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Why my Facebook is not working today?

Why my Facebook is not working today?

If you are having issues accessing Facebook today, Monday October 9th, 2023, you are not alone. There are a few common reasons why Facebook may not be working properly for some users:

Facebook is Down for Maintenance

The most likely explanation is that Facebook is currently down for scheduled maintenance and updates. Facebook routinely performs site maintenance and deploy new code, which can temporarily disrupt services. These scheduled maintenance periods usually occur once a week, often on Tuesday or Wednesday nights. However, maintenance can happen on any day of the week and at various times.

When maintenance is occurring, some Facebook services like posting updates, uploading photos, or chatting may be slow or temporarily unavailable. You may see error messages about the site being down for “required maintenance.” Your Facebook feed may fail to load new posts and show outdated information.

Maintenance disruptions are usually brief, lasting an hour or two at most. If you are experiencing issues, try again in a little while. Facebook should be back up and running normally once the maintenance is complete. Check the Facebook Help Center for updates.

Internet Connection Issues

Before you assume something is wrong on Facebook’s end, first check that the problem isn’t with your own internet connection. Connectivity issues on your end can mimic the types of errors caused by a Facebook outage.

Try loading other major websites, like, YouTube or Amazon. If those sites fail to load properly as well, it indicates a problem with your local network or ISP rather than just Facebook. Reboot your router and modem to refresh your internet connection. Connect another device to your WiFi or ethernet to test if the problem only affects one computer or mobile device. Run a speed test to check for connection drops or throttling.

If the internet is working fine overall except for Facebook, continue troubleshooting. But if you see general connectivity problems, call your ISP to identify and resolve the issue.

Web Browser and Facebook App Issues

Problems with Facebook may stem from glitches with your web browser software or the Facebook mobile app itself. Try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Clear your browser cache and cookies. Frozen cached Facebook data can cause strange loading errors.
  • Try an alternate web browser or device. If Facebook works in Safari but not Chrome, the issue is isolated to that browser.
  • Update your browsers and the Facebook app to the latest versions. Bug fixes and performance improvements in updates may resolve quirky failures.
  • Disable browser extensions and Facebook plugins one by one to identify potential conflicts. Some add-ons can impair Facebook’s functionality.
  • Reinstall the Facebook app on your smartphone if closed or restarted.

Account and Login Issues

In some cases, Facebook access problems result from account errors that are specific to your profile. Some account-related causes include:

  • Your account was temporarily locked for suspicious activity. Check for an email from Facebook about the violation.
  • You have been blocked from logging in due to too many failed password attempts.
  • Your Facebook password was changed by you or a hacker. Reset your password if needed.
  • Two-factor authentication is enabled, and you no longer have access to your confirmation code generator.
  • Your account has been temporarily or permanently disabled by Facebook for policy violations.

Account access problems like these require you to work directly with Facebook support for resolution. Be prepared to verify your identity and account ownership.

Facebook is Experiencing an Outage

While less common than individual tech issues, widespread Facebook outages do occasionally happen. Facebook has billions of global users, enormous traffic loads, and very complex infrastructure. Despite their testing and safeguards, bugs still cause intermittent platform failures.

Check to identify any current Facebook outages. When real-time reports spike, Facebook is likely down or crashing for many people globally. Outages may only affect certain services like Facebook, Messenger or Instagram, or impact specific countries or regions.

Facebook outages usually last from a few minutes to a couple hours. Not all outages are noticeable either. You may not experience disruption if you already have an active Facebook session or don’t need to refresh your feed. Just sit tight, stay logged in if possible, and try again a bit later once Facebook engineers resolve the issues.

Type of Issue Troubleshooting Tips
Facebook Down for Maintenance
  • Check Facebook Help Center for maintenance notices
  • Try again in an hour or two
Internet Connection Problem
  • Reboot router and modem
  • Connect another device to WiFi/ethernet
  • Run internet speed test
Browser or App Glitch
  • Clear cache and cookies in browser
  • Try alternate browser or device
  • Update software
  • Disable extensions and plugins
Account Login Issue
  • Check email for lockouts
  • Reset password if needed
  • Contact Facebook support
Facebook Platform Outage
  • Check
  • Try again later once resolved

When to Contact Facebook Support

If you have thoroughly tried all applicable troubleshooting tips but Facebook is still not working properly, it may be time to directly contact Facebook for help.

Reach out to Facebook support if you cannot access your account or specific account functions and believe your account may be restricted, disabled or compromised. Support can investigate issues and reinstate disabled accounts that were accidentally caught in spam filters or security algorithms.

You should also contact Facebook if error messages imply there is an unresolved technical problem on their end. Support staff have additional tools to diagnose the underlying cause and escalate unidentified platform bugs and outages.

To get help from Facebook as quickly as possible:

  • Go to the Facebook Help Center and select the option that best matches your problem.
  • Review Help Center articles for troubleshooting guidance.
  • Use the “Get Started” buttons to ask specific account and login questions.
  • Open a support ticket if contacting Facebook about a technical issue.

Include as many details as possible when submitting inquiries such as error messages and screenshots. This info helps Facebook Support provide faster and more accurate troubleshooting.

Prevent Future Facebook Access Problems

While today’s Facebook downtime is frustrating, there are ways to prevent recurring issues going forward:

  • Set up account security features like two-factor authentication and login approvals. You’ll receive alerts about unusual activity.
  • Be cautious of third-party apps and plugins. Only install reputable apps and extensions that won’t conflict with Facebook’s code.
  • Update software and apps frequently to benefit from the latest optimizations and security enhancements.
  • Use strong passwords that are unique from other sites to prevent hacking.
  • Monitor connectivity by running periodic speed tests and checking for ISP service outages.

Staying proactive ensures your account remains secure, your internet runs smoothly, and you can identify and resolve minor glitches before they escalate. With a few preventative measures in place, future Facebook disruptions will be less of a headache.


Facebook downtime can certainly be annoying in the moment. But there are logical reasons why Facebook may not be working properly at times. Maintenance, tech quirks, account issues and large-scale outages can all impair Facebook access temporarily.

First troubleshoot potential problems on your end, like internet connectivity and software updates. Try accessing Facebook from alternate devices and browsers. For account-specific problems, utilize Facebook Help Center resources or contact Facebook Support if needed. And during widespread outages, just wait it out!

With some targeted troubleshooting and a little patience, Facebook should be back up and running smoothly for you soon. Don’t forget to implement some proactive measures as well to prevent future access disruptions.