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Why should I hide the likes on Facebook?

Why should I hide the likes on Facebook?

Social media platforms like Facebook allow us to connect with friends, family, and people around the world. However, they also expose us to things like social comparison and pressure to portray perfect versions of ourselves online. For many users, seeing the number of likes, reactions, and comments on their own and others’ posts can negatively impact mental health and self-esteem. So should you consider hiding like counts on Facebook? Here are some key points to consider.

Reduced social comparison

One of the biggest reasons to hide likes is to reduce the temptation for negative social comparison. When we can see how many likes and comments other people get, it’s hard not to compare. This can make us feel inadequate or less “successful” than others.

For example, if you post a photo that only gets 10 likes but see friends getting hundreds or thousands, you may feel you’re not as well-liked, popular, or attractive. By hiding like counts, you focus less on these numbers and more on sharing meaningful content.

More authentic self-expression

The pressure to portray an idealized life online leads many people to carefully curate what they share. They may hold back more authentic posts, thoughts, and moments out of fear of not getting enough validation through likes.

Hiding likes can remove some of this pressure for perfection. You can share content you find meaningful or interesting without worrying as much about how it will be received. This allows for more genuine self-expression.

Reduced social media anxiety

Constantly checking for notifications and feedback on our posts can lead to social media-induced anxiety. We may feel anxious waiting for likes to accumulate or disappointed if a post doesn’t seem to resonate.

This preoccupation takes us out of the present moment. Hiding like counts minimizes opportunities for notification-checking and removes some anxiety about how our posts will be received.

More meaningful connection

With less emphasis on likes, we can focus more on meaningful engagement. Rather than double-tapping posts while mindlessly scrolling, hiding likes encourages us to leave comments, have conversations, and intentionally connect with others.

The quality of our interactions improves. We also may be more selective, thoughtful, and present with the content we do share when likes are hidden.

Potential drawbacks

While hidden likes have benefits, there are some potential drawbacks:

– You lose touch with what’s trending or popular amongst your friends and family if you can’t see what posts and accounts get the most likes.

– Social media accounts, businesses, and influencers rely on likes to gauge engagement, determine pricing for branded content, and measure the success of campaigns. Hidden likes removes an important metric.

– For some, likes provide validation and a sense of social approval. Not being able to see this feedback may negatively impact mental health.

– Users simply enjoy engaging with content by liking posts. Hidden likes takes away some of the interactive, community aspect.

– Without visible like counts, inappropriate or harmful content may spread more easily without being downvoted or called out.

Tips for managing the transition

If you do opt to hide likes, here are some tips for managing the transition:

– Hide likes slowly. Start with just hiding others’ likes first while still seeing your own. Then proceed to hiding all likes.

– Replace liking reflex with commenting. Leave meaningful comments instead of just liking posts.

– Check analytics through Creator Studio or Business Suite rather than your personal profile if you want to track performance.

– Find other forms of positive feedback like comments, shares, and views.

– Remember that quality connections matter more than vanity metrics. Focus on sharing authentic moments and having genuine conversations.

How to hide likes on Facebook

If you use Facebook via a browser, here are simple steps for hiding likes:

1. Click the arrow in the top right and go to “Settings & Privacy”
2. Select “Settings”
3. Choose “Privacy” from the left menu
4. Click “How people can find and contact you”
5. Turn off “Who can see your friends list” and “Who can look you up using the email address you provided?”

This will remove likes from your profile. To hide them from your News Feed as well:

1. Click “News Feed Preferences” on the left menu
2. Select “Reactions and Comments”
3. Toggle “How many Reactions” to “None”

On mobile, go to the three-line menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy > Posts > Hide Like and Reaction Counts.


Hiding likes on Facebook can have mental health benefits by reducing social comparison and online pressure. However, it also comes with drawbacks like reduced metrics and interactivity. There are also techniques to manage the transition smoothly. Overall, the choice comes down to your personal preferences and which aspects of the platform you value most. But it is worth considering if hidden likes would improve your social media experience.