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Why my Facebook profile picture is not showing?

Why my Facebook profile picture is not showing?

There are a few common reasons why your Facebook profile picture may not be showing properly:

Your Profile Picture is Not Uploaded

The most obvious reason your profile picture is not showing is because you have not uploaded a profile picture. To set a profile picture on Facebook:

  1. Click on your profile picture icon in the top right corner
  2. Click “Update Profile Picture”
  3. Choose a photo to upload from your computer or mobile device
  4. Click “Save”

Once uploaded, your new profile picture will display throughout Facebook.

The Image File is Corrupt or Invalid

If you’ve uploaded a profile picture but it’s still not showing, the image file itself may be corrupted or in an invalid format. Facebook requires profile pictures to be:

  • JPG, GIF, or PNG format
  • Less than 4MB in size
  • At least 180 x 180 pixels

Try uploading a new photo that meets these requirements. If the new image works, then the original file was likely corrupted.

The Profile is Restricted

In some cases, a Facebook profile can be “restricted” which hides the profile picture and posts from public view. Restricted profiles may occur if:

  • You’ve violated Facebook’s terms of service
  • Your account was reported for impersonation
  • You’ve changed the privacy settings to limit profile visibility

You will need to resolve any violations, verify your identity, or adjust privacy settings before your profile picture becomes visible again.

There’s a Technical Glitch

Less commonly, a technical glitch may be preventing your Facebook profile picture from showing correctly. Some potential issues include:

  • Temporary server errors at Facebook
  • Outdated app or browser cache
  • Using an unsupported browser
  • Internet connectivity problems

Try the following steps to resolve a technical issue:

  1. Clear your browser cache and cookies
  2. Reload the Facebook page
  3. Check Facebook’s server status page for outages
  4. Try accessing Facebook from a different device or network
  5. Update to the latest version of your browser and Facebook app

You’re Hidden From Someone’s Profile

If you can see your profile picture but someone else reports they can’t, you may be hidden from their profile. Some reasons for this include:

  • You blocked that person
  • That person blocked you
  • Your privacy settings are limited
  • You’re not friends on Facebook

In this case, your profile picture is not globally hidden – the other user just can’t see it due to your account settings or relationship status.

How to Troubleshoot a Missing Profile Picture

Here is a step-by-step guide to troubleshooting when your Facebook profile picture won’t load:

  1. Check you uploaded a profile picture. Go to your profile and confirm there is a picture selected.
  2. Try compressing or reformatting the image. If uploaded, resize or optimize the file and try uploading again.
  3. Clear your browser cache and cookies. Refresh your Facebook page after clearing cached files.
  4. Check Facebook’s server status. See if there are any current outage reports for Facebook.
  5. Switch browsers or devices. See if the problem persists on different browsers or devices.
  6. Check your account restrictions. Ensure your account is in good standing and not limited.
  7. Review privacy settings. Make sure you have visibility turned on for your profile.
  8. Update software. Upgrade browsers, apps, operating systems, etc to current versions.
  9. Report the problem. File a bug report with Facebook if issue persists.

Following these troubleshooting steps will help identify and fix the root cause of a missing profile picture in most cases.

How Do I Permanently Delete My Profile Picture on Facebook?

If you wish to permanently remove your profile picture from Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right
  2. Select “Update Profile Picture” from the dropdown menu
  3. Click on your current profile picture to remove it
  4. Click “Remove”
  5. Confirm you want to remove the photo

This will delete your current profile picture and revert to showing no picture. Any previously uploaded profile pictures will also be deleted with no way to recover them.

Alternatively, you can temporarily hide your profile picture from view:

  1. Go to your profile and click the camera icon
  2. Select “Make Profile Picture Invisible”

This will remove your profile photo for yourself and all users until you upload a new profile picture again.

Mistakes to Avoid with Facebook Profile Pictures

Here are some common mistakes to avoid with your Facebook profile picture:

  • Low quality, blurry, or dark photos
  • Group photos instead of a single person
  • Outdated photos no longer representative of you
  • Bathroom mirror selfies with inappropriate attire/background
  • Images focused on cleavage, buttocks, etc
  • Provocative, offensive, illegal, or lewd photos
  • Other people’s photos used without permission
  • Fake or impersonating photos
  • Overly edited or filtered photos
  • Hard to distinguish who you are

Choose a recent, high-quality, well-lit photo with you as the sole focus. Make sure it’s representative of how you currently look and portrays the image you want associated with your name.

Facebook Profile Picture Size and Dimensions

Facebook displays profile pictures at varying sizes depending on the page and device. Here are the recommended dimensions for profile images:

Use Size
Desktop News Feed 160 x 160 pixels
Mobile News Feed 128 x 128 pixels
Groups Pages 72 x 72 pixels

For best results, upload a square photo that is at least 180 x 180 pixels. This will ensure quality display across Facebook at different screen sizes.

The maximum file size for a Facebook profile picture is 4MB. Larger images will be compressed on upload.

How Often Should You Change Your Profile Picture?

Most Facebook users change their profile picture every few months to a year. Here are some guidelines on when to change it up:

  • When your appearance changes significantly: new hair, beard, etc.
  • After a major life event: graduation, new job, move
  • To reflect seasons: summer vs. winter outfits
  • If the current image is more than 1-2 years old

Aim for a profile picture that reflects your current self. But don’t change it too often or else connections may not recognize you.


A missing Facebook profile photo is usually easily fixed by uploading a new valid image file. Corrupted files, technical glitches, visibility settings, or user restrictions can also prevent your profile pic from showing properly. Go through basic troubleshooting steps like clearing cache, trying different devices and browsers, and checking your account status. Ensure the photo meets Facebook’s size and format requirements for the best display across all devices and pages.