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Why my reels are not showing on my profile?

Why my reels are not showing on my profile?

Reels are a popular new feature on Instagram that allows users to create and share short video clips set to music or audio. However, many users have experienced issues with reels not showing up properly on their profile. There are several potential reasons why reels may not be visible on your Instagram profile. In this article, we will explore the main causes and solutions for reels not appearing correctly.

Recap: What are Instagram Reels?

Before diving into why reels may not show up, let’s briefly recap what Instagram Reels are:

  • Reels are short video clips up to 30 seconds long
  • Audio and music can be added to reels
  • Creative editing tools like timers, counters, and align tools allow you to customize reels
  • Reels live on the Explore page and your Instagram profile
  • Other users can view, like, comment and share reels

Reels aim to compete with popular short-form video apps like TikTok. They offer a way for Instagram users to express their creativity and share fun video content.

When you post a reel, it should be visible on your Instagram profile by tapping on the reels tab, allowing your followers to view it. But sometimes reels end up not displaying correctly. Let’s look at why this can happen and how to fix it.

You Have a Private Account

The most common reason reels may not show on your Instagram profile is because you have a private account.

When your Instagram account is set to private:

  • Only your approved followers can view your posts and reels
  • Your reels will not be visible to the wider Instagram community
  • Your reels will not appear on hashtags or in the Explore page

So if you have a private Instagram, your reels will only display to your approved followers on your profile. To make them public, you need to switch your Instagram account to public.

Here is how to easily switch to a public account on Instagram:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three dot menu in the top right
  2. Select Settings from the menu
  3. Tap Account Privacy
  4. Toggle the Private Account setting to off

Once your account is public, your existing reels should become visible and any new reels will be public right away. This opens them up to being seen by anyone on Instagram.

The Reel Has Not Finished Processing

After you share a new reel, it needs to be processed and distributed by Instagram’s servers before appearing on your profile. This processing time is usually very quick, but sometimes can take an hour or more, especially if Instagram is experiencing high traffic volumes.

If you just posted a reel and don’t see it on your profile instantly, check back after an hour. Most likely, the reel will appear after finishing processing. You just need to allow some time for Instagram to do its work.

You Have Reel Sharing Restricted

Instagram allows you to choose whether your reels are shared to the wider Explore page and hashtag feeds. This setting is independent from your account being public or private.

If you have reel sharing restricted:

  • Your reels will only be visible to your followers on your profile
  • They will not appear on hashtags or in Explore

To allow your reels to be shared more widely:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three dot menu
  2. Select Settings
  3. Tap Account Privacy
  4. Toggle Allow Sharing of Reels to Instagram to on

With sharing enabled, your new reels will be distributed to hashtags and Explore. Existing reels also need to be deleted and reposted to turn sharing on.

You Have No Posts on Your Profile

If your Instagram profile has no posts at all, any reels you share will not show up. This is because reels require at least one regular post to display on your profile.

Try making a simple photo post, then check if newly shared reels appear. Having at least one regular Instagram post fixes the issue of reels not showing on a blank profile.

The Reel Is Too Old

Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes showing your most recent reels on your profile. If you have shared lots of newer reels, your older reels will stop being displayed on your grid.

Here is the timeframe for how long different reels show on your profile:

  • Last 5 reels remain on your grid indefinitely
  • Reels older than a week may disappear from the grid
  • Reels over 2 weeks old are hidden

So your older reels may not show up because newer reels have pushed them off your profile display. The only option is to repost the older reels if you want them visible again.

You Deleted the Reel

If you have deleted a reel from your profile, then it will obviously no longer be visible. The reel will only display on your profile while it remains published.

If you changed your mind and want to show a deleted reel again, you will have to repost the reel again from scratch.

You Are Blocked from Using Reels Features

In some cases, Instagram may restrict your access to reels features if you violate their community guidelines in your reels. For example, posting inappropriate or stolen content in your reels can get you blocked.

If your access is restricted, reels that you share will not show on your profile at all. Try reviewing Instagram’s rules and avoid violating their policies in your reels.

You Have a Business Profile

Instagram business profiles can also run into issues with reels not displaying correctly at times.

