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Why won’t Facebook videos play on my Iphone?

Why won’t Facebook videos play on my Iphone?

Having issues watching Facebook videos on your iPhone? You’re not alone. Many iPhone users report problems playing Facebook videos, ranging from videos not loading at all to playback issues like stuttering and buffering.

The good news is there are several troubleshooting steps you can try to get Facebook videos working properly on your iPhone again. In this article, we’ll go over the most common reasons why Facebook videos won’t play on iPhones and how to fix them.

Software Bugs

One of the most common culprits of Facebook video playback issues is software bugs on either the Facebook app or iOS. Facebook regularly releases app updates to fix bugs, while Apple does the same for iOS updates.

So the first step is to make sure you’re running the latest versions of the Facebook app and iOS. Go to the App Store on your iPhone and check for any available updates for the Facebook app. Then go to Settings > General > Software Update and install the latest iOS update if one is available.

Updating to the newest software versions can often resolve Facebook video bugs. If updates don’t help, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Facebook app next.

Outdated App

Along the same lines, using an outdated version of the Facebook app could also cause video playback problems. Even if you don’t have any app updates available, it’s possible your Facebook app version is too old and no longer supported.

Check which version of the Facebook app you have installed. The easiest way is to go to the App Store, search for Facebook, and see the current version. If your installed Facebook app is at least a few versions behind, updating to the newest version may fix the issues.

You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling the Facebook app from scratch to rule out any corruption issues.

Connection Problems

Often, Facebook video problems on iPhones are due to some kind of network connection issue. Here are some common connection-related causes and fixes:

Slow Internet

Facebook videos require a fairly fast and stable internet connection to stream properly. Using Facebook over a slow connection often results in slow buffering, playback failures, and videos not loading.

Try watching a Facebook video when connected to a different Wi-Fi network or cellular data. If videos load fine, then the problem is with your regular network connection. Contact your internet service provider if the issues persist.

Wi-Fi Problems

Similarly, any problems with your Wi-Fi network can disrupt Facebook video playback on your iPhone. Weak signal, interference from other devices, or configuration issues can cause glitchy video performance.

Try moving closer to your Wi-Fi router or access point to improve the signal strength. Make sure your router firmware is updated and restart the router. Toggle Wi-Fi off and on or forget and rejoin the Wi-Fi network on your iPhone.

Cellular Data Problems

Using Facebook over cellular data like 3G/4G/5G can also lead to video issues due to spotty coverage or network congestion. Again, try accessing Facebook from different locations to see if videos load properly over cellular data elsewhere.

Check for carrier outages in your area. Enable LTE if available for faster data speeds. Disable and re-enable cellular data on your iPhone to reset the connection.

VPN Interference

If you access Facebook through a VPN (virtual private network) on your iPhone, the VPN encryption and rerouting can sometimes disrupt video performance. Try turning off the VPN and watching Facebook videos normally over your regular internet connection.

If that fixes it, check for VPN app updates that may resolve compatibility problems. You can also try different VPN protocols like IKEv2 or OpenVPN that have less impact on video streaming.

Facebook Video Format

Certain formats of Facebook videos may not play properly on your iPhone. Most commonly, iPhone users report issues with Facebook Live replays.

Live videos on Facebook use the MPEG-DASH format, which has limited browser support. Safari on iOS cannot play MPEG-DASH videos natively. The Facebook app may be able to play Live replays, but suffers from frequent bugs and glitches.

Unfortunately, there is no direct fix for this other than requesting and waiting for Facebook to transcode the videos into a more compatible format. You can report problematic videos to Facebook as bug reports.

Restricted Video Settings

Facebook offers options to restrict videos from autoplaying as you scroll through the app. If you have these video settings enabled, it can prevent videos from loading on your iPhone:

  • Restrict Videos to Save Data – Stops autoplay to minimize mobile data usage
  • Restrict Videos on Cellular – Stops autoplay on cellular connections
  • Videos in Feeds Start Silent – Prevents autoplay with sound when scrolling

To fix the issue, check your Facebook video settings and disable any options that restrict video playback. You can find the settings under More > Settings & Privacy > Videos on iOS.

