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Why won’t Facebook let me create an account?

Why won’t Facebook let me create an account?

Trying to sign up for a Facebook account can be frustrating when you keep getting error messages during the registration process. There are several common reasons why Facebook may prevent you from creating a new account.

You’re using a fake name

Facebook requires users to provide their real names when creating an account. This is to help maintain authenticity on the platform. If Facebook detects you’re using a fake name or alias during registration, you’ll receive an error message stating your name appears fake or has invalid characters.

For example, names like “Superman123” or “Jane~Doe@” would get flagged as fake. Facebook’s system checks for name formats that don’t match typical conventions. So even if you’re just trying to protect your privacy by not using a legal name, Facebook will block the registration.

To fix this, you’ll need to provide your real first and last name as it appears on official identification documents or legal records. If you have a legitimate reason to use a different name, such as being transgender, you can submit proof to Facebook to get them to allow an alternate name.

You’re using a disposable email

Facebook also doesn’t allow people to sign up with temporary or disposable email addresses from sites like This is to cut down on fake accounts, trolls, and spammers on the platform.

When you enter an email from a known disposable provider during registration, you’ll get notified the email domain isn’t allowed. Some common disposable email domains blocked by Facebook include,, and

To successfully create an account, you’ll need to have access to a valid, permanent email address from a mainstream provider like Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, etc. This also allows Facebook to contact you if any issues come up with your account.

You’re using a VPN

Facebook restricts access to the platform from IP addresses associated with anonymous virtual private networks (VPNs). This is another measure aimed at reducing fake accounts and misuse.

When you try to register while connected to a known VPN server, you’ll encounter an error saying your IP address is not allowed. It blocks the sign-up process from proceeding.

To get around this, you’ll need to disconnect from the VPN before attempting to create your Facebook account. Using your own network’s true public IP address should allow the registration to go through.

You’re accessing from a restricted location

In some countries, Facebook is required by law to block access to their platform. This includes preventing new registrations from those locations. If you’re trying to sign up from a country facing political tensions with the US or currently under US sanctions, Facebook may deny your registration.

For example, people in Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Crimea frequently encounter restrictions when trying to access Facebook. The only workaround is to try registering while connected to a VPN or proxy service not yet blocked by Facebook.

Your account was previously disabled

If you had an old Facebook account that got disabled due to violations of their terms of service, any attempt to create a new account will get blocked. This applies even if you’re using new credentials and contact info.

Facebook’s system recognizes associated devices and networks, so it can correlate the new account to the old one. To have the block lifted, you would need to submit an appeal to Facebook to request restoring your original disabled account.

You’re under the minimum age

Facebook requires users to be at least 13 years old to create an account. If you indicate during registration you’re below the minimum age, your registration will fail.

To successfully sign up, you’ll need to either submit accurate information showing you’re over 13, or get permission from a parent or guardian if you’re younger. Lying about your age violates Facebook’s terms and could get your account disabled.

Your account looks suspicious

Facebook’s algorithms also check for suspicious patterns during registrations that may indicate a fake or malicious account. Things like signing up from a recently created IP address, using an email only registered once, and entering limited profile information can raise red flags.

If your registration triggers Facebook’s detection systems, you’ll need to provide additional verification to prove you’re a genuine user. This may involve submitting a photo ID, entering a confirmation code sent to your phone, or providing additional details about yourself.

You have an existing block or ban

If your mobile device, browser, or internet connection has been banned by Facebook in the past, any new account creation attempts will be blocked. For example, if you previously had an account disabled for spamming or harassment, Facebook may prohibit you from opening any new accounts.

The only way to get the block lifted in this case is to appeal to Facebook and demonstrate you should have access restored. Explain why you were banned before and what you’ve done to address the problematic behavior that got you blocked.

You’re using prohibited third-party software

Trying to use bots, scrapers, or other prohibited third-party tools to automatically create Facebook accounts will also lead to registration failures. Facebook blocks known account generator programs and scripts from accessing the sign-up process.

To successfully register, you’ll need to manually create your account through the official Facebook mobile apps or website. Automated account creation violates their terms and could result in permanent bans if abused.


Facebook aims to maintain trust and safety across their platform, which requires taking measures to block fake, abusive, and inauthentic accounts. While the restrictions can be frustrating if you’re trying to honestly join Facebook, they’re designed to protect the community.

Carefully review the registration requirements and make sure you’re not triggering any of Facebook’s detection systems. Using your real identity, a permanent email, secure network, and completing the process manually without shortcuts will offer the best chance of successfully creating your account.

If you believe Facebook has made a mistake by blocking your registration, submit an appeal explaining your situation and requesting they remove restrictions so you can access the platform. Be patient and cooperative throughout the process.

With over 2 billion active users, Facebook does face challenges in balancing open access with security. But working through their registration protocols and providing valid information should eventually allow most people to establish an authorized account.

