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Why won t fb let me change my last name?

Why won t fb let me change my last name?

Facebook has strict policies in place regarding name changes on the platform. This is done to maintain authenticity and prevent identity theft or fraud. While Facebook does allow for some flexibility with name changes, there are limitations, especially when it comes to surnames.

The Name Policy

Facebook’s name policy states that users must use the name they commonly go by in everyday life. Nicknames are allowed, but usernames or business names are not. Facebook requires users to provide their real identities.

Regarding name changes, the policy reads:

If you want to change your name on Facebook, you need to provide documentation to show proof of your name. Acceptable ID includes:

– Driver’s license
– Passport
– Birth certificate
– Marriage certificate
– Divorce decree
– Certificate of name change from court

So in order to change your last name on Facebook, you need to provide legal documentation of the name change.

Why the Strict Policy?

Facebook has three main reasons behind the strict name policy:

1. Authenticity

Facebook wants to keep the platform authentic by having users interact under their real identities. This creates accountability and community. The use of pseudonyms and fake names goes against the authentic nature Facebook aims to cultivate.

2. Safety

The use of real names provides a safer environment for users. It’s easier to identify and stop bad actors when every user has a verified identity tied to them. Fake accounts and anonymity enable cyberbullying, scams, misinformation campaigns, and other harmful behavior.

3. Legal Obligations

Facebook has certain legal duties it must abide by. Part of this includes properly identifying users and maintaining accurate name records. Facebook must comply with laws and regulations around identity verification.

Prohibiting unofficial name changes without documentation allows Facebook to meet its legal requirements.

The Challenges of Last Name Changes

While Facebook does allow first name changes more freely, last name changes come with additional challenges:

Harder to Verify

It’s quite easy to start going by a different first name in daily life. Verifying a new last name is trickier, since most identification documents (like driver’s licenses and passports) require legal paperwork to change surnames. Facebook needs proof.

Higher Risk of Fraud

Last names carry more significance in identification than first names. As such, changing surnames leads to a higher potential for fraud or misrepresentation. Facebook therefore needs solid evidence for any surname change.

Disrupts Friends and Family

Our last names often tie closely to family, heritage, and social circles. Changing surnames can cause confusion and unintentional disruption to these connections on Facebook. The platform therefore needs legal documents to justify the disruption.

When Last Name Changes Are Allowed

While Facebook makes surname changes difficult, there are certain circumstances where they do allow it:


If you change your last name due to marriage, Facebook will allow you to change it on the platform. You need to provide a marriage certificate as documentation.


Following a divorce, reverting to your previous surname is permitted on Facebook. Provide the divorce decree as evidence.

Court-Approved Name Changes

For any other court-approved name change, Facebook requires the official court order document to update your profile.


For transgender users transitioning to a new identity, Facebook has a specialized process to change your name and gender on the platform.

How to Change Your Last Name on Facebook

If you have the proper documentation for one of the above permitted reasons, here are the steps to change your last name on Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click on the ‘More’ tab and select ‘Settings & Privacy’
  3. Go to the ‘Personal Information’ section
  4. Click on ‘Name’ and select ‘Edit’ to change your name
  5. Enter your new full name and upload supporting documents
  6. Submit for review

Facebook will review your requested name change and documentation. If approved, your last name will be updated. Be aware the review process can take several days to complete.

Alternative Options

If you’re unable to change your official surname, here are some alternative options on Facebook:

Display Name

You can list a preferred display name that’s different than your account’s legal name. This allows you to appear however you’d like while keeping your official name intact.


Add a professional or social nickname. This nicknames appears next to your real name. It’s a secondary identity not meant to replace your legal name.

Middle Name

Use your maiden name or other surname as a middle name instead. This allows you to maintain ties to an old last name without officially changing it.

Create Page

Make a public Facebook page using your preferred name. Use this separate page identity for professional branding and networking.

Pros of the Strict Policy

While Facebook’s stringent name policies might seem excessive, there are advantages:

Avoids Fake Accounts

It prevents the mass creation of inauthentic and misleading accounts. This improves the overall integrity of interactions.

Reduces Harmful Behavior

It disincentives cyberbullying, doxxing, scams, abuse, and disinformation since fake accounts get shut down.

Builds Reliability

It makes Facebook more trustworthy and reliable when users know they’re connecting with real verified people.

Creates Accountability

It holds users more accountable for their words and actions online when tied to their true identities.

Adheres to Law

Compliance with name policies ensures Facebook avoids liability issues or legal penalties for identity violations.

The Bottom Line

Changing your last name on Facebook comes with many restrictions to maintain security and prevent abuse. While frustrating for some users, these strict policies ultimately cultivate a safer, more trustworthy environment. Those with major life changes like marriage or divorce can still update their surnames when providing the legal paperwork.

Alternatively, users have options like display names and nicknames to bend the rules slightly for personal preference and convenience. But at its core, Facebook believes authentic identity matters. The platform will unlikely ease its name change rules anytime soon, for better or worse.