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Why use video ads on Facebook?

Why use video ads on Facebook?

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q2 2022. For businesses looking to reach a massive audience, Facebook’s unmatched scale makes it an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. One of the most effective ad formats on Facebook is video ads. Here are some key reasons why brands should be using video ads on Facebook:

Higher engagement rates

Video ads on Facebook receive significantly higher engagement rates compared to images or text-only posts. According to Facebook, video ads see 135% more organic reach on average compared to non-video ads. The auto-play feature for videos in users’ News Feeds catches their attention, and the movement and visuals keep them interested. This leads to more comments, shares, and overall interaction.

Lower costs

The cost-per-result of video ads on Facebook is lower compared to other ad formats. Facebook video ads have an average CPM of $7.19, which is lower than the $7.80 average CPM for image ads. The high engagement rates also mean your overall ROI increases. Videos under 15 seconds long also cost less to run compared to longer videos.

Ad versatility

Facebook video ads can be used to achieve a range of marketing objectives beyond brand awareness and reach. You can drive traffic to your website or landing page, generate leads through lead ads, increase store visits, and more. The customizable call-to-action button gives you flexibility.

Retargeting capabilities

Once someone watches your video ad, you can then retarget them with more relevant ads across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Facebook’s partner network. This increases the chance that they will convert or take your desired action. Frequency caps help control how often users see your retargeting ads.

Detailed analytics

The backend analytics and reporting for Facebook video ads are very robust. You can view data on watch time, completion rates, impressions, reach, clicks, CTR, conversions, and more. This helps you identify the top-performing videos to optimize your ad strategy.

How to create effective Facebook video ads

Here are some tips for creating compelling and effective video ads on Facebook:

Hook viewers in the first 3 seconds

Facebook video ads start playing automatically, so you need to grab attention fast. Use striking visuals, text overlays, or sounds right at the start. Get straight to the point of your ad in the first few seconds.

Optimize video length

Facebook research shows the optimal video length is 15-30 seconds long. Videos under 15 seconds have the lowest CPMs. For longer videos over 30 seconds, have key messages and calls-to-action in the first half.

Use captions and subtitles

85% of Facebook video is viewed without sound. Use captions and subtitles so viewers understand your video even on mute. This boosts completion rates.

Include a strong CTA

Tell viewers exactly what you want them to do – click a link, visit your website, sign up for a trial, etc. Place your CTA both in the video caption and as a prominent button.

Test different video types

Experiment with different video styles – live-action, animated, 360, carousel, etc. See what resonates most with your target audience. You can A/B test video ads.

Optimize for mobile

Vertical video formats work best on mobile, which accounts for 95% of Facebook video views. Shoot videos in portrait 9:16 aspect ratio. Keep text brief and easy to read on small screens.

What objectives can video ads achieve?

Here are some of the key marketing objectives and use cases where Facebook video ads excel:

Brand awareness and reach

Video is engaging and attention-grabbing. Use videos about your brand story, products, services, or mission to increase awareness and reach new audiences.

Traffic and conversions

Include a strong click-through CTA in your video or video caption to drive traffic to your website. This leads to more conversions.

Lead generation

Lead gen video ads let viewers input contact details right in the ad unit. They work great for services that need consultations.

Catalog sales

Product catalog ads let you tag and showcase multiple products people can browse and shop from the video.

App installs

Advertise your mobile app with video ads focused on the app features and benefits. Add links to download from the app stores.

Store visits

Geotarget local audiences with video ads about special in-store offers or events happening in your business location.

Event promotion

Tell people why they should attend your upcoming event. Add a link to event registration or ticket sales page.

Best practices for optimizing results

To maximize the impact of your video ads on Facebook, keep these best practices in mind:

Detailed targeting

Use Facebook’s detailed targeting tools to show your ads to the audiences most likely to be interested. Target by location, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.

Split test ad variations

Test different videos, captions, CTAs, formats, etc. to see what resonates best. This helps you optimize and improve performance over time.

Analyze and adjust

Check your video ad metrics frequently. See which videos and targeting strategies are working and double down on those. Stop poorly performing ads.

Retarget engaged viewers

Create custom audiences of people who have watched past videos, then retarget them with more relevant video ads.

Stay on brand

Keep your video content, visuals, and tone aligned with your brand identity and positioning. Consistency boosts recognition.

Use calls-to-action

CTAs tell people the action to take. Test CTAs like “Register Now”, “Start Free Trial”, “Shop Sale” etc.


Facebook video ads offer an unparalleled opportunity to reach a massive, engaged audience and achieve a diverse range of marketing goals. From driving website traffic to collecting leads and selling products, video ads can be a strategic component of your Facebook marketing. Following best practices and closely monitoring performance will allow you to refine your video ad approach and improve ROI over time. The high engagement rates and lower cost-per-result make Facebook video ads a worth investment for brands of all sizes.