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Why wont Facebook accept my email address?

Why wont Facebook accept my email address?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may not accept your email address when trying to create a new account or add it to an existing account:

You’re using a disposable/temporary email address

Facebook does not allow disposable or temporary email addresses like to be used when signing up. This is to prevent spam and fake accounts. Some other common disposable email domains that Facebook blocks are:


You’ll need to sign up with a valid, permanent email address from a well-known provider like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. Temporary/disposable emails are immediately blocked by Facebook during registration.

Your email domain is considered high risk

In some cases, Facebook may block certain email domains that have been abused heavily for spam and fake accounts in the past. This is often the case with some free email providers or smaller niche domains. Some examples of high risk domains that often get blocked:


If your email is from a domain that Facebook deems risky, you’ll encounter issues during sign up. The only solution is to get a new email address from a reputable mainstream provider.

Your email address is already in use

One of the most common reasons for Facebook rejecting an email is because there is already an account using that email. Facebook requires each account to have a unique email address. Some things to check:

  • Make sure you don’t already have a Facebook account under that email. Try resetting your password to confirm.
  • Someone else may have already used your email to create a Facebook account. Search for your email on Facebook to check.
  • You may have an old deactivated Facebook account still linked to that email. You’ll need to permanently delete it.

If another account is using your email, you’ll need to either login to that existing account or free up the email by deleting the other account before creating a new one.

You entered the email incorrectly

One simple mistake that can lead to the “email not accepted” error is typing your email address incorrectly while registering. Check for typos and make sure you’re entering the full, valid email address correctly.

Things to double check:

  • No extra spaces, missing dots or capital letters in the address.
  • Correct domain extension – .com vs .net for example.
  • No extra characters or numbers at the end of the local part.

Entering just a minor variation of your email can result in the “unable to register this email” error on Facebook. Take your time and carefully type the email during sign up.

Your email address is not verified

For security and spam prevention reasons, Facebook requires you to confirm and verify a new email address before allowing registration. If you’re attempting to sign up with an email account you don’t regularly access:

  • Check the inbox for a verification link from Facebook and click to confirm.
  • Look in Spam or other filtered folders for the verification email.
  • If no email is received, try resending the verification request.

Without completing email verification, Facebook will continue blocking that email address during registration. Log into the email account and validate any verification requests from Facebook.

Your email domain has sending limits

Some email providers like AOL and Yahoo Mail have strict sending limits in place to prevent spam. If Facebook tries sending too many automated emails like registration confirmation or password reset emails, they can hit these sending caps.

As a result, further verification or registration emails get blocked by the provider, preventing completing Facebook sign up. Ways to fix include:

  • Using an alternate email provider without such strict limits.
  • Asking the provider to whitelist Facebook domains.
  • Waiting out the sending timeout which can last hours or days.

Overactive security settings on certain email domains cause issues receiving Facebook emails needed to finalize registration.

You’re accessing Facebook from a restricted location

In very rare cases, Facebook may completely restrict access from certain countries or regions due to legal or geopolitical reasons. If you’re trying to access Facebook from a sanctioned country like Iran, Crimea region or North Korea, registration blocks can occur.

The only way around these location-based restrictions is to use a VPN or proxy service to mask your IP and access Facebook from an allowed region. But Facebook activity restrictions will still apply based on your account details.

Your account was flagged for suspicious activity

If Facebook detects suspicious behavior from your account like spamming or automation, they may temporarily restrict your ability to register new accounts. Some red flags that could lead to blocks:

  • Creating multiple accounts in a short timeframe
  • Sending lots of friend requests or messages to people you don’t know
  • Automated bot-like activity
  • Abusing tagging or @mention features

To lift these kinds of restrictions, you’ll need to submit an appeal to Facebook and avoid further policy violations once your access is restored.


Facebook blocking registrations involving a particular email usually comes down to one of these core issues – using a temporary or unsafe email provider, attempting to reuse an email that’s already registered, typing the address wrong, not completing email verification, getting blocked by sending limits or triggers, or activity restrictions.

Carefully checking the email address formatting, avoiding disposable emails, and verifying your identity with Facebook when prompted can help avoid problems during sign up. If your email continues to be rejected, contacting Facebook support directly may be needed to investigate and resolve the root cause.

