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Why my ads was approved and then rejected Facebook?

Why my ads was approved and then rejected Facebook?

Having an ad approved and then later rejected by Facebook can be incredibly frustrating for advertisers. There are a few key reasons why this may happen.

Common Reasons for Ads Being Rejected After Approval

Here are some of the most common reasons Facebook may reject an ad after initially approving it:

  • Policy Violation – Even if an ad initially got through review, if it is flagged or reported by users as violating Facebook’s Advertising Policies, it can get taken down. Things like promoting illegal or regulated products, sensational content, and hate speech can lead to rejections.
  • Ongoing Monitoring – Facebook reviews ads on an ongoing basis, not just upfront. So if your ad starts to garner high click-through rates or engagement, it may trigger another review where issues are spotted that were initially missed.
  • Algorithm Changes – Facebook is constantly tweaking its ad review algorithms to catch more policy violations. So an ad that slipped through the cracks originally may get flagged under new parameters.
  • Campaign Optimization – If you duplicate an ad or scale up a campaign aggressively, this can trigger Facebook’s systems to take another look and block any questionable ads.
  • Competitor Reporting – Your competitors can actually flag your ads in an attempt to get them taken down. So even a perfectly compliant ad can get rejected.
  • Page Quality Score – If the overall quality score of your Facebook page declines, it can cause all your ads to be re-reviewed and rejected.
  • Bug – Sometimes a technical glitch can mistakenly cause an approval status to change on an ad.

How to Minimize Rejection Risk

While you can never fully prevent the possibility of rejections, even after approval, there are some best practices that can help minimize your risk:

  • Carefully Review All Policies – Read Facebook’s advertising policies extremely thoroughly before running any ads. Follow all guidelines around prohibited content, targeting limitations, ad transparency, etc.
  • Avoid Pushing Boundaries – Even if an ad topic or angle seems borderline acceptable, avoid it. Restrict yourself to unambiguously compliant content only.
  • Use Clean Ad Accounts – Run ads from a fresh ad account with no history of violations or bans to get a clean slate.
  • Start Campaigns Slowly – When launching new campaigns, scale up spend gradually rather than aggressively right away.
  • Appeal Rejections – If you believe an ad was mistakenly rejected, go through Facebook’s appeals process as sometimes they’ll overturn incorrect decisions.
  • Test Extensively – Use Facebook’s ad preview tool to test out your ads before launch to identify any potential issues.
  • Monitor Closely – Check campaign performance frequently to catch any signs of problems or new rejections quickly.

What to Do if Your Ad is Rejected

If you do find that an approved ad has been rejected, here are some tips on responding:

  • Pause The Ad – Immediately pause the ad to avoid further spend on it.
  • Submit an Appeal – If you think the rejection was unfair or incorrect, submit an appeal to Facebook through Ads Manager.
  • Make Policy Checks – Thoroughly review the ad against Facebook policies to check if you may have unintentionally violated any.
  • Edit The Ad – Try editing the ad copy, visuals, targeting to address any potential issue areas Facebook flagged.
  • Duplicate The Ad – Create a new version of the ad from scratch without reusing the same assets or copy.
  • Contact Support – Reach out to Facebook support if your appeal is rejected and you believe the ad meets all policies.
  • Change Ad Accounts – Try launching the ad from a different ad account not associated with previous rejections.
  • Wait It Out – Sometimes temporary algorithm issues resolve on their own, so you can try re-submitting the ad later.

Example Scenario

Here is an example scenario showing the potential steps an advertiser might experience when an approved ad gets rejected:

  1. Jane creates a Facebook ad promoting her skincare products targeting women aged 18-35.
  2. She submits the ad in Ads Manager and it passes initial review, gaining approved status.
  3. The ad runs successfully for 3 weeks before Jane notices it has been rejected and disabled.
  4. Jane checks the rejection reason Facebook provided – “Misleading or False Content”.
  5. She thoroughly reviews the ad creative and copy against Facebook policies but sees no violations.
  6. Jane submits an appeal stating her reasoning for why the rejection was unwarranted.
  7. A few days later, Facebook responds saying the appeal has been denied and the rejection stands.
  8. Jane then tries editing the ad, changing the ad image and some text.
  9. She resubmits the edited version and it passes approval.
  10. The edited ad runs continuously without further issues.

This example shows the back and forth advertisers may experience even when initially getting an ad approved. Persistence and willingness to make changes to the ad can help overcome erroneous rejections.

