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Why short videos are not playing on Facebook?

Why short videos are not playing on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with billions of users worldwide. Many people enjoy watching and sharing short videos on Facebook. However, sometimes users encounter issues when trying to play or view short videos on Facebook.

There are several potential reasons why short videos may not play properly on Facebook:

Video Format Compatibility Issues

One of the most common reasons short videos won’t play on Facebook is compatibility issues with the video file format. Facebook supports the MP4 video format the best. Other formats like AVI, MOV, and MKV may not play properly.

Uploading videos in the MP4 format can help avoid format incompatibility issues. If you have videos in other formats, you can use a video converter tool to convert them to MP4 before uploading to Facebook.

Video Resolution or Aspect Ratio Problems

Facebook also has specific video resolution and aspect ratio requirements for optimal playback:

  • Resolution: 720p or 1080p
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9 or 9:16 (vertical video)

Uploading short videos with resolutions or aspect ratios outside these parameters can sometimes lead to playback failures. Using 720p or 1080p resolution with 16:9 or 9:16 aspect ratios is recommended.

Exceeding the Video Length Limit

Facebook also imposes a length limit on videos uploaded directly to the platform:

  • Video posts: 120 minutes max
  • Stories: 15 seconds max
  • Ads: 120 minutes max

Trying to upload longer videos that exceed these limits can result in errors and failed playback. Keeping short videos within the length limits can help avoid such issues.

Copyrighted Content Restrictions

Facebook’s algorithms actively scan for copyrighted material in uploaded videos. If you try to upload short videos containing copyrighted content belonging to someone else, Facebook may restrict playback as a copyright precaution.

Only uploading original short videos you have created yourself or have explicit rights to use can help bypass copyright restrictions.

Weak Internet Connectivity

Playback failures for short videos on Facebook can also happen due to weak, slow, or unstable internet connections. HD and high-quality videos require sufficiently fast internet speeds to buffer and play properly.

Issues like low bandwidth, network congestion, or using a VPN can throttle internet speeds enough to disrupt video playback. Checking your internet connectivity and troubleshooting any speed issues can help.

Facebook App Bugs and Glitches

In some cases, short video playback issues on Facebook may be due to software bugs or glitches in the Facebook app itself. App crashes, freezes, and video encoding problems can prevent videos from playing correctly.

Updating to the latest version of the Facebook app and reporting any bugs can help resolve app-related playback problems.

Restricted Access Due to Privacy Settings

Privacy and access restrictions set by users who uploaded short videos can also prevent you from viewing them on Facebook. Videos shared with custom privacy settings or limited target audiences won’t play if you are not part of the intended viewers list.

Checking the video’s privacy settings and intended audience can clarify if restricted access is causing playback issues.

Blocked Videos

In rare cases, Facebook may block certain videos from playback after deeming them inappropriate or violating community guidelines. Blocked videos display error messages when you try accessing them.

Appealing video blocks and having content moderators review blocked videos can potentially restore access in some cases.

Corrupted or Damaged Video Files

Damaged, corrupted, or incomplete video files also predictably won’t play properly on Facebook. Issues during uploading or encoding can damage video files and disrupt playback.

Re-exporting damaged video files before re-uploading them to Facebook can help fix corrupted file issues.

Solutions and Fixes for Non-Playing Short Videos on Facebook

If you are struggling with short videos not playing on Facebook, here are some troubleshooting steps and solutions to try:

Convert Videos to Supported MP4 Format

As mentioned earlier, converting videos to MP4 format before uploading often resolves compatibility issues causing playback failures. Free online tools like Handbrake, Freemake Video Converter, or Any Video Converter can batch convert videos to MP4.

Adjust Video Resolution and Aspect Ratio

Use video editing software to tweak the resolution to 720p or 1080p and set the aspect ratio to 16:9 or 9:16. This aligns videos to Facebook’s specified parameters.

Check Video Length and Duration

Verify videos are within the maximum length limits for the type of posts you are uploading them to. Shorten overly long videos using video editing tools.

Avoid Copyrighted Material

Carefully review videos for copyrighted content before uploading. Only upload original content you have full rights to use on Facebook.

Improve Internet Connection Quality

Test internet speeds, restart networking equipment like routers and modems, and contact your ISP if required to improve connectivity issues hampering video playback.

Update Facebook App

Install the latest updates for the Facebook mobile app or desktop website to fix any bugs impacting video playback.

Adjust Privacy Settings

If access restricted, request audience inclusion from the video uploader or have them adjust the privacy settings.

Appeal Video Blocks

If Facebook blocked your uploaded video, submit an appeal request for content review and reversal of the block.

Re-export and Re-upload Damaged Videos

For corrupted files, re-export a fresh copy from the video source and re-upload to Facebook.

Using the steps and solutions outlined above should help troubleshoot and resolve most common cases of short Facebook videos not playing.

Why Facebook Video Playback Fails: A Technical Perspective

Beyond the common troubleshooting issues, there are also some technical insights on why Facebook videos may fail to play:

Facebook Video Uploading and Encoding

  • Videos uploaded to Facebook are re-encoded to H.264 format for optimization.
  • Encoding problems can cause corrupted files.
  • Large or high resolution videos may fail to fully process.

Facebook Media Delivery Network

  • Videos are delivered via Facebook’s CDN.
  • Network congestion or CDN node failures can disrupt video delivery.

Facebook News Feed Ranking Algorithm

  • Low relevance videos rank lower in News Feed.
  • Slow loading videos are demoted.

Client-Side Playback Capabilities

  • Mobile devices have varying video format support.
  • Slow internet connectivity hampers buffering.
  • Outdated app and OS versions may have playback bugs.

Understanding these technical factors provides additional context on root causes of Facebook video playback failures.

Video Playback Success Rate Benchmarks

According to data from various studies, the average success rate for video playback on Facebook is:

Metric Benchmarks
Percentage of videos successfully playing 70-80%
Video start failure rate 15-20%
Video completion failure rate 1-5%
Buffer failure rate 5-10%

These benchmarks provide a reference for expected video playback success rates on Facebook currently. Overall, the platform delivers relatively reliable video performance, but some failures do occur.

Tips to Improve Video Playback Success on Facebook

Here are some tips to help improve your video playback success rates when uploading videos to Facebook:

Optimize Video Encoding Settings

Use optimal video codecs, compression levels, and encoding parameters to produce Facebook-ready video files.

Downscale Larger Videos

Lower resolutions and downsample larger master footage to 720p or 1080p sizes.

Maintain Constant Frame Rates

Choose consistent frame rates like 24, 25, or 30 FPS while exporting videos.

Check Encoding Logs for Errors

Inspecting encoding logs helps identify any codec incompatibilities or corrupted frames.

Allow Adequate Buffer Times

Build sufficient video buffering times into your encoding for reliable stream delivery.

Use Dedicated Video Encoding Services

Leverage optimized online encoding platforms like Handbrake for producing Facebook-ready videos.

Following these best practices for your video encoding and uploads will get your success rates closer to the 90%+ range and minimize playback failures.


Troubleshooting and fixing short video playback issues on Facebook involves checking your video format, resolution, length, copyrights, internet connectivity, privacy settings, and video file integrity. Optimizing your video encoding and uploads for Facebook’s specifications can improve success rates. Persistent video playback failures may indicate more complex underlying technical issues that require debugging with Facebook’s support teams.