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Why won’t Facebook finish uploading my video?

Why won’t Facebook finish uploading my video?

Uploading videos to Facebook can sometimes be a frustrating experience, especially when the upload gets stuck before reaching 100%. There are a few potential reasons why your Facebook video upload may not be completing successfully:

Your video file is too large

Facebook has limits on the size of video files that can be uploaded. For videos under 20 minutes, the file size limit is 4GB. For longer videos up to 4 hours, the limit is 12GB. If your video file exceeds these size restrictions, the upload will fail or get stuck.

To fix this, you will need to compress your video to reduce the file size before attempting to upload again. Some ways to compress video files include:

  • Use video compression software like Handbrake to encode the video at a lower bitrate.
  • Lower the resolution of the video (e.g. from 1080p to 720p).
  • Trim any unnecessary footage to shorten the video duration.

Aim for a file size under 4GB for videos under 20 minutes. For longer videos, try to keep the file size under 12GB.

Poor internet connection

Uploading large video files requires a stable, high-speed internet connection. If your internet is slow or keeps cutting out during the upload, it can cause the process to hang or fail.

To troubleshoot, try testing your internet speed on to check for any issues. If your speeds are low, try switching to a wired ethernet connection instead of WiFi, moving closer to your router, or upgrading your internet plan.

For large video files, upload when network traffic is lowest or consider using a wired connection for the best throughput.

Issues on Facebook’s servers

In some cases, technical issues with Facebook’s servers can also disrupt video uploads. Heavy traffic or problems on their end can prevent videos from fully processing.

If you are experiencing failed uploads across multiple devices, it may point to a temporary issue on Facebook’s side. Check their Business Help Page for any reported problems.

You may need to wait until their services are restored to successfully upload your video. Trying again later is the only solution in this scenario.

The video file is corrupted

If your video file is damaged, incomplete, or corrupted, Facebook will not be able to fully process and upload it.

Try re-exporting the video on your editing software and check that the new file plays back properly before uploading. Also scan your hard drive for errors to ensure the file is not corrupted.

Uploading from the original source video file can help avoid any quality or corruption issues.

Unsupported video format

Facebook only supports certain video formats and codecs for uploads. Common formats like MP4, MOV, and AVI are supported. But less common codecs may cause issues.

Check the specifications for your video to ensure the codec is supported. If necessary, re-encode the video using a compatible codec like H.264 before uploading.

Here are the video formats and codecs supported by Facebook:

Format Codecs
MP4 H264, H265
MOV H264
FLV H263, H264

Exceeded the upload limit

Facebook limits the number of times you can upload the same video. If you’ve reached the limit, it can cause the upload to fail.

The upload limit depends on the video resolution:

  • SD video (720p or lower): 100 uploads
  • HD video (1080p): 30 uploads

If you exceed this limit, you will have to wait 24 hours before uploading the same video again. You will also need to delete any previous copies of that video you have already uploaded.

Video is too long

Facebook allows video uploads up to 4 hours in length. If your video exceeds that limit, it will fail to fully process.

For very long videos like gameplay streams, break it into segments under 4 hours before uploading. You can stitch the segments together later after uploading.

Keep video lengths under 240 minutes for the best chance of successful upload.

Incorrect video settings

Certain video settings when exporting can cause issues with uploading properly to Facebook.

Ensure the following settings are correct on your video file before upload:

  • Frame rate: 30fps
  • Resolution: At least 720p, but under 1080p may have better success
  • Bitrate: 2.5mbps – 5mbps
  • Audio Sample Rate: 44,100hz

Setting the video to constant frame rate instead of variable can also avoid issues.

Encoding your video at 30fps and at 720p resolution will provide the optimal balance for Facebook’s servers.

Trying to upload from the desktop app

Uploading videos from Facebook’s desktop PC or Mac app is no longer supported. Videos can only be uploaded directly from mobile apps or on the web browser interface.

If your video gets stuck uploading on a PC/Mac app, try again from your mobile Facebook app or by logging into Facebook through your browser instead.

Browser cache or cookies issues

Browser cookies and cached data can sometimes interfere with Facebook uploads.

Try clearing your browser cache and cookies, then log into Facebook again in a fresh browsing session. Also disable any ad-blocking extensions temporarily.

Uploading in a private browsing window can help rule out browser issues.

Trying to upload too soon after previous video

Facebook will briefly limit your ability to upload after posting a video, likely to control server load.

Try waiting at least 5 minutes before attempting to upload your next video. The previous video needs time to process before the next upload will go through.

Spread out your video uploads over time and do not try to post them all at once.


