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Why won t my iPhone 12 let me in to Facebook?

Why won t my iPhone 12 let me in to Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why you may be unable to log in to the Facebook app on your iPhone 12:

Facebook App Needs Updating

One of the most common reasons the Facebook app won’t let you log in is because you need to update to the latest version of the app. Facebook is constantly releasing updates to fix bugs and improve features in the app, and sometimes these updates include changes to the login process. If you haven’t updated the Facebook app in a while, open the App Store on your iPhone and check for any available updates. Install the most recent Facebook update and then try logging in again.

How to Update the Facebook App

Here are step-by-step instructions for updating the Facebook app on an iPhone 12:

  1. Open the App Store app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap your profile icon in the top right corner.
  3. Scroll down and tap “Available Updates.”
  4. If Facebook needs an update, it will appear here. Tap “Update” next to the Facebook listing.
  5. The newest version of Facebook will download and install.
  6. Once the update is complete, open the Facebook app and try logging in again.

Incorrect Password

Another common reason you may be unable to log in to Facebook is if you’ve entered an incorrect password. Double check that you’re using the right email/phone number and password combination. Here are some tips for troubleshooting your Facebook password:

  • Make sure you aren’t using an old or outdated password that you’ve changed since you last logged in successfully.
  • Verify you don’t have caps lock on, as Facebook passwords are case sensitive.
  • Consider resetting your Facebook password if you’re sure you’re using the right email/phone number.

How to Reset Your Facebook Password

If you’ve confirmed your account information is correct but the password isn’t working, follow these steps to reset your Facebook password:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap “Forgot Password” below the login fields.
  2. Enter your email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account.
  3. Select how you want to reset your password – via email or text message.
  4. Open the password reset message and follow the prompts to create a new password.
  5. Login to the Facebook app with your new password.

Facebook Account Disabled

If your Facebook account has been temporarily or permanently disabled, you will be unable to log in. There are a few reasons Facebook may disable an account, including:

  • Suspicious or unusual activity from your account
  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service or community standards
  • An intellectual property or copyright infringement claim

If you try logging in and get a message about your account being disabled, you will need to contact Facebook support for help regaining access to your account.

How to Contact Facebook Support

To contact Facebook about a disabled account and appeal the decision, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center.
  2. Search for “disabled account.”
  3. Select “My personal account is disabled.”
  4. Review the options and choose “I think my account was disabled by mistake.”
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to submit an appeal.

Keep in mind the review process can take up to 24 hours, so you will need to be patient as you work with Facebook support.

Two-Factor Authentication Enabled

If you have two-factor authentication enabled on your Facebook account, you’ll need to enter your password as well as a secondary verification code to log in. This extra security step helps prevent unauthorized access to your account.

If you’re being prompted for a code when trying to log in, make sure to check your email, text messages, or authenticator app for the current verification code. Enter it along with your password to complete the Facebook login process.

Managing Two-Factor Authentication

If you no longer want to use two-factor authentication with Facebook, you can disable it:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings.”
  3. Click “Security and Login.”
  4. Choose “Edit” next to Two-Factor Authentication.
  5. Select “Turn Off” and confirm to disable it.

Facebook App Needs Permissions

In order for the Facebook app to function properly on your iPhone, it needs access to certain permissions and data. If you have denied the Facebook app access to things like your contacts, camera, photos, etc. then it can sometimes disrupt the login process.

Check the Facebook app permissions settings on your iPhone and make sure it is enabled for features like your contacts, camera, microphone, photos, and location services. Granting access to these permissions allows for full functionality within the Facebook app.

How to Manage App Permissions

To edit which permissions are enabled for the Facebook app:

  1. Go to iPhone Settings > Facebook.
  2. Review the different permissions types.
  3. Toggle the settings on or off as desired.
  4. Make sure permissions needed for core Facebook functionality are enabled.
  5. Restart the Facebook app and try logging in again.

Software Bug or Glitch

In some cases, a software bug or glitch within the Facebook app itself could be preventing you from logging in on your iPhone. App issues like these are usually intermittent and get resolved with an app update eventually.

If it seems like a bug or glitch is preventing you from accessing Facebook, try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Force quit and relaunch the Facebook app
  • Restart your iPhone
  • Check for a Facebook app update
  • Delete and reinstall the Facebook app
  • Log out and back in to the app

Repeating some of these steps or performing a hard reset on your iPhone may help resolve temporary glitches affecting the Facebook login process.

Facebook Servers Down or Experiencing an Outage

On occasion, logged out users will be unable to access Facebook due to widespread technical problems or outages on Facebook’s end. Server outages or downtime will prevent anyone from logging in during the disruption.

If Facebook is experiencing a major outage, you’re likely to see reports of it on social media feeds or tech news sites indicating the login issues are not isolated to just your device. In these cases, all you can do is wait for Facebook’s developers to get the servers back up and running again.

Checking Facebook Server Status

To check if Facebook is currently experiencing an outage, you can visit Facebook’s developer platform status page at This page shares the real-time status of Facebook’s various services and APIs.

You can also search Twitter or Down Detector for mentions of Facebook downtime to see if others are reporting the issue. Once Facebook’s services are restored, you should be able to log in to the app on your iPhone 12 as normal.

iPhone Restricted Access Settings

Some additional settings on your iPhone could potentially interfere with logging in to the Facebook app as well. Check that you don’t have restrictions enabled that are blocking Facebook usage or limiting app access.

In particular, check the following settings on your iPhone:

  • General > Restrictions > Allowed Apps – Is Facebook enabled?
  • Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > Content Restrictions – Is Social Networking allowed?
  • Screen Time > App Limits – Do you have limits set for Facebook usage?

If Facebook access is being restricted, update the necessary settings to ensure the app is not being blocked or usage limited. Facebook requires unlimited access to function normally.

Facebook Account Security Changes

Facebook occasionally implements new security and privacy changes that may temporarily affect your ability to login. For example, in 2021 Facebook stopped allowing users to login with just a phone number and began requiring an email address.

If you suddenly can’t login when your normal method previously worked, check Facebook’s help pages for any notices about recent account security changes. You may need to update your login details or settings to align with Facebook’s new requirements.


In summary, there are a variety of reasons why you may suddenly be unable to login to the Facebook app on your iPhone 12, from app updates to forgotten passwords to platform outages. Carefully go through the login troubleshooting steps outlined above to determine what might be preventing access to your account. The most common fixes involve updating the app, resetting your password, granting permissions, or waiting out a Facebook server problem that will resolve on its own.

Here is a summary table of the top reasons the Facebook app may not be letting you login on an iPhone 12 and the recommended troubleshooting steps:

Problem Fix
Outdated app Update to latest version of Facebook app
Incorrect password Reset your Facebook password
Disabled account Contact Facebook support to appeal
Two-factor authentication Enter verification code after password
App permissions Enable needed permissions in iPhone settings
Bug or glitch Restart app and iPhone
Facebook outage Wait for Facebook servers to come back online
Access restrictions Allow Facebook access in iPhone restrictions
Security changes Update login details per Facebook requirements

Following the tips here should help get the Facebook app working again so you can access your account on an iPhone 12. Be sure to keep the app updated whenever new versions become available to avoid future login issues.

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