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Why won t Facebook let me post a Poll?

Why won t Facebook let me post a Poll?

Quick Answers

Facebook has certain requirements that need to be met in order to create and post polls on personal profiles or Facebook pages. Some common reasons why Facebook may not allow you to post a poll include:

  • Your account or page is too new – Facebook requires profiles and pages to be at least 30 days old before being able to create polls.
  • Your account or page has restrictions – If your account has been flagged for suspicious activity or your page is in “jail”, polls may be disabled.
  • You don’t have the latest version of Facebook – Make sure the app or website is updated to the newest version.
  • You’ve reached the daily/weekly limit – There are limits to how many polls can be created per day or week.
  • Your post content violated a policy – Inappropriate, dangerous or spammy polls may be disallowed.

If you’re still unable to post polls after addressing those issues, you may need to submit an appeal to Facebook for review. Keep reading for more details on troubleshooting and fixing Facebook poll posting issues.

Facebook’s Poll Posting Policies and Restrictions

Facebook has a number of policies and restrictions in place that determine whether a user is able to create and post polls. Here are some of the key factors:

Account Age and Activity

In order to deter spam and fake accounts, Facebook requires personal profiles to be at least 30 days old before being able to access certain features, including polls. Business pages also need to be at least 30 days old, be active, and be in “good standing” to post polls.

If your account or page is relatively new, you’ll need to wait until it passes the 30 day threshold before polls will be enabled. Maintaining regular non-promotional activity on your page can also help lift restrictions once the account ages.

Account and Page Restrictions

If your personal profile or Facebook page has been flagged for policy violations, banned content, or suspicious behavior,polls may be disabled as a restriction. Some common reasons this could happen include:

  • – Posting clickbait content
  • – Sharing dangerous misinformation
  • – Harassing users
  • – Violating Facebook’s Community Standards

Business pages may end up in “Facebook jail” with limited functionality if too many people have unmatched or hidden your page’s posts. You’ll need to address any flagged content issues and go through the appeals process to get your full account privileges reinstated.

Facebook App and Site Updates

Facebook is constantly rolling out updates to its mobile apps and website platforms. In order to access the latest features like polls, you’ll need to keep the Facebook app updated on mobile or use a supported web browser version on desktop.

If you are trying to use an outdated version of Facebook, some options like polls may be unavailable or glitchy. Make sure to download the latest Facebook app from your phone’s app store or visit Facebook through a current web browser.

Daily and Weekly Posting Limits

To prevent spam and abuse, Facebook limits the number of polls that users can create on both personal profiles and pages. The exact daily and weekly limits depend on the age and activity levels of the account in question.

Typically, personal profiles are capped at around 1-5 polls per day and 5-10 per week. Pages can usually post 5-10 polls per day and 25-50 per week. Keep in mind these limits can vary based on restrictions and other activity on your account.

If you’ve hit the maximum number of polls for your account, you’ll have to wait until the next day or week to make more. Using polls judiciously and spacing them out can help stay under Facebook’s thresholds.

Ban on Dangerous, Misleading or Harassing Polls

In line with its Community Standards, Facebook prohibits polls that are considered dangerous, misleading, illegal or harassing. Specifically, polls are not allowed if they:

  • – Incite violence or illegal activities
  • – Spread misinformation or health hoaxes
  • – Use profane, defamatory or harassing text
  • – Target private individuals without consent

Polls that ask questions related to restricted goods like pharmaceuticals, tobacco, weapons or unregistered supplements are also not permitted.

If you attempt to post an inappropriate poll that violates Facebook’s rules, it will be rejected during the creation process. Avoid polls with dangerous or hateful content in order to maintain your account privileges.

Troubleshooting Facebook Poll Posting Issues

If you are still unable to post polls on your Facebook profile or page after reviewing the requirements, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Clear Browser Cookies and Cache

Outdated browser cookies and cached Facebook data can sometimes disrupt features like polls. Try clearing your browser history and website data for Facebook, then refresh the page. This may reset any glitchy behavior.

Try Logging Out and Back In

Similarly, logging completely out of your Facebook account and then logging back in can refresh your session data and reset any bugs. After logging back in, test if polls are now working properly from your profile or page.

Use a Different Web Browser or Computer

Problems posting polls may also be browser-specific. Try accessing Facebook from a different web browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari and see if polls work there. You can also switch computers to determine if the issues are tied to a particular device.

Update or Reinstall the Facebook App

On mobile, make sure you have downloaded the most up-to-date version of the Facebook app for your iPhone, Android or other device. Alternatively, uninstall and reinstall the app completely to wipe any problematic cached data.

File an Appeal with Facebook

If you believe your account or page was incorrectly restricted from polls, submit an appeal to Facebook through its Help Center. Provide details on the issues you are experiencing and any context around why your access may have been limited in error.

Wait 24 Hours and Try Again

In many cases, Facebook poll issues resolve on their own after a short waiting period. Be patient and try posting your poll again a day later. Facebook’s servers may just need time to reset any glitches.

Best Practices for Posting Polls on Facebook

Once you can post polls again, follow these tips to make sure your polls are effective and compliant with Facebook’s guidelines:

  • Keep poll questions and answers clear, concise and neutral in tone.
  • Avoid posting more than 1-2 polls per day, spaced out over time.
  • Only post poll content relevant to your target audience.
  • Use polls to encourage engagement, not promote products.
  • Follow Facebook’s rules around dangerous or harassing content.
  • Do not spam polls or overuse them on your profile/page.

Using polls strategically as part of a broader content mix can drive engagement and insight. But overusing or misusing polls may cause Facebook to restrict your access again in the future.


Facebook polls provide a fun and interactive way to engage your friends, followers and community – but only if they comply with Facebook’s rules and limitations. By avoiding restricted or dangerous poll topics, keeping your app updated, and posting poll content judiciously, you can take advantage of this feature within Facebook’s platform policies. Patience and working through any account restrictions is also key to restoring full access to polls if you get blocked. With the right troubleshooting and best practices, you can make the most of polling on Facebook.