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Why suddenly my reels are not getting views?

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Why Suddenly My Reels Are Not Getting Views?

If you’ve noticed a sudden drop in views on your Instagram Reels, there are a few potential reasons why this may be happening. The algorithm that determines which Reels get shown can be complex and change over time. But don’t worry, with some troubleshooting you can get your views back up.

Check Your Analytics for Insights

The first step is to check your Instagram analytics for your Reels. Look at the views, reach, and engagement over time to see when the drop happened and how significant it is. This will give you insight into what changed. For example, did views drop suddenly in the last week or has it been declining gradually over the past month? Understanding the scope of the issue will help narrow down potential causes.

Review Any Changes You’ve Made

Think about any changes you may have made to your Reels strategy or content over the timeframe when views dropped. For example, did you switch up the types of Reels you post or your posting schedule? Are you using different music, filters or effects? Any major changes like these can impact how the algorithm perceives and recommends your Reels, so tweaking them back may help.

Check Video Quality and Length

Higher quality video content often performs better, so check if your recent Reels have lower video resolution or other quality issues. Also look at Reel length – Instagram favors Reels in the 30 seconds to 90 seconds range. Posting Reels that are very short or very long can negatively impact views.

Analyze Your Captions and Hashtags

The captions and hashtags you use on Reels also impact how they get distributed. Make sure your captions are optimized with relevant keywords. Check which hashtags were most effective in the past and focus on those. Avoid spammy or irrelevant hashtags. Captions and hashtags guide the algorithm, so tweaking these can boost views.

Review Your Audience Targeting

Instagram shows your Reels primarily to followers and accounts with similar interests. So use Instagram analytics to see if your follower count has dropped recently. Check if your content focus has shifted away from what your audience wants. Pay attention to which Reels get engagement from your target audience and create more like those.

Monitor Your Niche and Competitors

See if influencers or competitors in your niche have experienced drops in Reels views too. If so, it may be an algorithm change impacting your whole niche. Review what top accounts in your niche are posting and identify any themes or types of content performing well. Aligning with broader trends can increase views.

Improve Your Audience Targeting

You can target Reels to specific audiences beyond just your followers. Use relevant hashtags so your Reels appear for anyone following those hashtags too. @mention influencers or brands related to your content. Interact heavily with niche accounts to get on their radar. Broadening your audience reach this way can compensate for any follower drop.

Post at Optimal Times

When you post can impact how many people see your Reels. Use Instagram analytics to identify when your audience is most active online. Post your best performing Reels during peak hours for higher visibility. Schedule Reels in advance using tools like Later or Hootsuite to automate optimal timing.

Leverage Trending Sounds

Using trending sounds and music can quickly boost Reels views since these are already getting high engagement. Check the Instagram sounds library regularly to see rising trending sounds to take advantage of. Align visuals and captions with trending sounds for maximum effect.

Create Reels Series

Developing a series of connected Reels focused on a hashtag or theme draws audience interest over time. Link each Reels visually and in captions. Number them sequentially. The cliffhanger effect compels viewers to check out the full series, driving views across multiple Reels.

Go Vertical

Instagram’s algorithm favors vertical video, so creating Reels in 9:16 aspect ratio results in better distribution on the platform. Use your phone to film Reels instead of camera for vertical orientation. Design graphics and visuals specifically for the vertical frame.

Collaborate with Niche Influencers

Collaborating on Reels with influencers in your niche allows you to tap into their follower base. Even a simple reshare of your Reel can get you in front of thousands of new potential viewers. Offer to create exclusive Reels featuring or tagging niche influencers.

Run Reels Ads

For a quick views boost, run paid Instagram Reels ads. They appear in-stream between organic Reels. Target them based on audience interests, locations, behaviours and more. Start small to test effectiveness – even $20 per day can get thousands of views.

Appeal Rejected Reels

If Instagram takes down your Reel for review, carefully re-examine it to identify the issue, fix it and appeal the rejection. Resolve any policy violations. Removing prohibited content and reposting compliant versions of rejected Reels can improve views.

Avoid Shadowbans

Repeated community guideline violations can lead to “shadowbans” where your reach is severely limited. Be careful not to spam hashtags, use excessive tags/mentions, post prohibited content or engage in other shadowban triggers. Keep your content and activity compliant.

Check Your Account Status

Being temporarily banned or restricted due to violations will tank your Reels views. Review Instagram’s emails to your registered email for any warnings or restrictions. Confirm your account status is in good standing under Settings. Resolve any active issues.

Post High-Quality Content

At its core, Instagram rewards high-quality, engaging Reels with increased distribution. Polish your video and production value. Post entertaining or educational content your niche will love. Spend time editing for concise messaging. Good content drives organic reach over time.

Remain Patient and Consistent

The Instagram algorithm takes time to re-calibrate after changes. Keep posting great Reels consistently, using some of the tips above. Stay patient and keep refining your approach. As you realign with the algorithm, your views will gradually improve over the next few weeks.

With some strategic troubleshooting and adjustments to your Reels strategy, you can regain lost views. Analyze your content and audience, leverage trends wisely, collaborate with influencers, invest in ads and focus on high-quality over quantity. Stay patient, persistent and creative to beat the algorithm fluctuation.