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Why won t Facebook let me share a post on a page I manage?

Why won t Facebook let me share a post on a page I manage?

Quick Answer

There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to share a post on a Facebook Page you manage:

  • Your account doesn’t have the appropriate admin roles for the Page.
  • The original post privacy settings don’t allow it to be shared publicly.
  • The Page has country restrictions enabled that prevent you from managing it.
  • The Page is unpublished or restricted.
  • Your account or the post is temporarily blocked from taking actions.

To fix this, make sure your account has admin or editor roles for the Page, check the post privacy settings, disable country restrictions, publish and unrestrict the Page if needed, and check for any account or post restrictions. If issues continue, request a review from Facebook.

What permissions do I need to share posts on a Facebook Page?

To be able to share posts on a Facebook Page, your account needs to have one of these admin roles for the Page:

  • Admin – Has full control over the Page and can share posts, publish as the Page, and add other admins/editors.
  • Editor – Can share posts, publish as the Page, create ads, and view insights. But cannot add other admins/editors.
  • Moderator – Limited access. Can only respond to and delete comments on the Page.
  • Advertiser – Can create ads for the Page, but cannot post or share to the Page timeline.

If your account only has the “Moderator” or “Advertiser” role for the Page, you won’t be able to share posts on its timeline. You’ll need to be promoted to the “Admin” or “Editor” role by another admin of the Page to be able to share posts.

How to Check Your Admin Roles on a Facebook Page

To see what admin roles your account has for a Facebook Page:

  1. Go to the Page and click “Settings” at the bottom of the left sidebar.
  2. Select “Page Roles” from the left menu.
  3. Here you’ll see a list of all the current admins for the Page and their roles.

If your account is not listed here or only has “Moderator” access, you’ll need to be added as an “Admin” or “Editor” to be able to share posts on the Page timeline.

What post privacy settings affect sharing to Facebook Pages?

The privacy settings of the original post can also impact your ability to share it on a Facebook Page. Here are the key things to check:

  • Public posts – Can be shared to any Page or timeline.
  • Friends only – Can only be shared on your own timeline or with friends in your network.
  • Custom settings – If the visibility is limited to specific friend lists or groups, sharing may be restricted.

For example, if the original post was shared only with a custom list of close friends, you likely can’t re-share it publicly to a Page you manage.

How to Check a Post’s Privacy Settings on Facebook

To view the audience and privacy settings of an existing post:

  1. Go to the post on Facebook and click the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Edit post” from the dropdown menu.
  3. At the bottom you’ll see the “Audience” setting for who can view the post.

If it’s anything other than “Public”, this can restrict your ability to share the post on a Page. You’ll need to edit the privacy setting to “Public” first or ask the original poster to change the audience.

How do country restrictions affect sharing to Facebook Pages?

Facebook Pages can enable location targeting to restrict which countries can view and engage with the Page. This includes:

  • Restricting Page access to people in certain locations.
  • Excluding people from specific countries from engaging with the Page.

If the Page you’re trying to share posts to has excluded your country, you’ll be unable to access or post to that Page.

To check if country restrictions are enabled:

  1. Go to the Page and click “Settings”.
  2. Select “General” from the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll down to “Country restrictions” to see if any locations are blocked.

Any country excluded here would prevent you from managing or sharing posts to that Page. To resolve this, you’ll need to request that the Page remove your country from the restricted list.

Why can’t I share posts if the Facebook Page is unpublished?

If the Facebook Page you are trying to share posts to is unpublished, it essentially means the Page is “turned off” and not visible to the public.

Some reasons a Page may be unpublished include:

  • The Page admins chose to take a break or temporarily disable it.
  • The Page violated a Facebook policy and was restricted.
  • The Page was abandoned by its creators.

While a Page is unpublished, nobody can access it or post to it – including the admins and editors. Any attempt to share posts will fail with an error.

To resolve this:

  1. Go to the Page and click “Settings”.
  2. Click “General” in the left sidebar.
  3. Next to “Page Visibility” click the toggle to switch it from “Unpublished” to “Published”.

This will make the Page publicly visible again. Just note that it can take up to 24 hours for the Page to be indexed again after publishing.

Why can’t I post if the Facebook Page is restricted?

Rather than completely unpublished, some Facebook Pages are just “restricted”. This means the Page is still live, but certain actions have been limited by Facebook moderators.