Common reasons Facebook blocks new account registrations:

  • Using a fake name
  • Disposable email address
  • VPN connection
  • Restricted location
  • Previous account disabled
  • Under minimum age of 13
  • Suspicious activity patterns
  • Existing block or ban
  • Automated account creation tools

Solutions to get around Facebook registration blocks:

  • Provide your real first and last name
  • Use a valid permanent email address
  • Disable your VPN
  • Try registering from a different location
  • Appeal prior account blocks
  • Input accurate age over 13
  • Verify your identity if flagged as suspicious
  • Request review of any existing restrictions
  • Manually create your account on the website or app

Tips for successfully registering a new Facebook account:

  1. Use your real name, birthday, and contact info
  2. Avoid disposable emails and anonymous VPNs
  3. Access Facebook directly rather than through links
  4. Enable two-factor authentication for security
  5. Build out your profile to look more authentic
  6. Add a profile picture of yourself
  7. Start slowly – don’t spam posts or friend requests
  8. Use the report tools if you encounter fake accounts
  9. Read and abide by Facebook’s terms of service
  10. Be patient and persistent if blocked – you can appeal

Common Facebook Registration Error Messages

When Facebook blocks you from creating an account, you’ll see various error messages explaining the specific reason. Here are some examples:

  • “Your name appears fake or invalid. Please enter your real name.”
  • “The email you entered is invalid. Please provide a valid email address.”
  • “Your IP address is not allowed. Please disable your VPN to continue.”
  • “Access from your country is restricted at this time. Please contact us if you believe this is a mistake.”
  • “The Facebook account associated with your credentials has been disabled. To reinstate access, submit an appeal.”
  • “You must be at least 13 years old to create a Facebook account.”
  • “Your account creation shows suspicious patterns. Please provide proof of ID to continue.”
  • “Your access has been restricted. To request a review, submit feedback through the Help Center.”
  • “Automated account creation is against our terms. Please create your account manually on the app or site.”

Carefully reading the error messages and following the instructions can help resolve many new account registration problems. If you need additional help, you can contact Facebook support for assistance removing restrictions.

Appealing Facebook Account Blocks

If you believe Facebook has incorrectly restricted you from registering, you can submit an appeal requesting they remove the block on your account creation. Here are some tips for successfully appealing Facebook account blocks:

  • Go to the Facebook Help Center and find the form to request a review of your account status.
  • Clearly explain why you feel the block is invalid or unjustified.
  • Provide additional details about yourself and your situation.
  • Include any information that contradicts the reason given for blocking you.
  • Be honest, cooperative, and patient throughout the process.
  • Wait for Facebook’s review team to issue their decision on your appeal.
  • If declined, you can request further review but avoid excessive appeals.

Keep in mind appeals are not instantly processed. It can take Facebook’s review team 1-2 weeks to thoroughly investigate an account block and issue a decision. The more details you provide upfront, the faster an accurate determination can be made.

Sample Facebook Account Appeal Letter

When submitting an appeal to Facebook, provide a polite and formal explanation like the example below:

To the Facebook Review Team:

I am writing to appeal the block recently placed on my ability to create a Facebook account. When I attempted to register for an account on [Date], I encountered an error saying my access is restricted.

I believe this restriction was placed in error, as I have not violated any of Facebook’s policies. I should have valid access to create an account and connect with friends and family on the platform.

My name is [Your Real Name] and I am [Your Age] years old. I accessed Facebook from my home in [Your City] using my personal laptop and internet service provider account. I need a Facebook account primarily to [Explain Main Reason You Need An Account].

I am willing to provide additional proof of identification if required to get this restriction removed. Please restore my access so I can complete the account registration process and start using Facebook. Going forward, I will be sure to abide by all terms of service on the platform.

Thank you for reviewing my appeal. Please inform me if you need any other details from me. I look forward to your response.

[Your Name]

Sending a thoughtful, detailed appeal increases your chances of getting the Facebook team to overturn an incorrect block. Be sure to include any facts that show the restriction was a mistake, or has no valid reason behind it.

Getting Help from Facebook Support

If you can’t resolve your Facebook registration issues through self-troubleshooting and appeals, consider reaching out to their customer support channels:

  • Help Center – The Facebook Help Center has articles, guides, and contact forms to address many common problems.
  • Email – You can email Facebook support at [email protected] for account-related issues.
  • Social Media – Reaching out on Facebook or Twitter can help escalate service requests.
  • Executive Emails – Emailing [email protected] or [email protected] contacts executives for urgent issues.

When contacting Facebook support, provide your name, the email/phone number for your account, screenshots of any error messages, and clearly describe the registration problem you’re facing. The more context you give, the better support can troubleshoot the specifics of your case.

Facebook provides customer support in many languages, so don’t hesitate to reach out in your native tongue if needed. Live chat is also available on some Facebook services for real-time help.


Creating a Facebook account can sometimes be tricky due to the safeguards in place to reduce fake profiles and abuse. But being aware of the common registration roadblocks, thoughtfully appealing any incorrect blocks, and leveraging Facebook’s support options can help you eventually gain access.

With over a quarter of the world’s population using it, Facebook is stringent about who can join their platform. But if you approach registration in good faith, armed with the right information, you can troubleshoot most new account problems. Just stay persistent and patient in working through any hurdles.

At the end of the day, Facebook wants to strike a balance between being inclusive and protecting their community. So if your intentions are positive, be transparent with them throughout the process. Make your case clearly for why you deserve access. And with some cooperation from both sides, you should be able to create your account successfully.