the previous issue, an outdated app version can cause stability issues leading to crashes.
  • Too much running in background – If too many apps are left running in the background it can drain resources needed to run the foreground app.
  • Corrupted data – Corrupt app data or cache can make apps unstable and prone to crashing.
  • Incompatible app – Very rarely an app may not be fully compatible with the Kindle Fire version you have.

Troubleshooting steps include checking for app updates, closing background apps, wiping the app cache/data, reinstalling the app, and checking the app’s compatibility info. If issues persist, get in touch with the developer for support.

App Opens but Screens are Black/Frozen

In some cases, an app will launch successfully but then will only display black, white or frozen screens when attempting to use it. What might be going on when this happens?

  • Display settings – If your Kindle Fire display settings were changed, it could cause visual issues in apps.
  • Outdated app – Like the previous issues, an outdated app can exhibit problems rendering content.
  • Resource intensive app – Complex apps may have issues on older Kindle Fire models with less memory and processing power.
  • Buggy app code – Bugs in the way an app is programmed can also manifest as visual or rendering glitches.

You can try adjusting display settings, updating the app, closing background apps, reinstalling the app, or contacting the developer for assistance. Switching to a simpler app may also help if dealing with a resource intensive app.

App Closes or Doesn’t Respond

Apps suddenly closing or becoming completely unresponsive are another annoyance Kindle Fire owners may experience. Some things to check in this situation include:

  • Outdated OS – An outdated operating system can cause stability issues with apps.
  • Too many apps open – Having too many apps running can drain resources and cause them to freeze.
  • Poor network connection – Apps may become unresponsive if they lose network connectivity.
  • Needs reinstall – Corrupt installation or outdated app version may require reinstalling.
  • Device needs restart – Rebooting your Kindle Fire can clear any memory issues leading to app freezes.

Updating your operating system, limiting background apps, checking network status, reinstalling or updating the app, and restarting your device are good troubleshooting techniques for unresponsive apps.

App Opens Then Immediately Closes

When an app only flashes open for a second before closing, it’s usually caused by the app crashing on load. Here are some potential fixes:

  • Update app – An outdated version prone to crashing upon opening is a common culprit.
  • Reinstall app – A corrupted install making the app unstable may require reinstalling.
  • Restart device – Rebooting can clear any app issues stemming from memory errors.
  • Free up space – Lack of storage space can cause apps to crash when launching.
  • Uninstall problematic app – Severely glitchy apps may need to be removed and reinstalled fresh.

Be sure to also check for any available software updates for your Kindle Fire, as addressing OS bugs can improve app stability. Contact the developer if reinstalling or updating does not help.

Certain Apps Won’t Open

In some cases, you may find only select apps will not open while other apps work fine. Issues isolated to certain apps can have a few causes:

  • App requires update – Outdated app versions may fail to load when tapping.
  • Corrupt app data – Clearing cache/data can fix apps with corrupt files.
  • Incompatible app – The app may not be designed for your Kindle Fire model.
  • Region locking – Some apps are restricted by region and won’t load if you’re traveling.

Be sure to check individual app pages in the Amazon Appstore for available updates, compatibility info, and download region info. If issues persist, contacting the app developer directly for support is recommended.

Apps Won’t Download from the Amazon Appstore

If you are having trouble downloading new apps from the Amazon Appstore, check the following:

  • Network connection – Make sure you have an active WiFi or mobile data connection.
  • Appstore app needs update – An outdated Appstore app can interfere with downloads.
  • Login issues – Double check your Amazon login credentials if downloads fail at the purchase stage.
  • Free up space – Lack of storage room can prevent app downloads from starting.
  • Amazon account problems – Payment or security issues with your Amazon account can block purchases.

Also try force closing and reopening the Amazon Appstore app, restarting your device, and clearing cached data from the Appstore app. Contact Amazon customer support if downloads still won’t start properly.

Apps Keep Disappearing from Kindle Fire

There are a few reasons why apps may seem to randomly disappear from your Kindle Fire:

  • App data corrupted – Corrupt data can cause apps to mysteriously vanish. Reinstalling will add them back.
  • Accidental deletion – Apps may have been deleted without realizing, such as by your child.
  • Storage full – When storage fills up, Fire OS may automatically uninstall apps you haven’t used recently.
  • DRM expired – Apps downloaded via subscription or with DRM may get removed once licensing expires.

To get disappearing apps back, try reinstalling them from the Appstore “Cloud” tab. Check your available storage and delete unused apps or media. Also review your Amazon app order history for clues on recently expired app subscriptions.