Possible restrictions include:

  • Page admins cannot post from the Page at all.
  • Posts require admin approval before going live.
  • Ability to advertise or monetize the Page revoked.

These restrictions are usually put in place if Facebook detects policy violations, spammy behavior, suspicious activity, or community complaints.

As an admin or editor, you’ll be unable to post or share content until the restrictions are lifted. To resolve this:

  1. Have the primary admin submit an appeal to Facebook through the Help Center.
  2. Provide details on why restrictions should be lifted.
  3. Facebook reviews the appeal and removes restrictions if issues are resolved.

This process can take anywhere from 24 hours up to a few weeks depending on severity. Maintaining good standing policies moving forward can help avoid restrictions.

Why am I temporarily blocked from sharing Facebook posts?

In some cases, restrictions around sharing posts are not placed at the Page-level, but at the individual user level.

Some possible reasons your personal account could be blocked from sharing posts include:

  • Excessive automated sharing or spammy behavior.
  • Violating Facebook’s community standards with your posts.
  • Sharing prohibited content like hate speech or nudity.
  • Suspicious account activity or security concerns.

These sorts of violations can trigger temporary restrictions on your account’s ability to share posts, comment, or interact with Pages.

To resolve this:

  1. Check your notifications for any alert from Facebook about the restrictions.
  2. Submit an appeal through the Help Center if prompted.
  3. Avoid further policy violations once restrictions lift.

Restrictions generally last from 24 hours up to 30 days depending on severity and if it’s a repeat offense. Serious or continued violations can lead to permanent disabling of your account.


In summary, there are a few key troubleshooting steps to try if Facebook is blocking you from sharing posts on Pages you manage:

  • Confirm your account has the appropriate admin roles like Editor or Admin.
  • Check that the original post privacy allows public sharing.
  • Disable any country restrictions on the Page blocking your location.
  • Publish the Page if it is unpublished.
  • Appeal any Page or account restrictions as needed.

Following Facebook’s recommended policies and maintaining your Page in good standing can help prevent issues with posting and sharing content in the future. But if problems persist, always reach out to Facebook’s Help Center for personalized support resolving sharing errors.

Additional Tables

Here are some additional tables to provide more detailed information:

Facebook Page Admin Roles and Permissions

Role Posting Ability Moderate Comments Create Ads View Insights Add Admins
Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Editor Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Moderator No Yes No No No
Advertiser No No Yes No No

Facebook Post Privacy Settings

Setting Description
Public Anyone on or off Facebook can see post
Friends Only your friends on Facebook can see post
Custom Post visible to specific friend lists or groups you select
Only Me Post is only visible to you

Additional Details

Here are some additional details to help explain the main points:

What are some other admin roles on Facebook Pages?

In addition to the main Admin, Editor, Moderator, and Advertiser roles, here are some other specialized admin functions on Facebook Pages:

– Content Creator – Can create Page posts, but cannot publish or schedule them. Posts require approval from an Admin/Editor before going live. Useful for managing a team of content contributors.

– Live Contributor – Can go live on Facebook from the Page and create live videos. But cannot publish regular posts. Good for a videographer who manages livestreams.

– Insights Analyst – Can view Page insights and analytics but not make any posts. Helpful for a social media manager focused just on reporting.

– AR Creator – Can create and manage AR effects for the Page. Narrow role for AR developers and creators.

What are some best practices for admins on Facebook Pages?

Here are some tips for admins managing Facebook Pages:

– Have at least 2-3 admins for redundancy so the Page isn’t stranded if one admin leaves.

– Designate specific roles like content creation, community management, ad management so admins aren’t overlapping.

– Remove former employees immediately as admins when they leave to prevent sabotage.

– Agree to an approval process and schedule for publishing content.

– Use tools like Facebook Publisher to collaborate and schedule posts efficiently.

– Monitor analytics regularly and optimize content strategy based on what resonates.

What steps can you take to appeal Facebook post restrictions?

If your ability to post or share content is restricted, here are some tips to appeal:

– Carefully review Facebook’s terms and identify specifically which policy was violated.

– Provide context around the violation and reasons it should not be considered a breach.

– Highlight what remedial actions you’ve taken to come back into compliance.

– Suggest any additional safeguards or oversight you will implement moving forward.

– Ask reviewers to check your overall posting history and standing in the community.

– Request a limited or temporary restriction if a full restore seems unlikely.

– Be polite, acknowledge errors, but emphasize your desire to improve and cooperate.