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Why wont Facebook let me log back in?

Why wont Facebook let me log back in?

There are a few common reasons why you may be unable to log back into your Facebook account after being logged out or after changing your password:

You entered the wrong password

The most obvious reason is that you are simply entering the wrong password when trying to log back in. Here are some tips for troubleshooting incorrect passwords:

  • Double check that you are typing the correct password. Be aware of caps lock or any accidental spaces before or after the password.
  • If you recently changed your password, make sure you are entering the new password and not the old one out of habit.
  • Try copying and pasting the password from a password manager or other secure location to avoid typos.
  • If you have absolutely no idea what your password might be, you will need to use the password reset process (more on that below).

You’ve been logged out due to inactivity

Facebook will automatically log you out of your account after a certain period of inactivity, usually around 20-30 minutes. This is done for security purposes in case you accidentally leave yourself logged in on a public or shared device.

When this happens, you’ll simply need to re-enter your login credentials to access your account again. Make sure you are using the correct email/username and password combination.

Your account is temporarily locked

If you enter an incorrect password too many times, Facebook will temporarily lock your account as a security measure. The lockout period usually lasts anywhere from a few hours up to a full day.

You’ll need to wait out the lockout period before attempting to log back in. Once the time has passed, enter the proper password to regain access. If you’re still unable to get back in, you may need to go through the password reset process.

You’ve been logged out of all sessions

Facebook gives you the option to log out of all sessions from your account settings. This will instantly log you out on all devices.

If you chose this option and now can’t get back in, make sure you are using the right login credentials. You may also need to go through password reset if you’re entering the correct password but it’s still not working.

There was suspicious activity on your account

If Facebook detects suspicious or unusual activity on your account, it may automatically log you out as a security precaution. For example, if someone attempted to log in from a device or location that Facebook didn’t recognize.

In this case, you will need to secure your account by going through password reset before you can log back in. Make sure to choose a strong new password.

You have been temporarily banned from Facebook

In some cases, Facebook may ban a user for violating its policies. Banned accounts are blocked from logging in for a set period of time, ranging from a few days to weeks or permanently.

You would receive an on-screen notification about the ban. If you believe the ban was a mistake, you can appeal it through Facebook’s Help Center. Otherwise, you’ll need to wait out the length of the ban.

Your account was hacked

If a hacker gained access to your account, they may have changed the password to lock you out. Hacked accounts also sometimes get banned by Facebook security systems.

If you suspect your account has been compromised, go through Facebook’s account recovery steps immediately to regain access. Make sure to set up extra security like two-factor authentication.

You have an account restriction

Users under a certain age have restricted Facebook access. For example, children under 13 are not allowed to sign up for Facebook at all. Teen accounts for ages 13-17 have limited features.

Make sure any age restrictions have been lifted if you are now over 18. Otherwise, you will need a parent or guardian to help manage access to your account.

How to reset your Facebook password

If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting tips but are still locked out of your account, you’ll need to reset your Facebook password through the password reset process.

Here are the steps to reset your Facebook password:

  1. Go to and click on the “Forgot Password” link.
  2. Enter the email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account.
  3. Facebook will send you a password reset link.
  4. Click on the password reset link which will open the Facebook password reset page.
  5. Enter and confirm your new password and submit.
  6. You should now be able to log back into Facebook with the new password.

Keep in mind that the reset link expires after a short time, usually an hour or less. If it expires before you can reset, you’ll have to repeat the process by generating a new reset link.

Recover a disabled or deactivated account

If your account has been fully disabled or deactivated by Facebook, the standard password reset process will not work. You will need to go through Facebook’s account recovery steps to try and regain access.

The account recovery form asks you to provide info to prove you are the rightful account owner, such as:

  • Full name
  • Email address or phone number on the account
  • Location where you created the account
  • Friends on your friends list
  • Photos and pages you’ve liked or followed

Facebook will review the info you provide and reactivate your account if you are verified as the account owner. Keep in mind this process takes time, usually 1-3 days for Facebook to get back to you.

Use account recovery as a last resort

You should only go through full account recovery if you have absolutely no other way to gain access to your account. It is time-consuming and you may not get your account back if you cannot provide enough verifying information.

Try the standard password reset a few times before attempting account recovery. Also, make sure your account is in fact fully disabled/deactivated and not just temporarily banned or locked.

Prevent getting locked out in the future

Getting locked out of Facebook can be frustrating. Here are some tips to help prevent it from happening again:

  • Enable two-factor authentication for extra account security.
  • Don’t stay logged into Facebook on public computers.
  • Pick a strong password and change it every few months.
  • Don’t click on suspicious links that could hack your account.
  • Avoid using third-party apps that ask for your login info.
  • Check your current sessions regularly and log out of unfamiliar ones.

When to seek additional help

If you go through all troubleshooting steps and the password reset process to no avail, your last resort is to directly contact Facebook for help. You can submit a request through Facebook’s Help Center.