System Apps Like Email or Calendar Won’t Open

If pre-installed system apps are not working, it typically points to an OS issue:

  • OS needs update – Outdated system software can cause built-in apps to glitch.
  • Corrupt OS – A damaged operating system may need to be reinstalled or reset.
  • Incompatible device – Some older Kindles may not fully support newer system apps.
  • Crashed OS process – Isolate system app crashes may require restarting your device.

Be sure system apps are updated in the Amazon Appstore and confirm your Kindle Fire OS is also up-to-date. If issues remain, a factory reset or reinstalling the OS through Amazon support may be necessary.

Browser and Other Apps Won’t Connect to the Internet

There are a few possible causes for apps losing the ability to access the internet:

  • No network connectivity – Check that WiFi or mobile data connections are active.
  • Outdated app – Apps may fail to connect if needing an update.
  • Restrictive network – Public or private networks may block access to certain sites/services.
  • caching issues – Clearing app cache and data can resolve connectivity problems.
  • Needs restart – Rebooting your Kindle Fire can reset any network issues.

Also try force stopping affected apps and toggling airplane mode on and off to refresh network connections. If the issues extends to all apps, your Kindle may have a system-wide network problem requiring troubleshooting.

Charging Problems Causing Apps Not to Open

While not always an obvious cause, having charging or battery issues can impact apps in several ways:

  • Drained battery – Apps may fail to open or crash if battery life is very low.
  • Faulty charger – An unreliable charger may cause erratic charging and app issues.
  • Charging port – A damaged charging port can prevent proper charging and app functionality.
  • Outdated OS – Older Kindle OS versions may not manage battery/charging optimally.

Try using a different charging cable or adapter that you know works well with other devices. Examine the charging port for any debris or damage preventing charging. Update your Kindle Fire OS and apps since older versions may not efficiently manage battery. Apps should become more stable once your battery is able to charge consistently.

Apps Damaged or Corrupted

App files can sometimes become damaged or corrupted leading to problems opening them. Some signs of corrupted apps:

  • Apps crashing frequently
  • Problems updating or reinstalling the app
  • Error messages mentioning app corruption
  • App disappearing from Kindle Fire

To troubleshoot damaged app files try:

  • Deleting and reinstalling the app
  • Clearing app cache and data
  • Downloading the app on a different device
  • Contacting the developer if corruption persists

A factory reset may be necessary if multiple apps seem to be corrupted. Before resetting, be sure to backup your apps and data.

Memory and Storage Issues

Insufficient memory and storage is a common source of app problems for Kindle Fire tablets:

  • Low internal storage – Almost full storage prevents apps from downloading and updating.
  • Too many apps – Trying to run more apps than memory allows causes instability.
  • caching issues – Too much cached app data takes up storage needed for apps to function.
  • Media files – Large amounts of photos, videos, and music fills up available app space.

Try uninstalling apps you no longer use, offloading photos and videos to cloud storage, moving media to an SD card if available, and clearing app cache/data to free up internal memory. Upgrading to a Kindle Fire model with more storage may be necessary if you regularly use resource intensive apps.

Preventing App Issues

While app issues cannot always be avoided, there are ways to help prevent them in the future:

  • Close unused apps – Don’t leave apps running in the background needlessly.
  • Update apps/OS regularly – Keeping apps and system software current avoids bugs.
  • Only download from trusted sources – Apps from unknown sources are more likely to be glitchy.
  • Use antivirus apps – Scan for any potential malware interfering with apps.
  • Reboot periodically – Regularly restarting your Kindle Fire clears app issues.

Keeping your Kindle Fire in good condition, avoiding excessive heat/cold exposure, and not dropping or damaging your device can also prevent app problems from developing.

When to Do a Factory Reset

If troubleshooting steps for app issues do not work, a factory reset may be necessary. Consider resetting your Kindle Fire if:

  • Multiple apps are affected
  • Apps crash immediately on launch
  • Reinstalling apps does not work
  • Device runs very slow or freezes frequently
  • System/pre-installed apps do not open
  • You cannot download new apps

Factory resetting will wipe your Kindle Fire back to default settings clearing any OS corruption and app issues. You’ll have to reinstall apps and restore data from a backup.


Apps failing to open is one of the most common user issues for Kindle Fire tablets. While frustrating, the problem can usually be resolved through a mix of app updates, reinstalls, cache/data wiping, OS updates, memory management and other troubleshooting techniques. For serious or widespread app problems, a factory reset may get your Kindle Fire back into proper working condition. Be sure to backup your Kindle data beforehand. With some targeted troubleshooting steps, you should be able to get your favorite apps launching again in no time.