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Why was my Facebook post rejected?

Why was my Facebook post rejected?

Getting a post rejected on Facebook can be frustrating. There are a few common reasons why Facebook may reject a post:

Your post contained prohibited content

Facebook has rules about what type of content is allowed on their platform. Some prohibited content includes:

  • Nudity or sexual content
  • Hate speech, threats, or bullying
  • Graphic violence
  • Copyright violations or unauthorized use of someone else’s content
  • Misinformation or false news
  • Clickbait or sensational content
  • Spam

If your post contained any of this prohibited content, that is likely why it was rejected. Facebook’s content moderators are always reviewing posts and will remove anything that violates their Community Standards.

Your post contained false or misleading information

In addition to banning hate speech and threats, Facebook also cracks down on false news and misinformation. This includes posts that:

  • Make false claims
  • Promote conspiracy theories
  • Contain demonstrably inaccurate data
  • Misrepresent or distort facts

Facebook works with independent fact-checkers to review posts and tag misinformation. If your post was flagged by fact-checkers as misleading or false, that could be why it was rejected.

Your post was spam or contained clickbait

Facebook aims to provide a positive user experience and limit low-quality content. Posts may get rejected if they:

  • Are repetitive/mass posted across groups
  • Are posted too frequently
  • Use attention-grabbing headlines with no meaningful content
  • Direct people off Facebook with no or little value

These types of “clickbait” or spam posts clutter up feeds and provide no real value to readers. Facebook will reject them to maintain the quality of the platform.

Your post contained unauthorized or infringing content

You cannot share content that you do not have rights to post. Some examples of infringing content:

  • Reposting an article or video without permission
  • Using someone else’s images or artwork without credit
  • Sharing copyrighted material like movie clips, sports broadcasts, etc.

Facebook respects copyrights and will reject posts that use protected content without authorization. Make sure you have rights to anything you share.

You violated Facebook’s ad policies

If your post promoted a product, business, or service, it may have been considered an unpaid ad. Facebook has strict ad review policies that prohibit:

  • Ads for illegal, regulated, or dangerous products
  • Misleading claims about health benefits or weight loss products
  • Promotions involving deceptive practices
  • Low-quality, disruptive, or negative engagement bait ads

Review Facebook’s ad guidelines carefully if your rejected post was an unofficial advertisement.

Your account or post violated other Facebook policies

In some cases, a post may be rejected because the associated account violated Facebook rules. For example:

  • Using a fake or duplicate account
  • Pretending to be someone else
  • Abusing tagging or @mentions
  • Creating multiple accounts to get around a block

Posts associated with rule-breaking accounts are more likely to get rejected, even if the post itself did not contain prohibited content. Make sure your account is following all Facebook policies.

It was an accidental or automated rejection

With millions of posts created each day, an occasional mistaken rejection can happen. Reasons may include:

  • A flaw in the automated moderation system
  • An incorrect decision made in human review
  • Unclear policies leading to inconsistent enforcement
  • A bug in the review process

If you believe your post was rejected in error, you can appeal the decision and ask Facebook to review it again. Mistakes do happen, although Facebook aims to minimize them.

How to avoid post rejections in the future

Here are some tips to help avoid getting your posts rejected again:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s Community Standards and follow all policies.
  • Avoid posting graphic, explicit, dangerous, or hateful content.
  • Fact check information and don’t spread misinformation or clickbait.
  • Only share content you created or have permission to use.
  • Follow all Facebook ad policies if promoting a product or business.
  • Use your authentic identity and do not misrepresent yourself.
  • Be thoughtful about tagging people and don’t spam.

Putting some extra care into reviewing your posts before publishing can help avoid rejections. But know that even following all the rules, mistakes can happen. If you believe your post was wrongly rejected, you can appeal the decision.

How to appeal a rejected post

If you think your post was incorrectly rejected, you can request a review from Facebook:

  1. Click on the notification you received about your post being taken down.
  2. Select “Request Review.”
  3. Explain why you believe your post should not have been removed.
  4. Wait for Facebook to re-review your post.
  5. If rejected again, you can submit another appeal explanation.

Keep your appeal concise and focused on why the content does not actually violate Facebook policies. Be polite. Hostile or vague appeals are less likely to be successful. With patience and persistence, many wrongly rejected posts are restored.


Understanding Facebook’s rules and closely reviewing your posts is the best way to avoid rejections. But if you believe your post was mistakenly taken down, don’t hesitate to appeal the decision. With care and attention to the policies, you should be able to successfully share your voice on Facebook.

Key Reasons for Facebook Post Rejections

Reason Example Violations
Prohibited content Nudity, hate speech, graphic violence
False information Misinformation, conspiracy theories
Spam/clickbait Repetitive posts, sensational headlines
Copyright violations Reposted articles, unauthorized images
Ad policy violations Misleading health claims, negative engagement bait
Account policy violations Fake accounts, pretending to be someone else
Mistakes Flaws in review system, human error

Tips to Avoid Future Rejections

Tip Details
Review policies Carefully read Facebook’s rules and standards
Vet content Avoid posting graphic, dangerous, or hateful material
Fact check Don’t spread misinformation or clickbait
Verify permissions Only share content you have rights to use
Follow ad rules Comply with all Facebook ad policies
Use authentic identity Don’t misrepresent yourself on your account
Be thoughtful about tagging Don’t spam or abuse mentions

Appealing a Rejection

Step Action
1 Click on post rejection notification
2 Select “Request Review”
3 Explain why post should not be removed
4 Wait for Facebook to re-review
5 Submit additional appeals if needed