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Why my FB account is banned?

Why my FB account is banned?

Having your Facebook account banned can be frustrating and confusing. In this article, we will go over some of the most common reasons an account may get banned and what you can do about it.

I unknowingly violated Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards

One of the most common reasons for a Facebook account ban is unknowingly violating Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards. These long and detailed documents outline what is and is not allowed on Facebook. Some common violations include:

  • Sharing hate speech, bullying, or threats of violence towards others
  • Posting sexually explicit or pornographic content
  • Sharing content that infringes on copyrights or trademarks
  • Creating fake or misleading accounts or profiles
  • Spamming others with unwanted friend requests or messages

If you shared content that went against these rules, even if you didn’t realize it at the time, your account may have been banned as a result. Carefully reviewing Facebook’s rules and making sure not to break them is the best way to avoid this issue.

My account was hacked or compromised

If someone else gained unauthorized access to your account, they may have posted content or sent messages that violated Facebook’s rules and got your account banned as a result. This is more likely if you have a weak or compromised password that is easy for hackers to guess.

Some signs your account was hacked include:

  • Posts or messages you didn’t create appearing on your profile
  • Unfamiliar emails in your account login history
  • Forgotten password resets you didn’t initiate
  • Friends telling you they received strange messages from your account

If you suspect your account was hacked, change your password immediately and turn on two-factor authentication for stronger security. You can also report the hacking to Facebook.

I created multiple accounts or fake accounts

Facebook wants people to use their real identities on the platform and frowns upon creating multiple accounts for the same person. So if you created several accounts to manage different friend groups or interests, those extra accounts may have been banned.

Facebook also heavily restricts creating inauthentic or fake accounts – profiles that impersonate another person or entity, use a fake name, etc. Both fake accounts and any real accounts associated with the same person are likely to get banned if discovered.

I was banned by mistake

In some cases, accounts are banned accidentally or wrongfully. Facebook’s systems may have made a mistake in determining you violated policies when you did not. Or someone may have wrongfully reported your account or content even though you did nothing against the rules.

If you believe you were banned by mistake:

  • Appeal the ban – Facebook allows you to appeal account bans if you believe there was an error.
  • Reach out to Facebook support – Explain your situation and that the ban was incorrect.
  • Ask friends to report the ban as a mistake – Friends can contact Facebook saying you did not violate rules.

Providing as much context and evidence as possible will help Facebook review a potential mistaken ban.

I was banned for inactivity

If you haven’t logged into your Facebook account for an extended period, Facebook may ban the account for inactivity. This usually happens after at least 6 months to a year of no logins.

Facebook does this for a few reasons:

  • To protect unused accounts from potential hacking/misuse
  • To encourage active usage and remove stale/inactive accounts
  • To open up usernames for new users

If you want to regain access to a banned inactive account:

  • Log in to Facebook and confirm your identity when prompted
  • File an appeal requesting to recover the inactive account
  • Select “I lost access to my account” as the reason when submitting the appeal

I violated Facebook’s advertising policies

If you were running ads on Facebook, any policy violations may result in your ad account and your personal profile being banned. Some common advertising policy breaches include:

  • Using prohibited or unauthorized content in ads
  • Running misleading ads with deceptive claims or content
  • Targeting ads in a discriminatory manner
  • Creating misrepresentative accounts or pages to manage ads
  • Having poor ad quality scores and history

To get a Facebook ad account unbanned, you will need to submit an appeal explaining the violation and steps you’ve taken to ensure compliance going forward.

I kept creating new accounts after getting banned

If your account was banned and you tried circumventing that by creating new accounts, Facebook likely banned those new accounts as well. This is because the system detected you were the same person as the original banned account.

Creating serial accounts after an initial ban will prompt Facebook to heighten enforcement, extending bans sitewide and on your internet protocol (IP) address. Don’t try to evade a ban with new accounts – instead, file an appeal if you think the original ban was incorrect.


There are many reasons Facebook may ban your account, from violating policies to being hacked to creating too many accounts. The best way to avoid a ban is being aware of Facebook’s rules and using your account appropriately. If you were banned by mistake, make sure to appeal the decision and explain the situation fully to Facebook support.

How do I know if my Facebook account is banned?

Here are some ways you can check if your Facebook account has been banned:

  • You cannot log in – when you enter your username/password, Facebook rejects them.
  • Account disabled or deactivated message appears – this message indicates your account is banned.
  • Email from Facebook about account restriction – Facebook may email you letting you know if they have imposed a ban.
  • Posts and profile are blank – if your profile appears empty, your account may be banned.
  • Friends cannot tag or contact you – friends may notice they cannot interact with your profile or tag you in posts.