Troubleshooting stuck Facebook video uploads requires methodically checking possible causes like file size limits, internet issues, corrupted files, unsupported formats, length limits, settings, browser problems, and previous upload timing.

To summarize, optimize your video file before uploading by:

  • Compressing to under 4GB
  • Using an ideal resolution of 720p
  • Setting the frame rate to 30fps
  • Using H.264 video codec and AAC audio
  • Keeping length under 4 hours

Then, upload over a fast wired internet connection on mobile or the browser, clear your browser cache, and allow time between uploads for the best chance of success.

Following these best practices for video optimization, stable internet, browser settings, and upload timing can help avoid failed Facebook video uploads in the future.

If issues persist even after troubleshooting, you may need to contact Facebook support for further help determining the cause.

With some diligence, you can isolate why Facebook is getting stuck while processing your video uploads. Carefully going through the potential root causes will lead you to the right solution and get your videos posted for your audience to enjoy.

Uploading videos is an integral part of engaging your followers on Facebook. Solving upload issues ensures you can consistently share video content that drives more views, likes, and comments from your community. Successful video marketing starts with tackling any obstacles during the upload process through systematic troubleshooting.

Video is a highly effective format on social media when done right. Following Facebook’s guidelines and troubleshooting any upload problems sets your brand up for viral video success. Your viewers are waiting to connect with your story – make sure a technical glitch doesn’t stand in the way.

With the huge user base on Facebook, even small improvements in upload success rates and video performance can have dramatic benefits. It’s worth investing the time to understand the intricacies of Facebook video uploads. Mastering video posts gives your brand an edge on a highly competitive platform.

Don’t let upload wheels spin indefinitely and derail your Facebook video strategy. Diagnose the issue, solve it at the source, and get your video content seen by millions. Facebook’s algorithm rewards great content – so start uploading!

Uploading video to Facebook serves a vital role in promoting brands, engaging viewers, driving website traffic, and sparking conversations. However, despite video’s importance, too often uploads fail before completion – a frustrating experience for any marketer. By methodically troubleshooting and optimizing, you can beat annoying upload issues. Follow the tips outlined here to get your video content delivered to eager audiences without fail. Facebook places video front and center on both its app and website – make sure your videos are part of the mix by learning how to upload like a pro.

In today’s digital landscape, video content is king. Mastering Facebook video best practices ensures your brand fully capitalizes on this high-impact format. Properly optimizing and troubleshooting uploads means more eyeballs on your Facebook videos. Take the time to identify any sticking points in the process so you can seamlessly share videos that entertain, inform, connect with viewers, and promote your brand’s message. With video uploads down to a science, you’ll gain an advantage over competitors still struggling with technical difficulties. Don’t let upload problems put your videos into the darkness of cyberspace – bring them into the Facebook spotlight where they belong.

Video uploads stalling mid-process can send engagement and views grinding to a halt. Don’t let your Facebook video efforts get disconnected – isolate the gremlins causing failed uploads. Almost always, there are actionable solutions once the root cause is uncovered. Upload stopping at 99% is frustrating, but proper preparation and troubleshooting will get your videos to 100% and in front of the audiences waiting to watch. Follow the tips here to diagnose upload problems and perfect the process.

In an ideal world, you could hit upload and instantly publish beautiful, high-quality videos to Facebook without a hitch. Reality is often more complicated. The good news is that with the right approach, you can master Facebook video uploads in the real world. Take the time to understand the intricacies, properly prepare your videos, optimize settings, check your internet connectivity, clear your browser, and time your uploads. Patience and methodical troubleshooting will enable you to upload even large, high-res videos to Facebook flawlessly. Don’t settle for media that won’t fully upload – implement solutions and publish the stunning videos your brand deserves.

Facebook video uploads getting stuck midway is a common frustration. But there are always solutions if you track down the root causes – less-than-ideal video files, shaky internet, restrictive limits, and other issues can all disrupt uploads. Whatever the reason, identify it methodically and address the problem at the source. With a few targeted troubleshooting steps, you’ll have videos uploading seamlessly and engaging audiences in no time. Don’t let your brand’s video content get stuck in limbo. Follow best practices and you can successfully publish videos people want to see on the world’s largest social media platform.

In today’s online landscape, video is an incredibly powerful medium for brands looking to connect with audiences and promote products. But glitchy Facebook video uploads can halt video plans in their tracks. Don’t let muddy issues slow down your video strategy – methodically troubleshoot and get your content out there. With a few careful checks, from file preparation to internet connectivity and more, you can diagnose the factors interrupting your uploads. Identifying and addressing these hurdles will lead you to smooth video uploading and better engage the millions of viewers on Facebook.