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Why won’t Facebook confirm my phone number?

Why won’t Facebook confirm my phone number?

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook may not be confirming your phone number when you try to add it to your account:

You recently changed your phone number

If you just got a new phone number, Facebook’s system may not recognize it yet. They have safeguards in place to prevent spam accounts from being created, so they will make you wait a bit before allowing a brand new number to be verified. Give it a day or two and try adding it again.

Your number is already associated with another Facebook account

Facebook does not allow the same phone number to be used on multiple accounts. If you previously had a Facebook profile with that number, or someone else has an account using it, Facebook will not let you confirm it on your new account. You would need to either recover access to the original account, or convince the other person to remove your number from their account.

You entered the number incorrectly

Double check that you typed your phone number correctly into Facebook with the country code included. For example, a US number would be +1-555-123-4567. If you mistyped a digit, Facebook’s confirmation text message won’t arrive.

You used a landline number instead of a mobile number

Facebook’s confirmation process relies on sending a text message to the phone number provided. If you tried using a landline phone number instead of a mobile number, you won’t receive the confirmation code. Make sure you are using a mobile phone number that can receive text messages.

Your number is blacklisted by Facebook

In some cases, Facebook may blacklist certain phone numbers that have been previously associated with spam or abusive behavior. If your number was flagged, you may be completely blocked from verifying it. Try using a different number instead.

Troubleshooting Steps

If you’ve verified that none of those initial reasons apply, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

Make sure your number is correct

– Double and triple check that you entered your phone number properly with the country code included.
– Try re-entering your number from scratch instead of copy/pasting.
– Verify the number by making a test call or text from a different phone.

Check your text messages

– Check your mobile inbox for any messages from Facebook’s automated number.
– Check your spam folder as the message may have been flagged.
– Try a different texting app if you don’t see the message on your default app.

Use an alternate number

– Attempt to confirm a different mobile number or ask a friend if you can use theirs temporarily.
– This will tell you if the issue is specific to your number.

Disable any blocking settings

– Turn off any call, text, or spam blocking settings that could be intercepting Facebook’s confirmation message.
– Temporarily add Facebook’s numbers to your contacts so they are not blocked.

Contact your mobile provider

– Your cellular provider may have recently changed something that is blocking Facebook’s confirmation process.
– Contact them to see if any settings need to be adjusted on their end.

Try a different network connection

– Attempt to verify your number while connected to a different wifi or cellular data network.
– This will determine if something on your current network is interfering.

Clear Facebook app data/cache

– In your phone settings, find the Facebook app and choose to clear its cache and data.
– Then try re-adding your number as if it’s your first time.

Update the Facebook app

– Go to your device’s app store and check if you have the latest version of the Facebook app installed.
– Update it to the newest available version and test adding your number again.

Restart your phone

– Power your phone off completely and restart it after a minute.
– Mobile devices can sometimes get into a locked state causing issues like this.

Contact Facebook support

– If all else fails, you will need to open a support ticket with Facebook describing your situation.
– They can look into your account logs and see if there is an underlying issue.

Why Facebook Requires Phone Number Verification

Facebook has some valid reasons for requiring a verified mobile phone number, even if can be inconvenient in some cases:

Preventing fake accounts

The main reason is to cut down on the number of fake and spam accounts on Facebook. Requiring a legitimate phone number makes it much harder to automate account creation.

Account security

Your phone number is used to help verify your identity when logging in from new devices. It adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password.

Account recovery

If you ever get locked out of your Facebook account, the verified phone number provides a way for you to recover access through reset codes.

Contact purposes

Facebook may need to contact you directly about account issues or notifications. A verified number gives them a reliable way to reach you.

Legal compliance

In some regions, verifying user identity is required by law. Confirming a real mobile number helps Facebook comply with local regulations.

Advertising purposes

While not the main reason, having your real phone number helps Facebook build a better profile for ad targeting and analytics.

Data accuracy

It guarantees that if a phone number is listed on your Facebook profile, it is definitely tied to you and not someone else.

Tips for Avoiding Facebook Phone Number Issues

Here are some tips to avoid running into phone number verification issues on Facebook in the future:

– Only use mobile numbers – don’t try landlines.

– Make sure you enter the full number correctly with country code.

– Don’t reuse numbers across different Facebook accounts.

– Remove old phone numbers you no longer use from your profiles.

– If you get a new number, update it on Facebook right away.

– Don’t attempt to add secondary numbers you don’t really use.

– Double check number porting changes if switching mobile carriers.

– Turn off spam blocking features temporarily when adding a new number.

– Save Facebook’s confirmation text message so you know what to expect.

– Only use mobile numbers tied directly to you, not family plans or work numbers.


Facebook’s phone number verification process is important for security and preventing abuse, but can be frustrating when things don’t work properly. If you follow the troubleshooting steps and tips outlined above, you should be able to successfully add your mobile number to any legitimate Facebook account. Reach out to Facebook support if you continue having unresolved issues.

Troubleshooting Step What it Checks
Make sure your number is correct Eliminates typos
Check your text messages Confirms if verification message sent
Use an alternate number Determines if issue is number-specific
Disable blocking settings Checks for erroneous blocking
Contact mobile provider Verifies carrier isn’t blocking
Try different network Checks for network interference
Clear Facebook app data Resets app to clean state
Update Facebook app Ensures latest version installed
Restart your phone Fixes any temporary glitches
Contact Facebook support Accesses Facebook account logs