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Why my fb id is blocked?

Why my fb id is blocked?

There are a few common reasons why your Facebook account may have been blocked or disabled. The most likely causes are that you violated Facebook’s Terms of Service, posted spam or abusive content, or your account was hacked or reported as compromised. Don’t worry – in most cases, you should be able to regain access to your account by following Facebook’s instructions to verify your identity or reset your password.

You Violated Facebook’s Terms of Service

The most common reason for getting blocked on Facebook is violating their Terms of Service or Community Standards. These rules outline what types of content and behavior are prohibited on the platform. Some examples of violations that could get you blocked include:

  • Posting hate speech, threats of violence, bullying, harassment, or other abusive content
  • Posting nudity or other sexually explicit content
  • Creating fake or duplicate accounts
  • Sharing spam, clickbait, false news, or coordinated inauthentic behavior
  • Infringing on copyrights or trademarks
  • Scraping or improperly accessing Facebook data

If you receive a message from Facebook saying your account has been disabled for violating Terms of Service, you likely engaged in one of these prohibited activities. You will need to appeal the decision and agree not to break the rules again in order to regain access.

You Posted Spam or Abusive Content

Another reason your account may have been blocked is if you posted content deemed abusive or spam. Examples of abusive content include hate speech, bullying, threats, graphic violence, nudity, or harassment targeted at individuals. Spam refers to posting repetitive content that doesn’t follow Facebook guidelines, such as repeatedly posting the same links or messages.

Facebook has automated systems that detect abusive and spam content and behaviors. If their systems flag your account, you may receive a notice explaining the violation. You will then need to delete any rule-breaking posts and confirm you understand Facebook’s policies before your account can be unblocked.

Your Account Was Hacked or Reported Compromised

If someone was able to access your account without your knowledge, they may have posted prohibited content that got your account blocked. Or if someone reported your account was hacked, Facebook may have disabled it as a security precaution.

If this happens, you will need to go through Facebook’s account recovery process to regain access. This involves confirming your identity by providing info like your full name, email or phone number associated with the account, locations where you’ve logged in, and sometimes a photo of your ID. Once you prove the account is really yours, you can reset the password and use it again.

You Violated Copyrights or Trademarks

Sharing content on Facebook that infringes on copyrights or trademarks can also get your account blocked. This includes posting copies of articles, videos, songs, images, or other content that you do not have the rights to share. The original creator or company may file a report with Facebook leading to your account being disabled.

To fix this, you will need to remove any infringing content and submit a counter-notice explaining that you have done so. You may also need to reach out to the individual or company who filed the complaint if you believe you had the right to share the content.

Your Account Was Reported Incorrectly

In some cases, your account may be disabled by mistake if another user falsely reports you for a violation you didn’t actually commit. This can happen if someone has a personal issue with you and decides to abuse Facebook’s reporting system.

If you think your account was disabled by error, you can file an appeal with Facebook explaining the mistake. Provide any evidence you have to show you didn’t violate any policies so they can investigate and restore your account access.

You Created Multiple Accounts

To prevent spam and abuse, Facebook prohibits people from maintaining multiple accounts. So if you created several accounts under different names, they likely detected this activity and disabled your accounts.

You will need to select just one account to keep active and agree to delete any others. Confirm that you will no longer maintain multiple accounts going forward and Facebook should restore access to your primary profile.

Your Account Was Inactive Too Long

If you haven’t logged into your Facebook account for an extended period of time, Facebook may disable it due to inactivity. This usually only happens after many months or years of not using your profile. It’s done to free up unused usernames.

To recover an inactive account, log back in and confirm your identity just like you would with a hacked account. This shows Facebook that you still want access to the profile so they will unlock it for you to use again.

You Violated Location or Age Policies

Attempting to violate Facebook’s location or age requirements can also get your account blocked. For example, if you try to circumvent country-specific age limits by providing a false date of birth or location, Facebook may disable your account.

To fix this, you will need to provide your real location and age to confirm you meet eligibility requirements. Lying about this information is a violation of Facebook’s Terms.

Your Connected App Violated Policies

If you grant account access to a third-party app that violates Facebook’s platform policies, your account could get caught up in the ban. For example, if an app you connected engages in data misuse, content scraping, or spamming activity. This is especially common with sketchy third-party apps.

You can fix this by removing access for any suspicious apps connected to your account and requesting a review from Facebook. Make it clear the app’s actions were not authorized by you.

How to Get Your Blocked Account Back

If your account has been disabled by Facebook, here are the steps to try and get it back:

  1. Check your email for a notification from Facebook explaining why your account was disabled and how to appeal.
  2. Submit an appeal through the process outlined in the email, or via the Facebook Help Center.
  3. Provide any requested information to confirm your identity and explain why your account should be restored.
  4. Delete any content that violated Facebook’s rules and agree not to violate their terms again.
  5. Wait for Facebook to review your appeal. This can take anywhere from 1-7 days in most cases.
  6. If approved, you will regain access to your account. If declined, you may need to provide more information.

The most important thing is being cooperative, honest, and admitting fault if you did break any rules. Even if your appeal is initially declined, repeatedly submitting polite and detailed appeals can often get your account unblocked.

Tips to Avoid Getting Blocked Again

Once your account is restored, be careful not to repeat any violations that got you blocked in the first place. Here are some tips to stay in good standing:

  • Read and follow Facebook’s Terms of Service, Community Standards, and other guidelines.
  • Don’t post abusive, harassing, or spam content.
  • Don’t create duplicate or fake accounts.
  • Don’t share copyrighted or trademarked content you don’t own rights to.
  • Secure your account and use strong passwords.
  • Be cautious when connecting third-party apps.
  • If you need to report another user, do so responsibly and avoid false claims.

Staying on Facebook’s good side after regaining access to a disabled account also means being patient. Follow their rules, avoid banned behavior, and don’t try to shortcut any restrictions they place on your account after being unblocked. Eventually your account standing will normalize if you stick to community guidelines.

Why Facebook Blocks Accounts

Understanding why Facebook disables accounts can help you avoid those missteps. Here’s a quick overview of some of the main reasons accounts get blocked:

  • Violating Terms of Service – Any breach of Facebook’s rules, like harassment, threats, copyright infringement, etc.
  • Abusive behavior – Bullying, spamming, inciting violence or hatred.
  • Fake accounts – Maintaining multiple accounts under different names.
  • Security issues – Account appears hacked or compromised.
  • Inactive use – Not logging in or using an account for extended periods.
  • Age and location misrepresentation – Providing false info to circumvent restrictions.
  • Connected app violations – Third-party apps breaking Facebook policies.

Essentially, any behavior that undermines the Facebook community, threatens users, or violates policies can lead to disabled accounts. Understanding these causes can help you avoid mistakes that put your account at risk.


Having your Facebook account blocked can be frustrating, but in most cases you can regain access by submitting an appeal and agreeing not to repeat the violation. Be patient as Facebook reviews your appeal and provide any requested info to verify your identity. Avoid further policy breaches once your account is restored. With some caution and cooperation, you should be able to use Facebook again in no time!