Common Questions

Why does Facebook say my email is invalid?

If Facebook says your email is invalid on registration, it likely means you are using a temporary/disposable email address that is banned, made a typo entering it, or that there is already an account using that email. Double check the email format and spelling and that it hasn’t already been registered.

Why won’t Facebook send me a confirmation email?

Common reasons Facebook won’t send a registration confirmation email include the email domain having sending limits or security filters that block automated emails, entering an incorrect email misspelled, registration attempts from a restricted location, or your account being limited for suspicious activity.

How do I fix Facebook email already in use?

If another Facebook account is already using your email, you’ll need to either login to that existing account, delete the other account freeing up the email, or use a new email address that hasn’t already been registered. Each Facebook account must have a unique email.

Why does Facebook say my email is suspicious?

High risk or regularly abused email domains may be flagged as suspicious by Facebook during registration. Free providers or smaller niche email services often get blocked as suspicious. Using a mainstream email provider like Gmail or Outlook avoids these issues.

Can two Facebook accounts have the same email?

No, each Facebook account must have a completely unique email address. Attempting to use the same email on multiple accounts will result in the “email already in use” error during registration.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Double check email for typos
  • Try registering with a different mainstream email provider
  • Check Spam folder for verification emails
  • Search Facebook for existing accounts with your email
  • Avoid using disposable or temporary email addresses
  • Carefully re-enter your email and resend verification

Registration Email Workarounds

If Facebook registration emails continually get blocked or not received, some workarounds include:

  • Using an alternate email address on a trusted provider
  • Trying email forwarding to receive the verification message
  • Completing registration and verification via mobile
  • Asking your email provider to whitelist Facebook sending domains
  • Using SMS text message registration if available

Preventing Registration Blocks

You can avoid getting your email blocked during Facebook registration by:

  • Choosing a reputable mainstream email provider
  • Not reusing emails across multiple Facebook accounts
  • Entering your email slowly and double checking for errors
  • Promptly verifying your email when you receive the confirmation link
  • Avoiding spamming behavior that might trigger restrictions

Carefully following Facebook’s policies and validation steps can help your email sign up process go smoothly without blocks.

Contacting Facebook Support

If you continue having trouble registering your email on Facebook, some additional options include:

Facebook’s support team may be able to assist with troubleshooting, appeals, and removing any incorrect email blocks from their systems so you can complete registration.

Switching to Alternate Registration Methods

If email registration continues failing, some alternative options to consider include:

  • Using mobile registration with SMS verification code instead
  • Creating an account via Facebook mobile app registration
  • Registering from a different IP address location
  • Signing up through Facebook Connect on a trusted third party site

While email is the standard, in difficult cases switching to mobile or third party based registration can help overcome blocks related to a particular email domain or address.

Why Facebook Registration is Important

Registering for Facebook with your real email address is important for several reasons:

  • Lets you securely reset your password if needed
  • Enables activation of two-factor authentication
  • Required to create Facebook ad accounts and access other features
  • Associates your profile with your real identity and contacts

Making sure Facebook has your valid email is key to account security and getting full use of Facebook services. Resolving any email registration problems should be a priority for new users.

Email Registration Limits

To prevent spam and abuse, Facebook limits how many accounts can be created using the same email address. The current Facebook registration limits include:

  • 5 accounts maximum per email address
  • 10 accounts per phone number
  • Max 3 accounts added per day
  • No more than 1 account registered per 24 hour period

Hitting these registration limits when attempting to sign up for new accounts will result in blocks until cooldown periods have passed.

Facebook Registration Limit Examples

Email Accounts Created Result
[email protected] 3 accounts Allowed
[email protected] 8 accounts Blocked
[email protected] 2 accounts in 24 hours Blocked

As shown in the examples above, Facebook prevents accounts beyond 5 per email, more than 1 per day, and other velocity thresholds to combat fake accounts.


Registering on Facebook with your personal email address should be straightforward in most cases. But issues like using a banned disposable provider, typing it wrong, or regulatory blocks can prevent successful sign up. Carefully entering a valid permanent email, avoiding past emails linked to accounts, and completing identity confirmation steps can help overcome most new account registration problems.