Heavy Data Usage

Streaming lots of Facebook videos can consume significant amounts of data, which may cause your iPhone to intentionally limit video playback. iOS has an “ITP” feature that throttles network requests from apps that use large amounts of data in the background.

Check your iPhone storage and delete any cached Facebook data under Settings > General > iPhone Storage. Make sure you’re on an unlimited data plan or switch to Wi-Fi to avoid data throttling.

Corrupt App Data

In some cases, corrupted data and cached files for the Facebook app may affect video playback. Deleting and reinstalling the app usually fixes these kinds of issues.

Before reinstalling, you can try clearing the Facebook app’s cache and data. On iOS, go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage, select Facebook, then tap Offload App or Delete App.

Also reset all network settings under Settings > General > Reset. Make sure to log back into Facebook after resetting app data and network settings.

iPhone Storage Full

If your iPhone is low on storage space, Facebook videos may fail to buffer and load properly. Streaming and caching videos requires free storage space on your device.

Check Settings > General > iPhone Storage to see if your phone is low on space. Delete unused apps, photos, and other files to free up storage. Offloading unused Facebook data can also help.

Outdated iPhone Software

Using an outdated version of iOS can also lead to Facebook video playback problems. New iOS versions frequently include bug fixes, performance improvements, and compatibility updates.

Install the latest iOS software update on your iPhone. Go to Settings > General > Software Update and tap Download and Install if an update is available.

Updating to the latest iOS version will ensure maximum compatibility with Facebook and other apps.

iPhone Model Too Old

If your iPhone is quite old, it may no longer support playing Facebook videos properly. Very old iPhone models have slower processors, less RAM, and lack codecs needed for modern video formats.

Try watching a Facebook video on a newer iPhone model, like an iPhone 8 or later. If videos load fine on the newer device, then your iPhone hardware is likely just too outdated.

Upgrading to a newer iPhone will provide the necessary performance and compatibility for smooth Facebook video playback.

Facebook App Permissions

The Facebook app requires certain permissions on your iPhone to function properly. If you have disabled access to things like your camera, photos, microphone, or location, it can cause issues.

Go to Settings > Privacy > Facebook and make sure all required permissions are enabled. Toggle permissions off and back on to reset them. You may need to reinstall Facebook as well.

App Conflicts

Using certain third-party apps can sometimes interfere with Facebook’s functionality. For example, privacy apps that block trackers and ads may break Facebook video playback.

Try disabling or removing any suspect apps and see if Facebook videos start working normally. Check for compatibility or updates for apps that cause conflicts.

iPhone Hardware Defects

In rare cases, underlying hardware problems with your iPhone could be the culprit behind Facebook video issues. Faulty network adapters, glitchy graphics chips, and damaged speakers/headphone jacks can cause playback problems.

If you’ve tried all other troubleshooting tips with no success, your iPhone may have a hardware defect. Contact Apple Support to diagnose the issue, or visit an Apple Store for in-person tech support.

Facebook Server Issues

Large-scale outages and disruptions with Facebook’s servers can obviously prevent videos from loading across all devices and platforms. Check the Facebook Business Status Page and DownDetector to check if Facebook is experiencing widespread technical issues.

Unfortunately all you can do is wait for Facebook’s engineers to resolve any server outages and API disruptions. Bookmark those sites to monitor any ongoing Facebook problems.


Troubleshooting Facebook video playback problems on iPhones can be a process of elimination across software bugs, network issues, hardware faults, and Facebook outages. We hope this overview gave you some helpful tips to diagnose and fix any Facebook video loading issues on your iPhone.

Be sure to keep the Facebook and iOS apps updated, check for network disruptions, and confirm Facebook is not having general technical issues. With some patience and testing, you should be able to get Facebook videos playing again on your iPhone.

Let us know in the comments if you’re still having problems or if any of these tips did the trick! We’ll try to help get your Facebook videos up and running again on your iPhone.