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Why won’t Facebook let me tag someone in a post?

Why won’t Facebook let me tag someone in a post?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to tag someone on Facebook:

Their privacy settings don’t allow tagging

The most likely reason is that the person you’re trying to tag has their privacy settings configured to not allow other people to tag them. On Facebook, you can control who is able to tag you in posts under the “Timeline and Tagging” settings.

If someone has their settings set to “Friends” or “Only Me,” then you won’t be able to tag them unless you are friends with them on Facebook. And if their settings are “Only Me,” then no one except that person will be able to tag themselves.

They’ve blocked you

If someone has blocked you on Facebook, you will not be able to tag them in posts or interact with them on Facebook in any way. When you are blocked by someone, you won’t get any notification about it, but you simply won’t have the option to tag or contact them on Facebook.

Your account or post is restricted

In some cases, Facebook may restrict your account from being able to tag other people or may restrict the visibility of a specific post. This could happen if you have violated Facebook’s terms of service in the past or if the post content goes against Facebook’s community standards.

If your account is generally in good standing but Facebook has limited the visibility or tagging abilities on a specific post, you’ll see an alert explaining why when you try to tag someone.

It’s a Page rather than a personal profile

You cannot tag Facebook Pages in posts – you can only tag other personal profiles. So if the account you are trying to tag is a business, organization, product, or other non-personal Facebook Page, that is why the tagging option is not available.

Their name has special characters

Facebook’s tagging system does not allow special characters like dots, apostrophes, or hyphens as part of a tagged name. So if the Facebook name you are trying to tag contains any non-alphanumeric characters, the tag may fail.

For example, you won’t be able to tag an account with the name Chloë or McDonald’s – the tagging system will see the e-umlaut and apostrophe as invalid characters. The person would need to modify their name to use only regular letters and numbers in order for tags to work.

It’s a fake or invalid account

In some cases, you may be trying to tag a profile that does not actually exist or no longer exists. For example, if you are trying to tag your friend “Sara”, but misspell it as “Sarah”, it will fail because that name does not exist.

Or if you are trying to tag an account that was deleted or disabled by Facebook, the tag will not work. Make sure you have the exact name and spelling of the account you are trying to tag.

You’ve reached the tag limit

Facebook limits the number of people you can tag in a single post to 100 profiles and Pages. So if you are trying to tag person #101, you’ll get an error that you have reached the maximum tag limit.

The limit is in place to protect against spamming and prevent posts tagging an excessive number of people for no reason. If you need to mention more than 100 people, you’ll have to split it into multiple posts.

How to Fix Facebook Tagging Issues

If Facebook isn’t letting you tag someone, here are some steps you can take to resolve it:

  • Double check the spelling of their name is exactly as it appears on their Facebook profile
  • Make sure their account actually exists and is active – type their name in the Facebook search bar to verify
  • Check that their privacy settings allow tagging from people like yourself
  • See if that person has blocked you on Facebook
  • Review Facebook’s limits on tagging in posts and ensure you aren’t exceeding 100 tags
  • Try tagging their profile from a different post, in case the restrictions are post-specific
  • Make sure your account and posting abilities aren’t limited in any way by Facebook

If it appears all the settings are correct, you may need to have the person you’re trying to tag adjust their privacy settings. Send them a message off of Facebook explaining the issue and asking them to allow public tagging from their profile.

Why Does Facebook Limit Tagging?

Facebook puts limits on profile tagging in order to:

  • Give users control over their privacy and online experience
  • Prevent harassment, bullying, and spamming through unwanted tags
  • Limit distractions and noise in the Facebook experience
  • Encourage meaningful interactions between real friends rather than mass tagging

While the limits may be frustrating, they are in place to maintain a positive community and experience on Facebook overall.

Benefits of Proper Tagging

When done appropriately, tagging users on Facebook has several benefits:

  • Involves friends and family in your content and life updates
  • Helps tagged people see posts they may be interested in
  • Can help expand the reach of your posts through friends of friends
  • Creates memories and social interactions around shared experiences
  • Allows people to monitor and control how their name appears on Facebook
  • Enables users to untag themselves from posts if desired

Tagging Etiquette

To use Facebook’s tagging features respectfully, keep these etiquette tips in mind:

  • Only tag people who are directly relevant to the post
  • Avoid tagging strangers or vague acquaintances
  • Ask permission before tagging someone in a potentially sensitive post
  • Respect when someone asks you not to tag them in certain contexts
  • Untag people promptly if they request you to do so
  • Write posts with the assumption that any tagged person can see it


Facebook limits tagging in posts to give users control over their presence on the platform while discouraging spammy behavior. If your tags aren’t working, carefully check the possible reasons why and take troubleshooting steps like adjusting privacy settings, account names, and post content. With proper etiquette, tagging can help improve your engagement and interactions on Facebook.