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Why won’t Facebook approve my name change?

Why won’t Facebook approve my name change?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may not approve your request for a name change on your profile. The platform has rules in place to prevent abuse, so not all name change requests are automatically approved.

Your New Name Doesn’t Meet Facebook’s Authentic Name Policy

Facebook requires users to use their authentic names on their profiles. This means the name you use on Facebook should be the name you commonly go by in real life. Facebook does not allow fake names, aliases, or nicknames to be used as profile names. So if your requested new name does not seem authentic or real, Facebook may reject it. For example, fictional names, extreme or unusual spellings of real names, or names with strange punctuation would likely not be approved.

Your New Name Appears Fake or Misleading

Facebook will also reject name changes that appear fake, made up, or misleading. This includes names that seem designed to intentionally impersonate another person, brand, fictional character, etc. So if your new name seems like it could be construed as fake, Facebook will likely disapprove the change and keep your existing name active on your profile.

You Recently Changed Your Name

Facebook limits how frequently you can change your name. If you already changed your name on your profile within the past 60 days, Facebook will not allow additional changes until that time period has elapsed. This restriction is in place to prevent abuse by users who try to continuously change their profile names.

Your Account Has Violated Facebook Policies

If your account has been flagged for violating Facebook’s terms of service or community standards, your ability to change your name may be suspended. For example, if you’ve shared prohibited content or engaged in banned behavior, Facebook may restrict your account features including name changes for a period of time. You would need to resolve any outstanding violations before being able to change your profile name.

Your New Name Includes Restricted Words or Phrases

Facebook prohibits certain words and phrases from being used in profile names. This includes slurs, profanity, dangerous individuals or organizations, sexual or illegal terms, and other inappropriate language. If your requested new name contains restricted words, it will automatically be rejected by Facebook’s filters and your existing name will remain on your profile.

You Have Changed Your Name Multiple Times in a Short Period

If Facebook notices you have changed your profile name several times within a short span of days or weeks, additional name changes may be blocked. Frequently changing your name is seen as suspicious behavior, so Facebook will assume you are abusing the name change option and restrict your ability to keep switching your profile name.

Your New Name Does Not Match Your External Identification

Facebook may compare your requested new name to personal identification you have provided. For example, if the name on your government ID or other verified documentation does not match the new name you are attempting to use on Facebook, it may get rejected. Keep in mind Facebook aims to maintain some consistency between your profile and your real-world identity.

What to Do If Facebook Rejects Your Name Change Request

If your request to change your name on Facebook is rejected, here are some steps you can take:

  • Double check that your new name complies with Facebook’s authentic name policy and does not violate any restrictions.
  • If you’ve recently changed your name already, wait at least 60 days before requesting another change.
  • Resolve any outstanding violations or restrictions on your account before attempting a name change.
  • Avoid changing your name multiple times within a short timeframe.
  • Ensure your new name reasonably aligns with your personal documentation and identification.
  • Appeal the rejection by contacting Facebook support and explaining your reasoning for changing your name.

In most cases, as long as your new name is consistent with Facebook’s policies, your authentic identity, and your account is in good standing, your name change request should be approved. But if issues arise, communicating with Facebook support can help get the request cleared and your new name activated on your profile.

Requirements for Changing Your Name on Facebook

When requesting a name change on Facebook, there are a few key requirements to keep in mind:

  • You must have an existing Facebook account in good standing.
  • Accounts must be registered with a user’s authentic first and last name.
  • You can only change your name once every 60 days.
  • New names must comply with Facebook’s authentic name policy.
  • Profiles with major name changes may require ID verification.
  • Facebook reviews all name change requests before approving.
  • Name changes can be reversed if found to violate policies.

As long as you meet these requirements, your name change is likely to be approved. Keep Facebook’s standards in mind any time you want to update your profile name.

The Name Change Review Process

When you request a new name on your Facebook profile, here is a general overview of the review process:

  1. You enter and submit your new name on your profile edit page.
  2. Facebook’s automated filters check for any obvious violations.
  3. If no issues are detected, your request gets forwarded for human review.
  4. The reviewer checks your new name against Facebook’s policies.
  5. If approved, your new name goes live on your profile.
  6. If rejected, you receive notice to correct any issues.

In most straightforward cases, this process may only take a few hours. But for complex cases, a human review and final decision may take up to a few days. If your request is not immediately approved or rejected, be patient during the review process.

Appealing a Rejected Name Change

If your name change gets rejected by Facebook, you have the option to appeal the decision and ask for another review. Here are some tips for appealing a name change rejection:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s name policies and make sure you understand why it was rejected.
  • Correct any clear violations like profanity or impersonated names.
  • For authentic name issues, provide copies of legal documentation.
  • Explain legitimate reasons you need to change your profile name.
  • Be polite, respectful and clear in your appeal messages.
  • Allow time for Facebook support to fully re-review your appeal.
  • Consider alternatives like displaying your preferred name in parentheses.

