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Why there is no follow button on my Facebook page?

Why there is no follow button on my Facebook page?

There are a few reasons why you may not see a Follow button on your Facebook page:

You already have the maximum number of followers

Facebook limits the number of followers a personal profile can have to 5,000. If your page has already reached the maximum number of followers allowed, the Follow button will disappear.

Here’s a quick overview of Facebook’s follower limits:

Account Type Maximum Followers
Personal Profile 5,000
Public Figure Page No limit
Business Page No limit

So if your account is a personal profile and you already have 5,000 followers, you won’t be able to get any more. You’ll need to convert your profile to a Facebook Page if you want to continue growing your audience.

Your account is still new

Facebook prevents new accounts from getting followers right away as an anti-spam measure. If your account is less than 30 days old, you likely won’t see the Follow button.

Don’t worry – after your account reaches 30 days, the Follow button should appear automatically (assuming you have less than 5,000 followers already). Just be patient and focus on building up your profile in the meantime.

Your profile is private

The Follow button only shows up on public Facebook profiles and Pages. If you’ve set your personal profile to private in your settings, the Follow option gets disabled.

To make your profile public again:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner
  3. Select “View As”
  4. Toggle your profile to Public

This will make your profile visible to everyone on Facebook again. The Follow button should reappear within a day after making this change.

You’ve hidden it from your profile

Facebook allows you to customize sections on your profile by showing and hiding certain components. It’s possible you (or someone else who manages your profile) has hidden the Follow button from your page.

To restore the Follow button:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click “Edit Profile”
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit your About section
  4. Toggle “Follow” to the On position
  5. Save your changes

This will make the Follow button visible again on your profile’s main page.

A bug or technical issue

In rare cases, a bug or technical glitch on Facebook’s end could make the Follow button disappear from profiles. Some possible causes include:

  • A widespread platform bug affecting multiple users
  • An issue caused by a recent Facebook update
  • A problem on your browser or device

If none of the other reasons explain why your Follow button is missing, a bug may be the culprit. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Try checking your profile from a different device or web browser
  • Log out of Facebook and log back in again
  • Update your app or clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Check if Facebook has any reported platform issues
  • Try accessing your profile while connected to a different network

In most cases, glitches like this are temporary and get fixed relatively quickly. If the issue persists for more than a few days, you may want to contact Facebook support for help.

You don’t have permission to add the Follow button

If someone else manages your Facebook profile – like a social media manager or agency – they may have removed your ability to edit settings like the Follow button.

Visit the Roles section under your profile’s Settings to see if someone else has administrative rights over your page. If so, you’ll need to contact them to request adding back the Follow option.

Page admins can assign custom roles and permissions, so it’s possible they’ve configured your access in a way that prevents you from toggling certain profile features on your own.

Your profile is restricted or banned

In some cases of abuse or violation of Facebook’s terms, your profile can get restricted or banned either temporarily or permanently.

Restricted profiles lose access to certain features and settings changes during the restriction period. And permanently banned profiles get completely disabled.

If your profile is restricted, the Follow button is commonly one of the privileges that gets revoked. You won’t be able to re-enable it until your full account access gets restored.

You’re using Facebook Lite

Facebook Lite is a streamlined version of Facebook for mobile devices with slower connections. Due to its simplified interface, some profile features like the Follow button aren’t available.

If you want access to the full Facebook experience, you’ll need to switch from using Facebook Lite to the regular Facebook app on your mobile device or access Facebook from a desktop browser.

You’re under the minimum age

Facebook requires users to be at least 13 years old to join. If you’re below this minimum age requirement, your account gets put into a restricted mode designed for younger users.

These restricted underage accounts lose access to certain features, like the ability to collect profile followers. The Follow button won’t be visible to users who haven’t reached Facebook’s 13+ age requirement.


Not seeing a Follow button on your Facebook profile? In most cases, the issue is caused by reaching the follower limit, having a new or private account, or changes to your profile settings.

Troubleshoot by double checking your privacy status, role permissions, account restrictions, and age requirements. Switching browsers or devices can also help determine if a technical glitch is to blame.

If the Follow option remains unavailable after trying these steps, you may need to convert your personal profile to a Facebook Page to continue growing your audience beyond 5,000 followers.

With the right adjustments, you should be able to restore the Follow button and start gaining more profile subscribers. Just be patient, and contact Facebook support if the problem persists.

Now that you understand why the Follow button disappears on Facebook, you can take the appropriate steps to get this useful profile feature back. A public profile and unlimited followers await!

Having a strong social media following is invaluable for building connections and spreading your message. Don’t let a missing Follow button prevent you from engaging your audience on Facebook.

Get the tools you need to gain more profile subscribers and achieve your social media goals. The first followers and friends are just a few troubleshooting tips away!

Gaining an initial online audience can feel intimidating at first. But having the right knowledge makes getting those crucial first Facebook followers smooth and straightforward.

Understand the likely reasons your Follow button has vanished, and equip yourself to bring it back. You’ll be on your way to social media success and making meaningful connections in no time!

Now that you know why your Facebook Follow button disappeared and how to restore it, you can continue growing your ideal audience. This small but mighty profile feature opens up big opportunities for expanding your reach.

So don’t let a missing Follow option slow you down. With a few simple troubleshooting steps, you’ll be back on track to building a thriving community of engaged followers.

Keep networking, creating compelling content, and putting your brand’s best face forward online. The followers will soon arrive – just one click of that bright blue button at a time.

Facebook’s Follow button may seem small, but having access to it can make a huge difference for your profile. It puts the power in your hands to gain an unlimited amount of followers and expand the reach of your personal brand.

Now that you know the ins and outs of Facebook’s profile follower limit, privacy settings, account restrictions, and other key factors, you have the knowledge to troubleshoot when this important feature goes missing.

Use these tips to unlock your profile’s maximum potential. Continue finding ways to craft an engaging social media presence that resonates with your audience.

The more value you bring to others through your content, the more your following will grow. So focus on what really counts: making meaningful connections, nurturing relationships, and using your online influence to spread positivity.

Your bright blue Follow button awaits. Time to put it to work!