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Why won t Facebook allow me to change the name of my Page?

Why won t Facebook allow me to change the name of my Page?

Quick Answer

Facebook has restrictions in place that prevent Pages from changing their names frequently. This is to maintain the integrity of the platform and prevent confusion for users. However, there are some circumstances where Facebook may allow a Page name change if certain criteria are met.

Facebook’s Page Name Change Policy

Facebook does not allow Pages to change their names more than twice within 90 days. This policy is in place to prevent Pages from abusing name changes for questionable purposes. Some key reasons why Facebook limits Page name changes include:

  • Preventing confusion for users who follow Pages – If Pages could change names constantly, it would be hard to keep track of Pages you have liked or followed.
  • Maintaining branding integrity – Pages build up their brand based on their name. Frequent name changes could damage brand recognition.
  • Stopping abuse tactics – Restricting name changes prevents Pages from changing names to trick users or spread misinformation.
  • Providing authentic experiences – When users engage with Pages, they should know what to expect based on the Page name.

Facebook does understand that legitimate reasons for wanting to change a Page’s name can arise. But any name change requests will be evaluated against their policies first.

When Facebook May Allow a Page Name Change

Here are some instances where Facebook may approve a Page name change request:

  • The Page has not changed its name in the past 90 days
  • The name change reflects an authentic evolution of the brand’s name or offerings
  • The previous name was clearly temporary or not intended to be permanent
  • There is evidence that a large portion of the Page’s audience supports the name change
  • The Page merges with another Page and needs to change names accordingly
  • The Page owner provides a strong justification that the name change is necessary

Essentially, Facebook wants to see a legitimate reason for the change that benefits users rather than trying to exploit loopholes.

How to Request a Page Name Change on Facebook

If you need to change your Facebook Page’s name, here are the steps to request it:

  1. Go to your Page and click “Settings” at the bottom
  2. On the General settings, click “Page Name” and select “Change Page Name”
  3. Enter the new desired Page name and click “Check Availability”
  4. If available, click “Request Change” to submit for approval
  5. Provide details explaining why you are requesting the name change
  6. Facebook will review the request and notify you if it is approved or denied

The key is providing a clear and valid reason for wanting to change the Page name in your request. Some tips include:

  • Explain how the new name better represents the Page’s current brand or products
  • Note if you are merging Pages and need a combined name
  • Provide evidence that your audience will support the change and not be confused
  • Indicate if the previous name was temporary and not intended to be permanent

Also note that you may lose the verified badge if Facebook approves a name change. The badge is tied to the specific Page name.

What to Do If Your Page Name Change Request is Denied

If Facebook denies your Page name change request, here are some next steps to consider:

  • Review Facebook’s name change policies again to understand what criteria they evaluate
  • Consider tweaking your Page’s name slightly if needed vs. changing it completely
  • Wait until 90 days have passed since your last name change request
  • Build your case again with more details and evidence to justify the change
  • Use Facebook Ads to promote the planned name change and show user support
  • Appeal the decision if you believe it was made in error and have valid reasons

Essentially, take the time to understand why Facebook denied the request and work to address their concerns. Building a much stronger case and waiting the requisite time will increase your chances for approval.

Maintaining Your Facebook Page’s Branding After a Name Change

If Facebook does allow you to change your Page’s name, here are some tips to maintain consistent branding:

  • Update your Page’s username and URL to reflect the new name if possible
  • Create a new Page profile image and cover photo with the new name
  • Change all references to the Page’s name across Facebook including Ads accounts
  • Update your website and other marketing channels with the new Page name
  • Notify your audience of the change on Facebook and via email if needed
  • Use Facebook Ads to reinforce awareness of the new Page name
  • Monitor metrics to ensure engagement remains consistent after the change
  • Register any trademarks or domains related to the new name for branding protection

Staying proactive will ensure a smooth transition when people interact with your Facebook Page after a name change.


Facebook limits Page name changes to maintain trust and prevent abuse on their platform. However, legitimate name change requests may be approved if they meet Facebook’s criteria. The keys are having a compelling reason for the new name, following the proper steps to request the change, and maintaining consistent branding if approved. With the proper approach, Pages can change their names on Facebook when truly necessary.