With a business profile, you need to enable the reels tab specifically in your settings. If it is disabled, any reels shared will not show up on your profile.

To enable reels on an Instagram business profile:

  1. Go to your business profile settings
  2. Select Reels
  3. Toggle Show Reels Tab on your profile to on

Activating the reels tab this way should resolve any display issues for Instagram business accounts.

You Have Restrictions Based on Your Age

For younger Instagram users under the age of 18, there may be restrictions in place affecting reels.

  • 13-15 year olds can use reels features, but with limited analytics
  • Under 13s cannot access reels at all

So if you are below the age of 13, reels that you share will not show up. And 13-15 year olds have limited reels functionality.

The only way around these limitations is to meet the minimum age requirements Instagram sets for full reels capabilities.

Your Connection Has an Issue

In some cases, trouble displaying reels can stem from your own device’s connectivity.

Poor internet connection issues that may prevent reels showing properly:

  • Slow/unreliable WiFi
  • Cellular dead zones
  • VPN networks
  • Internet restrictions

Try switching to a more stable/faster internet connection. Or if you use a VPN, turn it off temporarily to see if that fixes any display issues with reels.

What to Do If Your Reels Still Are Not Showing Up

If you’ve tried all the tips but your reels still do not appear on your Instagram profile, here are a few more things to test:

  1. Log out and back into Instagram
  2. Force close and reopen the Instagram app
  3. Update the Instagram app to the latest version
  4. Clear the cache and data for the Instagram app
  5. Switch Instagram accounts and check if the issue persists
  6. Try posting from a different device
  7. Contact Instagram support for further help

Sometimes simply logging out and back in or force restarting the app can help resync things. And make sure you are on the latest version of Instagram without any corrupted cached data.

If the solutions here do not successfully get your reels showing on your Instagram profile, you may need to reach out to the official Instagram support for additional troubleshooting.


Here are the key reasons reels may not display on your Instagram profile and how to address them:

  • Private account – Make your profile public
  • Still processing – Allow time for processing
  • Sharing restricted – Enable reel sharing
  • No posts – Add a regular post
  • Old reels – Repost more recent reels
  • Deleted reels – Redo deleted reels
  • Blocked by Instagram – Avoid violations in reels
  • Business profile – Enable reels tab
  • Age restrictions – Meet minimum age requirements
  • Connection issues – Switch networks/VPN off

With Instagram Reels being a new and growing feature, there are bound to be occasional bugs or display issues. But in most cases, you can resolve any problems with your reels not showing up by following the troubleshooting tips outlined here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about fixing reels that are not showing up on Instagram profiles:

Why are my Instagram reels not visible to anyone?

If your reels are not visible to anyone at all, the most likely reason is having a private Instagram account. Make sure your profile is switched to public so your reels become visible.

How long does it take for reels to show up on Instagram after posting?

Reels should appear on your Instagram profile within an hour. If it has been longer than an hour, try reposting the reel or contact Instagram support for help troubleshooting.

Can I recover a reel if I accidentally deleted it?

Unfortunately there is no way to recover a deleted reel on Instagram. You will have to repost the reel again if you want it to appear on your profile after removing it.

Why do my old reels disappear from my profile?

Instagram only shows your newest 5 reels on your profile grid. Older reels get hidden as you add new ones. You’ll need to repost older reels to show them again.

How do I enable sharing of my reels to hashtags and Explore?

Go to your profile settings, select Account Privacy, then turn on the setting Allow Sharing of Reels to Instagram.

Can I post reels if my account is set to private?

Yes, you can post reels with a private account but only your approved followers will be able to view them. Switch to a public account if you want non-followers to see your reels.

What should I do if reels are not showing up for my business profile?

Check that you have the reels tab enabled in your Instagram business profile settings. Enable it if it is currently disabled.


Trouble displaying reels on Instagram profiles is a common frustration, but in most scenarios can be easily resolved. By checking your account settings, allowing processing time, and ruling out connectivity issues, you can get your reels to show up properly. Persistent display problems may require contacting Instagram support. With the right troubleshooting, your reels can shine on your Instagram grid.