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Why won’t Facebook Dating work?

Why won’t Facebook Dating work?

Facebook Dating is the social media giant’s attempt to break into the lucrative online dating market. Launched in 2019, Facebook Dating aims to leverage the platform’s massive user base and data collection to connect compatible users. However, Facebook faces significant challenges in gaining traction and competing with established dating apps like Tinder, Bumble and Hinge.

What is Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a built-in opt-in feature within the Facebook app that allows users to create a separate dating profile. Users can match with others also using the dating feature. It utilizes existing profile information and preferences to suggest potential matches. Users can also explore events and groups to find people with similar interests. Key features of Facebook Dating include:

  • Separate dating profile – Doesn’t share info with main Facebook profile
  • Match preferences – Users can specify gender, age range, location, etc.
  • Secret crush – Users can select up to 9 Facebook friends or Instagram followers they’re interested in
  • Stories – Share short photo and video stories visible only to matches
  • Icebreakers – Provides message templates to start conversations

Why is Facebook getting into dating?

There are several reasons why Facebook decided to break into the crowded online dating space:

  • Huge existing user base – 2.9 billion monthly active users provides instant scaled audience
  • Data advantage – Unparalleled depth of user data and preferences from years of social media activity
  • Revenue opportunity – Online dating market projected to grow to $3.2 billion by 2025
  • Synergy with core business – Dating feature could increase engagement, especially with younger demographics
  • Combat stagnation – User growth and engagement has slowed in Facebook’s core apps

Essentially, Facebook has the reach and information needed to quickly become a major player in online dating. And the market opportunity is too sizable to ignore. Dating represents Facebook’s best bet to tap into new revenue streams and reinvigorate declining user engagement.

Challenges facing Facebook Dating

Despite launching with plenty of fanfare, Facebook Dating has failed to gain significant adoption and momentum. There are several key challenges impeding its growth:

Lack of differentiation

Facebook touted its matching algorithm and features like Secret Crush as unique selling points. But in practice, the core Facebook Dating experience resembles competitors:

  • Swiping on profiles
  • Conversation starters
  • Location/age/gender preferences

Without a truly differentiated offering, Facebook Dating risks being seen as just another dating app clone.

Privacy concerns

Facebook’s spotty track record on privacy has made some users wary of using Facebook Dating. Despite assurances data won’t be shared, people may not trust Facebook with sensitive info like romantic preferences and conversations. Recent company scandals like Cambridge Analytica have undermined consumer faith in Facebook’s privacy safeguards.

Fragmented user base

Facebook Dating’s audience is fragmented across regional versions like Facebook Dating and Facebook Parejas. And adoption has been restricted in Europe due to regulatory pushback. This has prevented the critical mass needed for network effects to kick in. Regional fragmentation limits the size of local user pools.

Limited engagement

According to App Annie data, Facebook Dating only ranked 70th in downloads among major dating apps as of December 2021. Downloads and user growth peaked around launch and then steadily declined. And it has negligible user engagement compared to Tinder and Bumble. Low awareness, privacy concerns and missing features seem to be limiting traction.

Dating App Monthly Active Users
Tinder 10 million
Bumble 5 million
Facebook Dating 500,000

Demographic skew

Early data showed Facebook Dating appealed mainly to older demographics. But dating app engagement is strongest among younger users. Facebook’s aging user base is not an ideal starting point for a dating feature aiming for broad appeal.

Turnaround strategies

For Facebook Dating to succeed, Facebook needs to rethink its strategy and execution. Here are some potential turnaround tactics:

Spin off as separate app

Transition Facebook Dating into a standalone app detached from Facebook. Reduce privacy concerns. Attract new demographics unfamiliar with parent brand. Mimic successful dating apps on UI/UX.

Incorporate Instagram

Let users link Instagram profiles. Expand user discovery beyond just Facebook friends. Instagram photos and Stories better showcase visual personalities. Lean on Instagram’s younger base.

Highlight unique features

Refine and promote differentiators like Secret Crush, events discovery and Groups integration. Provide value absent on competitors. Lean into strengths of Facebook’s platform and data.

Premium subscription

Offer paid features for power users. Additional perks like profile promotion, unlimited swipes and post-match messaging could drive revenue. Useful for growth even if adoption is limited.

Target international expansion

Prioritize growth in neglected markets like Asia, South America and Eastern Europe where dating app culture is thriving. Localized experience and strategic partnerships needed.

Acquire established dating app

Shortcuts growth by acquiring a platform like Hinge, Grindr or OKCupid. Gain market share, expertise and technology in one swoop. Easier than building organically.


Facebook Dating has failed to achieve Facebook’s goals for breaking into the online dating market and driving engagement. Stiff competition, product limitations and execution missteps have stunted its growth. But Facebook still possesses advantages that could turn Facebook Dating around with the right strategies. Revamping the experience, doubling down on unique features and expanding internationally offer potential paths for Facebook Dating to finally find its footing. Of course, privacy issues continue to be an albatross and potential acquisitions would come with their own risks. But if online dating is vital to Facebook’s future, they must act quickly to remedy Dating’s shortcomings in a crowded market with entrenched leaders.