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Why won’t Facebook let me remove an email address?

Why won’t Facebook let me remove an email address?

Facebook requires users to provide a valid email address when signing up for an account. This email address acts as the primary identifier for your account and is used to log in, reset your password, receive notifications and communicate with Facebook.

Once an email address is added to your Facebook account, it cannot be completely removed. The best you can do is disassociate or “unlink” it from your profile. However, it will remain on file with Facebook permanently.

There are several reasons why Facebook does not allow email addresses to be deleted entirely:

User Identification

Your email address is the main way Facebook identifies you as a unique user. It allows you to reset your password, helps prevent account theft, and enables Facebook to send you important account notifications. Removing it completely would compromise Facebook’s ability to verify your identity.

Data Collection

Facebook uses your email address along with other personal info to build a digital profile of you for ad targeting and analytics. This allows them to learn about users’ interests, habits and demographics. Deleting email addresses would interrupt their data collection.


Facebook needs to have an email address on file to communicate with you. They may send notifications about new features, security alerts, policy updates, subscription renewals, friend requests and other account activities. Removing it would prevent necessary communications.

Legal Obligations

Facebook has a legal duty to retain certain records about users for a period of time. Keeping your email address on file allows them to comply with data retention laws and regulations.

Account Recovery

If you ever lose access to your account, your email address allows Facebook to verify your identity and restore your profile. Deleting it permanently would make it impossible to recover lost or hacked accounts.

Data From Third-Parties

Even if you deleted your email address from your Facebook profile, they may still have it on record through other channels like advertiser partners, public directories or data brokers. It’s impractical for them to scrub it from all secondary sources.

User Agreements

Facebook’s terms of service and data policy require them to keep your email address. These binding legal contracts prevent the company from allowing users to permanently erase email addresses tied to their accounts.

Technical Limitations

Facebook’s systems are set up to use email addresses as unique identifiers that are permanently linked to user profiles. Engineering a way to completely remove them would require an impractical overhaul of their technical infrastructure.

Risk of Abuse

Allowing users to freely delete their email address would enable abusive behavior like harassing others anonymously, creating inauthentic accounts, spreading misinformation and evading bans.

Alternatives to Removing an Email Address

Since removing an email from Facebook permanently is not possible, here are a few alternative options:

Unlink the Email Address

You can dissociate your email address from your Facebook profile so it’s no longer visible or associated with your account. However, it will still remain on file with Facebook indefinitely.

Deactivate Your Account

Deactivating your Facebook profile removes it from the site and makes your info inaccessible to others. However, all data including your email remains stored by Facebook if you ever reactivate.

Delete and Recreate Your Account

You can delete your account which will scrub your info after 30 days. Make a new profile with a different email. But your old email will still exist in Facebook’s systems.

Use a Alias Email Address

Sign up with an alias or temporary email address like or However, Facebook may require ID verification to use an alias email.

Limit Email Notifications

Adjust your Facebook notification settings to minimize emails. But critical notices will still be sent to your address on file.

Can Facebook Use my Email Address Without Permission?

When you sign up for Facebook, their terms of service and data policy give them certain rights to use your email address. Some key points:

  • They can keep your email address on file indefinitely due to legal, operational and technical constraints.
  • They may use it for account identification, communications, ad targeting, analytics and more.
  • They can share it with third-party partners, subsidiaries and affiliates unless you opt-out of data sharing.
  • There are limited options to stop Facebook from utilizing your email address for business purposes.
  • Deleting your account will not erase it from their systems immediately or permanently.

So in essence, by agreeing to Facebook’s policies when you create an account, you are granting them expansive rights to collect, retain and use your email address even if you later try to remove it.

Should Facebook Allow Email Address Removal?

There are reasonable arguments on both sides of this issue:

Arguments For Allowing Email Removal

  • It would give users more control over their personal data.
  • May encourage people to sign up who worry about permanent retention of info.
  • Aligns with “right to be forgotten” privacy principles.
  • Reduces risk of users getting unwanted messages if they don’t use Facebook anymore.
  • Forces Facebook to innovate more privacy-centric account recovery options.

Arguments Against Allowing Email Removal

  • Compromises Facebook’s ability to reliably identify and communicate with users.
  • Introduces abuse risks like ban evasion, fake accounts and harassment.
  • Makes it nearly impossible to recover lost accounts.
  • Deletes vital information Facebook utilizes for legal, security and operational purposes.
  • Opens the door for other non-essential data deletion requests.

Overall, most technology companies lean towards retaining data like email addresses permanently due to the many challenges temporary or removable data creates behind the scenes. However, in Facebook’s case, providing a clearer explanation of why permanent email retention is necessary could help improve transparency around their practices.

Tips for Managing Your Facebook Email Address

While you cannot fully delete an email address from Facebook, here are some tips to better control how it’s used:

Use an Alias Email

Sign up with a disposable or alias email to avoid linking your primary email. Services like AnonAddy and 33mail generate fake inboxes that forward messages to your real one.

Unlink the Email Address

Dissociate your email address from public view on your profile. Go to Settings > Account > Contact Info on the Facebook app or website.

Limit Email Notifications

Reduce unnecessary emails by adjusting notification settings under Settings > Notifications > Email on desktop.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Add an extra security layer to prevent unauthorized logins even if your email is compromised. Use login approvals.

Use a Unique Password

Avoid password reuse so if your Facebook credential is breached, other accounts are protected.

Remove Facebook App Permissions

Revoke app permissions to stop them from accessing your info including email address. Go to Settings > Apps.

Download Your Facebook Data

Download a copy of your Facebook data to see what email addresses they have stored for your account.

Adjust Ads Settings

Opt-out of targeted advertising to restrict Facebook from using your email address to serve personalized ads.

Monitor Login Activity

Check Recent Logins frequently to ensure unauthorized access attempts from new locations or devices.

The Bottom Line

Facebook does not allow users to permanently delete email addresses due to technical constraints and risks. The best options are using an alias email, minimizing notifications and unlinking it from your profile. While inconvenient, Facebook’s permanent retention of email addresses may help enhance account security and recovery options for its billions of users.