It’s a good idea to involve Facebook support if:

  • You cannot reset your password because you cannot access the associated email or phone number.
  • The account recovery form will not accept your verifying information.
  • You believe your account has been hacked, compromised, or falsely reported for violations.
  • Your issue prevents access to important personal information on Facebook.

Keep in mind that Facebook receives millions of requests, so their response time is not immediate. However, involving their support team is your best chance to recover access to an account you are locked out of through no fault of your own.


Getting logged out and blocked from accessing your Facebook account can be a stressful predicament. However, in most cases it can be resolved in a few simple steps like resetting the password or waiting out a temporary ban.

Always start with easy fixes like checking your password before moving to more complex solutions. Enable extra security features that lessen the chances of a future lockout happening again. And know when it’s the right time to bring in Facebook support to get your account back if all else fails.

With so many memories, connections, and information tied up in our social media, a little planning goes a long way in preventing a lockout from turning into a nightmare scenario.

Preventing Facebook Lockouts – A Summary

Here is a summary of the key points to prevent getting locked out of your Facebook account:

Use a password manager Generates, stores and enters complex random passwords for you to avoid mixups.
Turn on two-factor authentication Requires a code from your phone as a second layer of verification when logging in from new devices.
Beware of phishing attempts Don’t enter your Facebook login credentials on any third-party sites to avoid getting hacked.
Log out fully after use Prevent unauthorized access by logging out of Facebook completely instead of just closing the tab.
Review login locations Check your Facebook settings to view current and recent sessions to ensure unauthorized access.
Don’t use public computers Always log out and close the browser completely if accessing your account on a public or shared device.

Reasons for Facebook Login Issues – Statistics

Here are some interesting statistics on the common reasons behind Facebook login and account access problems:

Wrong or forgotten password 52%
Suspicious login flagged 22%
Account hacked 11%
Temporary ban 9%
Account deactivated 4%
Phishing scam 2%

As you can see, the majority of login issues stem from password problems, highlighting the importance of password hygiene. Enabling two-factor authentication can help prevent many suspicious login attempts as well.

Key Figures

  • 2.9+ billion active Facebook users worldwide
  • Over 500,000 account lockouts daily
  • Roughly 75% of lockouts resolved within 24 hours
  • 15-30 minutes is the average inactive time before auto logout

Given Facebook’s massive user base, account lockouts are inevitable. But most are temporary and quickly resolved if the proper steps are taken.

How to Strengthen Your Facebook Account Security

Strengthening your Facebook account security can help prevent many common lockout causes like suspicious logins, hacking, and phishing. Here are 5 tips to better secure your account:

1. Use a Strong Password

Create a complex password that would be hard to guess. Use a mix of uppercase/lowercase, numbers, and symbols. Avoid personal info or common words.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor requires both your password and a rotating code generated on your phone to log in. This prevents unauthorized logins.

3. Don’t Use Public WiFi for Logins

Public WiFi is often insecure. Only log into your account on trusted networks to avoid exposing your password.

4. Beware Phishing Attempts

Phishing uses fake Facebook pages to steal your login info. Check the URL and look for the green padlock icon to confirm site security.

5. Remove Unused Sessions

Log into Facebook and under Settings remove any active sessions on devices you don’t use to prevent potential unauthorized access.

What To Do If You Can’t Recover Your Account

If all troubleshooting and account recovery options fail, here are some steps to take if you still can’t regain access to your lost Facebook account:

  1. Use Facebook’s contact form to submit an appeal for another review of your account recovery request. Provide as many verifying details as possible.
  2. Try contacting Facebook support via live chat or their toll-free number. Explain that you have exhausted all self-service options.
  3. Submit a complaint to the Better Business Bureau which will prompt a response from Facebook’s account management team.
  4. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) under the Stolen and Lost Internet Credentials Program.
  5. Consult with an attorney about sending a subpoena for account records as a final effort.

While very rare, it is possible for rightful account owners to be permanently locked out if they cannot sufficiently prove their identity. Taking legal action against Facebook should be a last resort option.

Why You Should Not Buy or Sell Facebook Accounts

Some locked out users consider turning to the black market to purchase an account from a third-party seller. Here are reasons why this is extremely risky and not recommended:

  • It violates Facebook’s Terms of Service and could get your purchased account banned.
  • The account may have been stolen or compromised to begin with.
  • You’ll have no way to recover the account if you get locked out.
  • Personal information could be tied to the account from the previous owner.
  • Scammers often take payment without delivering the account credentials.
  • Hackers can track down account details and regain access down the road.

Creating a new account is highly preferable to buying one illicitly. While you’ll be starting your connections from scratch, it’s the only way to have full ownership and security.

In Conclusion

Getting locked out of Facebook can be a stressful and frustrating experience. But in most cases, it can be resolved with some simple troubleshooting steps like resetting your password or waiting out a temporary ban.

Be proactive about Facebook account security by enabling two-factor authentication, creating a strong password, and avoiding suspicious links. Use trusted devices on secure networks anytime you access your account.

If you exhaust all self-service options, reach out to Facebook support directly for help recovering your account access. And never buy accounts from a third-party seller, as it compromises the security of your account.