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Why suddenly my followers are decreasing?

Why suddenly my followers are decreasing?

There can be a few reasons why you may notice a sudden drop in your number of followers on social media. Losing followers is a common occurrence and not necessarily a cause for alarm. However, a significant and sudden drop could indicate an issue that needs addressing.

You changed your content strategy

One of the most common reasons for a sudden drop in followers is a change in the type of content you post. Your followers signed up for your account because they enjoyed and related to the content you were sharing. If you abruptly change the topic or style of your posts, some followers may no longer find your content relevant or interesting to them.

For example, if you built your audience by posting about cooking and recipes, but then suddenly shifted to posting about fashion and make-up tips, it makes sense that a portion of your cooking-focused audience would stop following you. Try to post a diverse yet cohesive range of content that remains on-brand for your niche.

Examples of changing content strategy

  • Shifting from posting cat videos to dog videos
  • Switching from book reviews to movie reviews
  • Changing from fashion outfit posts to fitness progress posts

You stopped posting consistently

Posting consistently is key for maintaining follower growth. If you suddenly stop posting on social media for days or weeks at a time, you risk losing some followers who no longer see your content showing up in their feeds.

Aim to post at least once per day on each platform. Schedule posts in advance if you are unable to post daily due to other commitments. Reminding your audience that you are still actively posting helps retain more followers when you go through less prolific periods.

Tips for posting consistently

  • Schedule batches of posts in advance
  • Create a stockpile of evergreen content
  • Automate posts where possible

You stopped engaging with your audience

Social media is inherently social – your followers expect some level of interaction and engagement from the accounts they follow. If you stop responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in discussions, some followers may feel ignored and lose interest.

Set aside time each day to engage with your audience. Respond to comments, ask questions, run polls, and otherwise interact with your followers. This engagement is what helps transform followers into loyal community members.

Ways to engage your audience

  • Respond to comments and questions
  • Like and react to your followers’ posts
  • Run polls and contests to spark dialogue
  • Go live and engage viewers in real time

You followed/unfollowed too many accounts

Aggressively following and then unfollowing a large number of accounts in an attempt to gain followers is often seen as inauthentic behavior. Known as “follow/unfollow spam,” this tactic may cause some users to unfollow you or report your account for spam-like activity.

While growing your own following, avoid indiscriminately mass following then unfollowing accounts. Focus on building relationships with accounts you actually want to engage with.

Healthier follow/unfollow practices

  • Only follow accounts you’re genuinely interested in
  • Unfollow accounts that are inactive or irrelevant
  • Limit following/unfollowing to modest numbers per day

You bought fake followers

Buying followers is tempting but ultimately detrimental. Fake followers inflate your numbers but do not engage with your content. Social media platforms work to detect and remove bot/fake accounts. If a large portion of your followers are deleted due to inauthenticity, it can cause a significant follower drop.

Focus your efforts on organically attracting real, engaged followers. Participate in relevant discussions, use strategic hashtags, run contests/giveaways, and post engaging content. Legitimate follower growth takes time but yields real impact.

Consequences of buying fake followers

  • Lower engagement rates
  • Higher unfollow rates
  • Less trust in your account
  • Risk of being banned or shadowbanned

Your account was shadowbanned

A shadowban is when a platform restricts your account visibility and reach without outright suspending you. Your profile and posts do not show up in feeds, search, hashtags, etc. You can lose a significant portion of your audience if shadowbanned.

Shadowbans often occur if an account violates community guidelines. Check your platform’s policies and make sure your posts comply. Appeal the shadowban if you believe it was applied in error.

Ways accounts get shadowbanned

  • Spamming comments/hashtags
  • Automating excessive likes/follows
  • Posting prohibited content
  • Violating copyright policies

Your account was hacked

If your social media account gets hacked, the hacker may unfollow people from your account or post spam/inappropriate content leading to a loss of followers. Reclaim control of your account as soon as possible.

Reset your password, enable two-factor authentication, revoke connected apps, and scan your device for malware/keyloggers. Apologize to your audience for the inconvenience to rebuild trust.