With a thoughtful appeal following name change guidelines, many initially rejected requests get overturned. But keep in mind Facebook reviewers have final say based on their policies.

Common Situations Requiring Name Changes

Some common life situations that may lead you to change your name on Facebook include:

  • Marriage or Divorce – Taking a spouse’s last name or reverting to a maiden name.
  • Gender Transition – Legally changing first/last names to match gender identity.
  • Name Corrections – Fixing minor errors like spelling mistakes in a name.
  • Professional Names – Using a business stage name or pen name.
  • Safety Concerns – Legally changing your name to increase privacy.
  • Name Preferences – Adjusting your name to match your common everyday usage.

As long as your new name aligns with Facebook’s policies and your real-world identity, these types of name changes are generally approved.

Pros of Changing Your Name on Facebook

Some potential benefits of changing your name on Facebook include:

  • Reflecting major life changes like marriage, divorce, or transitioning.
  • Gaining consistency across your online identities and profiles.
  • Increasing privacy or safety if you have major concerns.
  • Using your preferred name that you are commonly known by.
  • Aligning with professional stage names or pen names.
  • Correcting minor errors or typos in your existing name.

Having your authentic, preferred name properly displayed on your Facebook profile can be beneficial in many cases.

Cons of Changing Your Name on Facebook

Some downsides that can come with changing your name on Facebook include:

  • Friends may not easily recognize you with a totally new name.
  • Loss of history or identity tied to your previous name.
  • Minor errors like typos may not warrant a full name change.
  • Abusive name changes could get your account suspended.
  • Frequently changing names can seem suspicious.
  • The process can be time-consuming if your request gets denied.
  • Extra identification or verification may be required.

There are some risks and inconveniences that come with adjusting your established profile name. Consider these factors when deciding whether a name change is right for your situation.

Alternatives to Changing Your Facebook Name

Some alternatives to consider beyond fully changing your profile name include:

  • Legally changing your name offline first, then updating Facebook.
  • Adding your new name in parentheses after your existing name.
  • Using your new preferred name in your bio section.
  • Creating an alternate Facebook profile with your new name.
  • Making a new preferred display name without legally changing it.
  • Having friends/family adjust names they call you by.

Depending on why you want to change your name, more limited profile adjustments may suffice without undergoing a full name change process.

Risks of Changing Your Name Too Frequently

Some risks that can occur if you change your Facebook name too frequently include:

  • Confusing your friends and social connections
  • Losing connection to your overall online history and identity
  • Being flagged for suspicious behavior or violating policies
  • Having your account restricted or suspended
  • Needing to provide increased identification/verification
  • Facebook rejecting all your future name changes
  • Limiting name change allowance to once per year or less
  • Others possibly reporting your profile for impersonation

Facebook monitors users who change names excessively, so it’s best to stick with more occasional name changes when truly warranted.

Data Table of Reasons for Facebook Name Change Rejections

Reason for Rejection Details Example Scenario
Fake or impersonating name New name appears fabricated or copies another real person/brand Trying to change name to Mark Zuckerburg
Offensive or abusive name New name contains slurs, profanity, or hate speech Trying to change name to JohnF***er
Too frequent changes Already changed name multiple times in past 60 days 6th name change this month
Policy violations Account has active restrictions or past serious violations Profile was recently suspended
Does not match ID docs New name inconsistent with submitted documentation Legal docs still show old name
Underage restrictions User is under 18 and has limited name change privileges 16 year old changes name without guardian permissions

This covers some of the most common reasons why Facebook might deny a name change request. Avoiding these situations can increase chances of approval.

Quick Tips for Updating Your Name on Facebook

Here are some quick tips to smooth the process of changing your name on Facebook:

  • Use your authentic legal name, not nicknames or pseudonyms.
  • Match your new name to your personal documentation.
  • Only change once every 60 days to avoid issues.
  • Avoid restricted words, slurs, or offensive language.
  • Do not impersonate other people or brands.
  • Resolve any prior violations before requesting a change.
  • Appeal rejections politely and provide context.
  • Adjust privacy settings if concerned about safety issues.

Carefully following Facebook’s policies, providing accurate identity details, and maintaining a clean account history can help expedite name change reviews and approval.


Facebook aims to balance user preferences with safety and authenticity standards when reviewing name change requests. While most reasonable name updates are approved, violations of policies need to be avoided. Provide accurate personal details, limit frequent changes, and maintain your account in good standing to successfully navigate the name change process. With a legitimate reason and some patience navigating reviews, you can get your preferred profile name properly reflected on your account.