If any of these issues occur immediately after you post something controversial or violate Facebook’s terms, that likely triggered the ban.

How long do Facebook bans last?

The duration of Facebook account bans includes:

  • 24 hours – Common length for first-time, minor infractions.
  • 3 days – More common ban period for somewhat serious violations.
  • 7 days – Issued for more clear and serious violations of Facebook rules.
  • 30 days – Ban length for very serious or repeated violations.
  • Indefinite – Some policy breaches result in indefinite permanent bans.

Ban lengths may increase with additional violations. Temporary bans longer than a few days often convert to permanent bans if you continue breaking rules.

What happens when your Facebook account is banned?

Here’s what happens when Facebook bans your account:

  • You are logged out and cannot log back in
  • Your profile and posts are hidden from other users
  • You cannot post, comment, or interact with other accounts
  • You may not be able to create a new account
  • Your IP address may be banned from Facebook if offense is serious

Essentially the ban cuts off your access to your account and removes your public presence on Facebook during the ban period (or indefinitely if permanent).

Can a banned Facebook account be recovered?

It may be possible to recover a banned Facebook account by:

  • Appealing the ban – File an appeal explaining why the ban was incorrect or should be reversed.
  • Waiting for ban to expire – Temporary bans will expire after set time period.
  • Proving account ownership – Submit ID/documents showing you own the banned account.

However, with permanent bans for very serious violations, the account is unlikely to be restored. Avoid repeat violations that lead to indefinite bans.

How do I delete a banned Facebook account?

If your Facebook account is banned, you may want to delete it entirely. Here are two ways to try deleting a banned account:

  • Wait for ban to expire, then delete normally – Log in after temporary ban ends and use Facebook’s deletion process.
  • Submit ID to Facebook Support – Provide government ID to prove account ownership, then request deletion.

However, Facebook may not allow those banned for very severe violations, like terrorism or child exploitation, to delete their account in order to preserve data.

Can I use Facebook if my account is banned?

If your account is… Can you use Facebook?
Temporarily banned No, not until ban expires
Permanently banned No, account is fully disabled
Banned but created new account No, new accounts will be banned too
Banned but using someone else’s account No, this can get that account banned

You cannot use Facebook through your account or someone else’s if you have been banned by Facebook. Doing so could result in further enforcement actions.

Can I appeal if my Facebook account is banned?

If you believe your account was wrongly banned, you can appeal the ban and ask Facebook to reinstate your account. Here is how:

  1. Click “Appeal this decision” on the ban notice from Facebook.
  2. Select a reason why the ban was inappropriate or incorrect.
  3. Provide additional details explaining your situation.
  4. Upload any documentation that supports your appeal.
  5. Confirm your current contact information.

Facebook reviews appeals and may notify you if the decision has been reversed. However, appeals for severe violations are unlikely to succeed.

What happens when you try to log in to a banned Facebook account?

Here’s what you may see when trying to log in to a banned Facebook account:

  • Error or warning message that the account is disabled
  • Prompt to enter codes or passwords sent to your email or mobile number
  • Request to upload a photo or scan of your ID to verify identity
  • Notice that the account violated Facebook policies

You will not be able to access the account until the ban is resolved. Trying repeatedly may trigger additional security alerts as well.

Can a Facebook ban affect your other accounts?

Yes, in some cases a Facebook ban may impact your other accounts:

  • Linked accounts like Instagram may also be disabled.
  • New accounts you create can get banned too.
  • Other accounts using same IP address may be monitored or banned.
  • Ban evasion can prompt sitewide enforcement beyond just your accounts.

To avoid expanded impact, refrain from ban evasion tactics and actions that could warrant network-level bans across Facebook’s family of apps.

Best practices for avoiding a Facebook ban

You can reduce your risk of getting banned on Facebook by following these best practices:

  • Read and follow Facebook’s Community Standards and Terms of Service.
  • Use an authentic name and only one personal account.
  • Do not harass, bully, or threaten violence towards others.
  • Do not share pornography, illegal, or infringing content.
  • Secure your account with strong passwords and two-factor authentication.
  • Report rule violations to Facebook instead of replying.
  • Be careful about what you share, post, or comment.

Avoiding hostile behavior, fake accounts, policy violations, and hacking risks will help minimize your chances of getting your account restricted.


Getting banned from Facebook can be disruptive but is often avoidable. Violating Facebook’s rules, creating fake accounts, hacking, harassment, nudity, and spam are some top reasons bans occur. If you are careful to follow policies, secure your account, and report issues, you can steer clear of restrictions in most cases. Appealing a ban you believe was mistaken is also an option. With vigilance of the rules, you can hopefully use Facebook smoothly without the threat of a ban.