Ways to secure your account

  • Strong unique passwords
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Review third-party app access
  • Anti-malware/virus software

The algorithm changed

Social platforms frequently update their algorithms that decide what content appears in users’ feeds and in what order. If the algorithm shifts to prefer different types of content than what you post, your existing followers may organically see less of your posts.

Pay attention to algorithm updates and consider how you can tailor your content to align with the types of posts being favored. Hashtag use, post timing, video vs image content are all factors controlled by algorithms.

Adapting your strategy to the algorithm

  • Post at times when your audience is most active
  • Balance text, image, video, and live content
  • Research which hashtags are trending or blocked
  • Analyze your analytics to see which posts perform best

Your competitors stepped up their game

Your followers have limited time and attention. If competitor accounts in your niche dramatically improve their content and engagement, some of your audience’s time may shift there. Study what your competitors are doing well and aim to uplevel your own content.

Improve your production quality, post more valuable info, try new content formats, and further build relationships with your community. Competitor success can motivate you to level up your own game.

Improving your content compared to competitors

  • Make content more informative or educational
  • Increase entertainment value with humor, suspense, etc.
  • Improve visual appeal with graphics, editing, effects
  • Host giveaways or contests to drive engagement

Your niche is oversaturated

Some content niches get extremely oversaturated with competing accounts posting similar content. If your niche becomes flooded, you risk your content getting lost in the mix. Consider broadening or narrowing your niche focus to find the right balance of relevance and differentiation.

For example, rather than fitness, focus on HIIT workouts or stretching routines. Or cover health generally including fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, etc. Refining your niche makes your content stand out.

Refining your niche when oversaturated

  • Specialize into a sub-niche
  • Take a broader approach
  • Merge two related niches
  • Put a unique spin on popular content

Your audience’s interests changed

Audience interests and trends evolve over time. The content your followers were passionate about 6 months or a year ago may not align with what is captivating them now. Keep a pulse on your niche and notice when certain types of content receive better response.

Tune in to your followers’ responses and adjust your approach to meet their current interests and demands. Cultivate a wide skillset so you are able to adapt the style and format of your content as needed.

Noticing and adapting to audience interest changes

  • Pay attention to your highest and lowest performing content
  • Ask your audience questions to learn what they want
  • Notice trending topics/discussions in your niche
  • Google related keyword volumes

You lost touch with your “why”

It is easy to lose sight of why you started creating social media content, especially when you feel pressured to perform and grow your following. When your purpose is solely driven by numbers, it’s difficult to create content that resonates.

Reflect on your original motivations and the value you aimed to provide your audience. Focus on creating content you feel proud of and that brings value rather than chasing trends or algorithms.

Connecting with your motivations

  • Reread your earliest posts/memories with your audience
  • Have conversations with engaged followers
  • Review feedback emails/comments from your audience
  • Look back on events/milestones that made you proud

How to turn it around

A follower decline is discouraging but rarely permanent. By taking the right steps, you can identify causes, diagnose problems, and turn your account around. Here are some concrete actions to take:

Audit your content strategy

  • Review last 20 posts – is it consistent with your brand/niche?
  • Compare engagement on recent posts vs older posts – what changed?
  • Search related hashtags – is your content on par for your niche?
  • Ask your most engaged followers for feedback on your content

Tighten up account security

  • Change your password and enable two factor authentication
  • Revoke access of any unknown third party apps
  • Perform malware/virus scan on your devices
  • Use a social media management platform for security features

Boost your audience engagement

  • Respond to your audience’s comments and questions
  • Engage with followers by liking posts, sharing user generated content, etc
  • Ask more questions to spark dialogue
  • Go live or run contests/giveaways to bring in engagement

Refine your niche and positioning

  • Review competitors’ content – how can you differentiate?
  • Identify sub-niches or angles you can own
  • Survey your audience about desired content
  • Consider merging niches or expanding scope

By taking a thoughtful and strategic approach, you can get your account back on track for organic, sustained follower growth. Stay resilient and remember that ups and downs are part of the journey when building a loyal audience.


Maintaining a growing, engaged follower base takes commitment and adaptability. Pay attention to the changes in your own content strategy and audience interests. Study competitor accounts for inspiration. Continually optimize your approach while remaining authentic. A follower decline is rarely fatal – approach it as an opportunity to refine your strategy and relationship with your audience.