Reasons for Multiple Rejections

Some of the common reasons an advertiser may face repeated or multiple rejections of their Facebook ads include:

  • Promoting banned or regulated products – e.g. guns, pharmaceuticals
  • Using sensationalist or shocking imagery
  • Targeting overly narrow or sensitive user segments
  • Making exaggerated or false claims about products/services
  • Using offensive, derogatory or mistargeted content
  • Cloaking or misrepresentation with landing pages
  • Affiliate marketing violations and predatory tactics
  • Violating Facebook branding guidelines
  • Running ads from an account with prior violations
  • Rapidly scaling up new ad campaigns too quickly

Advertisers may struggle to get any ad approved if they display a pattern of violations or have a negative history with Facebook ad policies. Building a clean and compliant record is key to minimizing rejections.

Strategies to Avoid Multiple Rejections

Here are some proactive strategies advertisers can use to avoid having Facebook repeatedly reject their ads:

  • Carefully study all Facebook ad policies and strictly follow them
  • Use compliant imagery and language in your ads
  • Start ad campaigns slowly and scale up gradually
  • Don’t exaggerate or make false claims about your product/service
  • Avoid targeting very narrow or sensitive audiences
  • Use Facebook’s ad preview tool to audit ads pre-launch
  • Create compliant landing pages that match your ad messaging
  • Separate riskier campaigns into new ad accounts
  • Pause and edit ads immediately if you receive a rejection
  • Be cooperative with Facebook during any appeals processes

Having your ads repeatedly rejected can be detrimental to your Facebook advertising performance. By taking proactive measures to ensure full policy compliance, you can minimize the risk of chronic rejections.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some troubleshooting tips if your Facebook ads keep getting rejected repeatedly:

  • Check for any policy violations – Read rejection reasons carefully and double check your ads comply with all rules.
  • Edit the ads – Change images, text or targeting that could be problematic based on rejection feedback.
  • Make the ads more generic – Avoid specific claims and target very broadly to be extra safe.
  • Try different ad accounts – Set up fresh ad accounts without prior rejections and submit the ads.
  • Add more transparency – Make sure disclosures, ad labels and branded content labels meet guidelines.
  • Limit targeting – Target only general demographics like age, gender, location rather than interests or behaviors.
  • Submit an appeal – Clearly explain in an appeal why you believe the rejection was unwarranted.
  • Pause all ads – Pause all running ads while troubleshooting to prevent further issues.
  • Contact Facebook support – Reach out to support if you feel rejections are unfair and get their advice.
  • Wait and retry later – Sometimes issues resolve on their own if you wait a few weeks and resubmit.

Preventing Policy Violations

The most effective way brands can proactively prevent Facebook ad policy violations is to thoroughly understand and adhere to all Facebook advertising rules and guidelines. Here are some best practices:

  • Carefully read through all policies in the Facebook Advertising Policies section
  • Pay extra attention to policies around restricted content, targeting, disclosures etc.
  • Use Facebook’s free online training courses to enhance policy knowledge
  • Leverage Facebook’s Ad review tools to audit ads before publishing
  • Avoid making exaggerated or sensational claims about products/services
  • Be cautious when using celebrity endorsements or stock images
  • Don’t heavily target or single out sensitive user groups
  • Confirm landing pages match the messaging and offers in ads
  • Add required ad disclosures around pricing, terms etc.
  • Work cooperatively with Facebook during any policy reviews or inquiries

Violating Facebook’s policies, even unintentionally, can lead to account restrictions or bans. So taking the time to fully understand and comply with all rules is crucial for avoiding headaches and maintaining uninterrupted ad campaigns.

Recovering from an Ad Account Ban

If an advertiser ends up receiving a full ad account ban from Facebook due to repeated policy violations, recovering the account can be challenging. However, these tips may help get the account back in good standing:

  • Immediately pause/delete all existing ads on the banned account
  • Download and carefully review the list of violations provided
  • Audit ad account to identify what caused the violations
  • Create new compliant ads and ad copy that follows all policies
  • Submit an appeal clearly explaining the steps taken to prevent further violations
  • Be cooperative, apologetic and polite throughout the appeals process
  • Wait out the standard account ban period before attempting to run new ads
  • Start slow by running a limited test campaign with compliant ads
  • Closely monitor new campaigns for any rejection feedback from Facebook
  • Separately test riskier campaigns in new ad accounts unassociated with past bans

Getting back into Facebook’s good graces once banned takes work and diligence. Preventing future violations through extensive policy learning and cooperative compliance is key to regaining advertising privileges over time.


Facebook’s ad review process can certainly be frustrating and seem arbitrary for marketers who encounter repeated unexpected rejections. However, through a combination of meticulous ad compliance, cooperative troubleshooting, policy education and proper appeal processes, most invalid rejections can eventually be overcome. Patience and persistence paired with a commitment to understanding Facebook guidelines will provide the best path to minimized rejections and successful ad campaigns over the long-term.