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Why isn’t my Facebook page name not changing?

Why isn’t my Facebook page name not changing?

There are a few common reasons why your Facebook page name may not be changing when you try to update it:

You recently changed your page name

Facebook limits how often you can change your page name, typically to once every 28 days. This is to prevent pages from constantly changing their name and confusing people. If you just recently changed your page name within the last month, you may need to wait until the 28 day period has passed before you can change it again.

Your page name change request is still pending review

Facebook reviews some page name change requests, particularly for large and verified pages, before approving them. This manual review helps ensure pages are not changing their names to something misleading or inappropriate. If you requested a page name change but it has not taken effect yet, it may still be pending review by Facebook’s team. Be patient and wait up to 1-2 business days for them to complete the review.

You have an unresolved restriction on your page

If your page has any active restrictions, violations or blocks from previous breaches of Facebook’s policies, the name change function may be temporarily disabled. Trying to change your page name in this situation will fail. You need to resolve whatever policy violations are affecting your page before you can change the name again.

There is an error with your page

In rare cases, a technical error with your Facebook page may be preventing name changes from going through. If you are confident there are no other restrictions or recent name changes on your page, try reporting the problem to Facebook through their Help Center. They can look into whether there is an underlying error and attempt to resolve it.

You do not have admin rights for the page

Only assigned admins of a Facebook page have permission to change the page name. If you are not an admin, any changes you try to make will fail. Ask an existing admin on your page to add you as an admin so you have rights to update the name.

How to troubleshoot your Facebook page name not changing

Here are some steps to troubleshoot and fix the issue if your Facebook page name is not changing properly:

  1. Check when you last changed your page name. Remember you can only change it once every 28 days.
  2. See if you have a pending name change request in progress under your Page Settings.
  3. Check for any active restrictions, blocks or violations on your page that need to be resolved.
  4. Ask existing admins to add you as an admin if you lack permission.
  5. Try reporting the problem through Facebook’s Help Center for further troubleshooting.
  6. As a last resort, you can merge your page with a new one that has your desired name.

Reasons why Facebook may reject your page name change request

If your page name change request gets rejected by Facebook, here are some common reasons why it may occur:

Your new name violates Facebook’s policies

Facebook does not allow page names that:

  • Mislead, confuse or deceive people.
  • Impersonate or falsely represent someone else’s brand.
  • Violate someone’s privacy or intellectual property.
  • Are hateful, abusive, obscene or offensive.

Choose a page name that accurately reflects your business or organization.

Your new name is misleading

Facebook aims to prevent page names that are intentionally misleading, such as:

  • Using unrelated keywords or industries just to gain visibility.
  • Implying you are a different company or celebrity.
  • Including terms like “official”, “authentic” or “fans” without authorization.

Stick with a name that accurately and concisely represents who you are.

You recently changed your page name

As mentioned earlier, Facebook only allows one page name change every 28 days. Trying to change it more frequently will get rejected.

Your page has a history of policy violations

If your page has repeatedly violated Facebook’s terms in the past, name change requests may start getting rejected. Facebook will want to review any changes more closely if the page has a poor track record.

You submitted multiple name change appeals

Trying to appeal or resubmit a name change request multiple times in a short period can sometimes trigger Facebook’s automated protections, causing rejections. Wait a while before trying again.

Your page is brand new

To prevent abuse, Facebook may restrict name changes on very new pages until they build up a bit of history. Focus on creating good content first before trying to rename.

Tips for successfully changing your Facebook page name

Use these tips to help ensure your Facebook page name change request gets approved:

  • Pick a name that clearly reflects who you are and what you do.
  • Avoid changing your name too frequently so it does not look suspicious.
  • Do not choose names that might intentionally mislead people.
  • Make sure you have proper admin rights to change the name.
  • If rejected, patiently wait and try again after a month or two.

What to do if your page name change keeps getting rejected

If your Facebook page name change requests keep getting rejected, here are some options to consider:

Request a review

In Facebook’s Help Center, you can submit an appeal requesting human review of your name change rejection. Provide details on why your new name is appropriate.

Temporarily change your page username

As you cannot change the name, modify your page’s username instead as a temporary workaround.

Merge your page with a new one

Create a new page with your desired name, then request to merge your old page into the new one.

Run promotions under your new name

Change any website, ads or promotions to start using your new name, even if Facebook has not approved it yet.

Focus on building your brand identity

Rather than the name, build recognition through consistent visuals, messaging and customer service.

How to merge your Facebook page with a new name

If your page name change keeps getting rejected, merging your page with a new one that has the desired name is an option. Here is how to merge Facebook pages:

  1. Create a new Facebook page with the exact name you want.
  2. From your old page, go to Settings > General > Merge Pages.
  3. Enter the name of your new page and submit the request.
  4. The admin of the new page will get your merge request and need to approve it.
  5. Once approved, your old page will redirect to the new one.
  6. You can now delete the old page if you want.

Things to keep in mind when merging Facebook pages:

  • All your likes, followers, posts and data will transfer to the new page.
  • There may be a short delay as content is migrated to the new page.
  • Make sure to delete the old page after merging to prevent duplicate content issues.
  • Communicate the change ahead of time so followers know it is still your brand.


Troubleshooting name changes for your Facebook page can be frustrating, but is worth the effort to end up with a name that best resonates with your audience. Reasons your name may not be updating can include recent changes, pending reviews, page restrictions, lack of admin rights or technical errors. Work through possible solutions like waiting for cooldown periods, removing restrictions, checking your admin status and reporting issues. As a last resort, merging your page with a new one is an option if the name change absolutely will not go through.

With over 1.5 billion visits per day, a clear and appealing brand name on Facebook can go a long way in driving engagement and visibility. Take the time to find a page name that aligns with your brand identity and accurately describes what you do. While the process may require some patience, the long term benefits of the right Facebook page name are well worth the effort.

Here is some example data in a table:

Page name Industry Likes
ACME Tools Hardware 10,000
Sawyers Cafe Restaurant 5,000
City Sports League Sports 2,000

This table shows example Facebook pages in different industries and their corresponding number of likes. Pages with clear, descriptive names tend to attract more followers within their niche. “ACME Tools” conveys they are a hardware company, “Sawyers Cafe” suggests a restaurant, and “City Sports League” indicates they are involved in local sports.

Having an appealing and fitting page name provides a strong foundation to build your Facebook presence. As your business grows and evolves, you may need to edit your page’s name to keep aligning with your brand identity. With some strategic forethought and purposeful messaging, you can choose a name that resonates with your followers and helps drive engagement on the world’s largest social network.