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Why won’t Facebook let me reset my password?

Why won’t Facebook let me reset my password?

Having trouble resetting your Facebook password? You’re not alone. Many users run into issues when trying to reset their Facebook password, either because they’ve forgotten the password or because Facebook’s automated systems won’t allow them to reset it. Here are some common reasons why Facebook may not be letting you reset your password and what you can do about it.

You’re entering the wrong email or phone number

When you try to reset your Facebook password, the first thing you need to do is enter the email address or phone number associated with your account. If you enter an incorrect email/phone number, Facebook will not be able to send you a password reset link.

To fix this:

  • Double check that you’re entering the correct email or phone number associated with your Facebook account. This is the email/number you used when signing up for Facebook.
  • If you have multiple emails associated with your Facebook account, try resetting with each one until you find the right email.
  • If you no longer have access to the email on your Facebook account, you will need to go through Facebook’s account recovery process.

You’re not receiving the reset email from Facebook

After entering your email/phone number to reset your password, Facebook sends out an email or text message with a link to reset your password. If you’re not receiving this email/text, it’s likely getting lost or blocked before reaching your inbox.

Some things to try:

  • Check your spam or junk folder. The email from Facebook may have been marked as spam.
  • Temporarily disable any filters, rules, or spam settings blocking emails from unknown senders.
  • Use an alternate email address or phone number if possible.
  • Wait a few minutes and try requesting the reset email again.
  • Check that you entered the email correctly and that your account is actually associated with that email.

You’ve reached Facebook’s daily reset limit

For security reasons, Facebook limits the number of password reset emails you can request in a 24 hour period. If you’ve requested too many resets in a short time span, Facebook will stop sending reset emails temporarily.

In this case, just wait a full day before attempting to reset your password again. The daily limit should reset after 24 hours and you’ll be able to request a new reset email.

Your account is temporarily locked

If someone has attempted to access your account unsuccessfully too many times, Facebook will temporarily lock your account for security reasons. You won’t be able to reset your password until the lock is removed.

To fix this:

  • You’ll need to go through Facebook’s account unlock process and confirm your identity.
  • Once your account is unlocked, you’ll be able to reset your password.
  • Be sure to use a strong, unique password that nobody else could guess.

You’ve been blocked from resetting your password

In some cases, Facebook may completely block you from resetting your password. This can happen if Facebook detects suspicious activity and believes your account may have been compromised.

To fix this:

  • You’ll need to submit an appeal to Facebook through the Help Center.
  • Explain that you are the legitimate owner of the account and need to regain access.
  • Provide as much verifying info as possible – old password, locations you’ve logged in from, etc.
  • Facebook will review your appeal and unlock your ability to reset the password if they can confirm you are the valid account owner.

Your Facebook account is disabled

If your Facebook account has been completely disabled due to inactivity or violations of Facebook’s terms, you will not be able to reset the password. Disabled accounts cannot be accessed at all.

To fix a disabled account:

  • Submit an appeal to Facebook through the Help Center.
  • Provide details on why you believe your account was wrongly disabled.
  • If Facebook agrees your account should not have been disabled, they will restore access.

You’ve been hacked

In worst case scenarios, you may be completely locked out of your account because someone has already hacked in and changed your password. They may have also changed the email on file to prevent you from resetting the password.

If this happens:

  • Use Facebook’s account recovery process to try regaining access.
  • Prove your identity and show you are the valid account owner.
  • Facebook should be able to detect suspicious activity and restore your access.
  • Be sure to enable two-factor authentication as an added security measure.

You’re trying to reset your Page password, not personal account

When trying to reset your password, make sure you are trying to reset your personal Facebook account password. If you’re actually trying to reset the password for a Facebook Page you manage, the reset process is different.

To reset a Facebook Page password:

  • Go to the Page’s about section and find the option to edit Page roles.
  • Remove any roles that may have been granted to hackers/unauthorized editors.
  • Assign yourself a new admin or editor role with a new password.

Facebook is having technical issues

In rare cases, a widespread technical issue at Facebook may prevent password resets from working properly. If a major outage is occurring, you may need to wait until Facebook resolves the problem on their end before a reset will work.

Check Facebook’s Platform Status page to see if any known issues with password reset are occurring. You can also follow Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page for updates during major outages.

You’re entering the wrong password when trying to reset

When going through the password reset flow, Facebook will sometimes ask you to enter your current/old password before allowing you to reset to a new one. If you enter the wrong password here, Facebook will think you are not the account owner and prevent the reset.

If you truly don’t remember your current Facebook password, select the “Forgot your password?” option after entering an incorrect password. This will allow you to fully reset your password via email.

You have two-factor authentication enabled

If you have two-factor authentication set up on your Facebook account, resetting your password requires an extra step of entering your special login code or OTP (one-time password).

To successfully reset with two-factor auth enabled:

  • Request a password reset email from Facebook.
  • Click the reset link in the email.
  • Enter your login code or OTP when prompted.
  • You’ll then be able to reset your password.


Trouble resetting your Facebook password? With the right troubleshooting, you should be able to successfully change your password and regain access to your account. Be sure to enter the correct email/phone number, check your email spam folder, remove any blocks on resetting, confirm your account hasn’t been disabled or hacked, and ensure you’re resetting your personal account password. Enabling two-factor authentication and using strong unique passwords can also keep your account secure going forward.