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Why will Facebook not let me post?

Why will Facebook not let me post?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may not allow you to make a post:

Your account or post has been flagged

If your account or a specific post goes against Facebook’s Community Standards, it may get flagged by other users or Facebook’s systems. Some reasons your account or post may get flagged include:

  • Sharing hate speech, nudity, harassment, or threats of violence
  • Spreading misinformation or false news
  • Violating copyright or trademark laws
  • Impersonating others
  • Spamming or repeatedly posting the same content

If your account or a post gets flagged, you may be temporarily blocked from posting while Facebook reviews it. If they find you violated policies, you may get a warning or have posting abilities revoked.

You are banned or restricted

If you consistently violate Facebook’s rules, your account can be banned either temporarily or permanently. Banned accounts cannot post anything. Restricted accounts have limited posting abilities.

Common reasons for bans or restrictions include:

  • Sharing nudity or sexual content
  • Bullying or harassing others
  • Spreading hate speech or misinformation
  • Violating copyrights or trademarks
  • Creating fake or duplicate accounts

Bans can last anywhere from 24 hours to permanent. To appeal a ban, you’ll need to submit an appeal to Facebook.

Technical issues

Sometimes the issue is on Facebook’s end. Technical glitches or bugs could prevent posting. Things to try:

  • Check Facebook’s status page for any known issues
  • Update your Facebook app or clear the cache/data
  • Try posting from a computer instead of mobile
  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection
  • Try again after some time has passed

If the issues persist for more than a day, you may want to contact Facebook support.

Your account hasn’t been verified

Facebook requires you to verify new accounts by providing a mobile phone number. Until your account is verified, posting abilities may be limited.

Ways to verify a new account:

  • Enter a valid mobile number when creating your account
  • Check for a verification code Facebook sent via text and enter it
  • If you can’t access the code, request a new one
  • You may need to complete additional identity confirmation steps

You don’t meet eligibility requirements for paid posts

If you’re trying to boost a post as an ad, you may not meet Facebook’s eligibility requirements, such as:

  • Being 18 years or older
  • Having a business Page for your brand/organization
  • Providing required tax information
  • Complying with regional advertising laws and disclosures

Review Facebook’s paid advertising policies and make sure your account and content meets the guidelines.

Your account is private or inactive

If your account is private or set to inactive, your ability to post public content will be limited. To enable public posting:

  • Go to your account settings
  • Make sure the privacy setting is set to public
  • Double check that your account status is set to active

You’ve reached a posting limit

Facebook limits how frequently accounts can post as an anti-spam measure. If you post too much in a short time frame, you may hit a posting limit. Ways to avoid this:

  • Slow down your posting frequency
  • Spread out posts over several hours/days
  • Avoid duplicate posts
  • Only post relevant, quality content

If you accidentally hit a limit, you’ll have to wait a bit before posting again. Limits typically reset after a few hours or days.

Your post goes against Page guidelines

Trying to post on a Facebook Page you manage? Some Pages have additional posting guidelines you need to follow, such as:

  • Requiring approval for new posts if you are not the top admin
  • Prohibiting certain post types like selling products or services
  • Requiring posts to be relevant to the Page’s focus
  • Limiting how frequently Page owners can post

Make sure you understand and follow any guidelines set for the specific Page you are trying to post from.

You don’t have permission to post in a Group

Similar to Pages, some Facebook Groups limit who can post and the types of content allowed. Make sure you have permission to post in the Group you want. Admins may need to manually approve you.

Your post goes against Facebook’s Commerce Policies

Facebook has rules around buying, selling and fundraising activities:

  • You can’t sell or fundraise from your personal profile, only official Pages
  • You need authorization to sell regulated goods or services
  • Your commerce content must comply with advertising policies

Review the Commerce Policies to make sure your sales or fundraising content is allowed.

You haven’t confirmed your account for Marketplace

To post listings on Facebook Marketplace, you first need to confirm your identity. Requirements include:

  • Setting your account to public
  • Adding a profile photo of yourself
  • Providing a phone number or second form of ID

Go through the Marketplace confirmation process before trying to create listings.

Your Facebook account is locked

If your account gets locked, you’ll be alerted the next time you try to login. Some reasons this may happen:

  • Entering an incorrect password too many times
  • Suspected suspicious activity or security issue
  • Violating Facebook’s terms and policies

To unlock your account, you’ll need to follow the on-screen instructions. This usually involves resetting your password or completing a security check.

You don’t meet requirements for certain post formats

Facebook has specific rules around different post formats:

  • Live videos – Accounts must be at least one month old with no violations
  • Facebook Stories – Personal accounts must be over one week old and have at least 15 followers
  • Reels – Accounts must be public and have at least 30 followers

Make sure you meet the minimum requirements if trying to post exclusive content formats.

