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Why Lite apps are better?

Why Lite apps are better?

In recent years, “Lite” versions of apps have become increasingly popular. Lite apps are stripped down versions of full apps that have limited features but take up less storage space and data. Some key questions about Lite apps include:

  • What are the main advantages of using a Lite app version?
  • In what cases are Lite apps better than full versions?
  • What features do Lite apps typically lack compared to full versions?

This article will explore the pros and cons of using Lite app versions compared to full app versions.

Storage Space Savings

One of the biggest advantages of Lite apps is that they take up less storage space on your device. For example, Facebook’s main app takes up over 100MB of storage while Facebook Lite is less than 1MB. This is a huge difference if you have a phone with limited storage.

Lite app versions achieve these major storage savings by:

  • Removing extra languages – Only includes languages relevant for target users
  • Cutting down on media content – Limits photos, videos, animations
  • Removing unused features – Strips away niche features not used by most
  • Compressing resources – Images, audio files, etc are compressed

For users struggling with low storage on their mobile devices, Lite apps provide a leaner alternative that still delivers core functionality.

Data Usage Savings

In addition to taking up less local storage space, Lite apps also use less mobile data when connected to the internet. This makes them ideal for regions where mobile data is expensive or limited.

Lite apps reduce data usage by:

  • Having lower quality images/media – Files are smaller and faster to load
  • Lazy loading content – Images, videos, etc only load when needed
  • Less frequent updates – Updates pushed less often instead of real-time
  • Limiting background processes – Data syncing and activities minimized

According to Facebook, users have reported saving up to 90% on data usage when switching to the Facebook Lite app from the full version. This can make a huge difference for budgets in developing markets.

Improved Performance on Low-End Devices

Lite apps also shine when it comes to improving performance on affordable, low-end Android devices. Their smaller app size results in:

  • Faster install times – App package downloads quicker
  • Speedier launch times – Apps open snappier without slow loading
  • Less crashing – Lower memory usage prevents crashes
  • Smoother scrolling – UI rendering is less demanding on the CPU

Emerging markets are full of lower-spec budget smartphones. Lite apps optimize the experience on these devices with faster performance.

Use Cases Where Lite Apps Excel

Now that we’ve seen some major benefits of using Lite apps, in what cases are they most useful compared to full app versions?

Low Mobile Storage

If you have an older phone with very limited storage, Lite apps help maximize the available space. The smaller app size leaves more room for photos, videos, files and other apps on your device.

Limiting Data Usage

For regions where mobile data is expensive or bandwidth is constrained, Lite apps provide a way to cut data usage substantially. This makes them accessible to more people in developing markets.

Using Affordable Low-End Phones

In emerging economies, more people use lower-end Android phones. Lite apps are optimized for these devices and offer better performance.

Simple Functionality Needs

If you just need basic functionality from an app, like messaging on Facebook, Lite versions provide a lean and fast experience.

Testing Out an App

If you want to test out an app before committing to the full version, starting with the Lite can be useful.

Limitations of Lite Apps

However, Lite apps also come with some limitations compared to full versions:

Reduced Features

By design, Lite apps cut out some features to save space and data. This can mean missing out on cool or useful features available in the full app.

Less Rich Media Content

You’ll typically see lower quality images, videos, and animations in Lite apps. This improves efficiency but degrades the experience.

Less Customization

Full personalization and tweakable settings are often limited in Lite apps. You have less control over customizing the experience.

No Offline Access

Some Lite apps restrict offline access to content and require an internet connection to work. This can be problematic with unreliable connections.

Infrequent Updates

Full apps usually get new features and fixes on a frequent release cycle. Lite apps tend to have less frequent updates.

Examples of Popular Lite Apps

To make the comparison more concrete, let’s look at some popular examples of Lite apps and how they differ from full versions:


Facebook (Full) Facebook Lite
– 100MB+ app size – Under 1MB size
– Data-intensive ads & videos – Less media content
– Offline content support – Requires internet connection
– Chat heads, games, etc – Stripped down functionality


Messenger Messenger Lite
– VoIP calls support – No VoIP call support
– 200MB+ size – Under 30MB size
– Rich chat features – Basic messaging only
– Data-heavy – Optimized data usage


Uber Uber Lite
– Real-time driver tracking – Minimal maps integrations
– Seamless pickups & navigation – Simplified booking process
– Payment integrations – No in-app payments
– 75MB size – 5MB size

As you can see, Lite apps focus on core functionality while cutting out advanced features. The goal is a smaller, leaner, more efficient app.

The Bottom Line

When Lite Apps Are the Right Choice

Lite app versions shine when you need an app that:

  • Works well on affordable low-end phones
  • Minimizes mobile data usage
  • Has basic functionality but a smaller app size
  • Performs better with limited storage space

They are tailored for emerging markets where data is limited or devices have low specs.

When Full Apps Are Better

You’ll likely want the full app if you:

  • Need access to the complete feature set
  • Want a richer user experience
  • Have fewer data or storage constraints
  • Own a high-end smartphone

Full apps provide the most customized experience if you don’t need to optimize for size or performance.


Lite app versions provide streamlined experiences that excel in limiting data usage and running well on low-end devices. They sacrifice some features and customization options to achieve drastic reductions in app size.

If your needs are simple or your device constraints are tight, Lite apps can provide core functionality without all the bloat. However, power users on high-end devices will likely prefer full-featured apps.

The choice depends on your specific needs and device capabilities. With storage and mobile data becoming ever more constrained, Lite apps fill an important niche – especially in emerging markets. Their focused experiences demonstrate that sometimes less truly is more.