You haven’t verified your Facebook domain

To post links on Facebook, you need to verify your website domain in Business Settings. This confirms you own the site. Steps to verify:

  1. Go to Business Settings > Instagram and Facebook
  2. Click “Add Your Website”
  3. Enter your domain
  4. Confirm you have access by downloading Facebook’s verification file and uploading it to your server

After domain verification, you’ll be able to post links from your site.

You’re using a banned hashtag

Facebook prohibits certain hashtags that violate policies or are associated with harmful misinformation. Using them could block your ability to post.

Some examples of banned hashtags:

  • #vaccinescauseautism
  • #covidhoax
  • #stopthesteal

Search for your hashtag before using it to make sure it’s allowed. Avoid hashtag spam as well.

You have an overdue account balance

If you have unpaid advertising invoices, Facebook may limit your ability to post until you pay the outstanding balance. Steps to resolve:

  1. View and pay any unpaid Facebook/Instagram invoices in Ads Manager
  2. Set up a payment method for automated billing going forward
  3. Contact Facebook support if you think there are billing errors

Meeting your payment obligations will remove any posting restrictions.

Your Facebook friends limit is reached

Facebook caps the number of friends you can have at 5000. Once you hit this limit, you may be unable to send or accept friend requests, which can impact your posting abilities.

Ways to manage your friend list:

  • Remove inactive friends who you no longer interact with
  • Create a Page to share updates with your wider audience
  • Use Groups to share content with smaller circles of connections

Reducing your friend count below 5000 will lift the cap so you can continue connecting and posting.

You posted from a non-approved app

Due to spam risks, Facebook prohibits posting from unapproved third-party apps. Make sure any app you’re posting from is listed in their approved apps directory.

If you linked an app that’s violating policies, you may need to remove the integration in your account settings. Post directly from Facebook until the app gains approval.

Your Facebook account is memorialized

If your account becomes memorialized, posting abilities are disabled. This occurs when:

  • Facebook is notified you have passed away
  • Immediate family members request memorialization
  • Valid proof of death is provided

Memorialized accounts are restricted to prevent inappropriate access. To regain posting privileges, you’ll need to submit a request proving you are the account holder.

You’re using an unsupported browser

Outdated browsers can cause issues with posting. Make sure you are accessing Facebook using a supported desktop or mobile browser such as:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Facebook App for iOS/Android

If issues persist in multiple supported browsers, there may be a different technical issue at play.

You posted too many times

To reduce spam, Facebook limits how frequently you can post. You may reach the limit if you:

  • Make multiple posts in quick succession
  • Post the same content repeatedly
  • Have a new account with no posting history

If you exceed the post frequency limits, take a break before trying again. Limits are usually temporary as you build a posting track record.

You’re using a proxy server or VPN

Due to security risks, Facebook restricts accounts that access the platform via proxy servers or VPNs. To post normally, make sure you are accessing Facebook directly without these networks.

How to Troubleshoot Posting Problems

If Facebook is not letting you post, here are some troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check for notifications – Your account may have alerts guiding you to resolve the issue.
  2. Review Facebook’s Help Center – Search for your specific error or problem.
  3. Make sure you meet eligibility criteria – Verify your account status, privacy settings, ads compliance, etc.
  4. Update your app – Install the latest version of Facebook and reboot your device.
  5. Try alternate platforms – Attempt to post from the Facebook website on desktop as well as mobile.
  6. Look for technical issues – Monitor Facebook’s status page for any identified bugs preventing posting.
  7. Test your internet – Make sure you have a fast, stable connection. Try cellular data vs. WiFi.
  8. Review third-party app integrations – Remove any unauthorized or suspended apps linked to your account.
  9. Wait it out – Temporary restrictions usually resolve within hours or a few days at most.
  10. Submit an appeal – If your account or post was inaccurately flagged, request a review.

For posting problems exceeding 48 hours, you may need to open a support ticket with Facebook for additional troubleshooting.

Warnings About Restricted Posting

Here are some common warnings you may see if Facebook limits your ability to post and next steps:

Error Message Reason Fix
Your account has been disabled Violated Facebook policies Appeal the decision if inaccurate
Couldn’t post to Facebook Technical error Retry after some time
Limits reached, try again later Exceeded posting frequency limits Slow down posting pace
Unable to post: account must be public Account set to private Change privacy to public


In summary, there are a variety of reasons Facebook may block you from posting ranging from policy violations to technical glitches. Carefully reviewing requirements for your account status, ads, commerce content and more can help identify potential posting obstacles.

Frequently monitoring your account notifications, troubleshooting issues across platforms, and reaching out to Facebook support can help resolve more persistent posting problems. With some diligent detective work, you should be able to get your Facebook posting abilities restored.