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Why isn’t Facebook showing YouTube thumbnail?

Why isn’t Facebook showing YouTube thumbnail?

Many Facebook users have noticed that when they share YouTube videos, the video thumbnail no longer shows up on Facebook. Instead, a generic YouTube placeholder image is displayed. This can be frustrating for content creators and marketers who rely on eye-catching thumbnails to help their videos get clicks and views.

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook may not be displaying YouTube thumbnails properly:

Technical Issues

It’s possible there are some technical or integration issues between Facebook and YouTube that are preventing thumbnails from being pulled properly. Facebook and YouTube may have changed something under the hood that is causing a disconnect.

Copyright Concerns

Facebook may be intentionally blocking YouTube thumbnails to avoid potential copyright infringement claims. If someone shares a YouTube video that uses copyrighted imagery in the thumbnail, Facebook may prefer to avoid legal risks by not displaying it.

Promoting YouTube Links

Facebook has its own competing video platform, so some speculate they may be intentionally limiting YouTube’s presence on the platform. Not showing the YouTube thumbnail could disincentivize sharing YouTube links instead of Facebook videos.

When did the YouTube thumbnails stop showing up?

Most reports indicate the YouTube thumbnail issue started in late 2021. Around October or November 2021, many Facebook users began noticing YouTube video links were displaying generic placeholders instead of the actual video thumbnails.

However, a minority of users claim they first noticed the problem months or even years earlier. It’s possible Facebook was testing outblocking thumbnails with small groups of users before rolling it out more widely.

So while it became a more mainstream issue in late 2021, there were likely some isolated cases earlier than that.

Examples of Missing YouTube Thumbnails on Facebook

Here are some examples of YouTube links on Facebook that are missing the video thumbnail:

YouTube Video Title Facebook Post Screenshot
How to Train Your Dog to Stop Jumping
Taylor Swift – Bad Blood Music Video
NASA Rocket Launch

As you can see, instead of showing the actual YouTube video thumbnail, a generic gray YouTube logo placeholder image is shown. This makes it harder to tell what the video is at a quick glance while scrolling through Facebook.

Is it happening for all YouTube links or just some channels?

Initial reports indicated the missing thumbnails issue was happening across the board for any YouTube link posted on Facebook. It didn’t seem to matter whether the channel was an individual creator, a major media company, a music artist, or another type of account.

However, some users have reported that links to certain major brand channels like ESPN, NBC, and Jimmy Fallon may still show the proper thumbnail, while smaller creators and channels have the generic placeholder.

So while the issue appears widespread, it’s possible Facebook may be selectively blocking thumbnails for certain types of channels, like independent creators. More analysis would be needed to conclusively determine if some channels are being treated differently than others.

Possible fixes and workarounds

Here are a few potential fixes and workarounds for bringing back YouTube thumbnails on Facebook:

Check for Facebook Updates

As this seems to be a technical issue on Facebook’s end, the problem may resolve itself if they roll out a fix. Make sure the Facebook app and website are updated to see if thumbnails begin working in newer versions.

Share YouTube Links in Groups

Some users report YouTube thumbnails show up properly when sharing YouTube links in Facebook groups. So posting videos in relevant Facebook groups could be a temporary workaround.

Upload Thumbnail Image Separately

Manually downloading the YouTube video thumbnail and uploading it as a separate photo in the Facebook post is an extra step that ensures the thumbnail is visible.

Use Link Post Format

Posting the YouTube link in link post format rather than a text post seems to enable the thumbnail for some users.

Share YouTube Links on a Page

YouTube thumbnails are still appearing when YouTube links are shared directly from a Facebook Page rather than a personal profile. Admins may want to post YouTube links directly through their Pages for the time being.

Use Third-Party Tools

Some browser extensions and social media tools claim they can help pull YouTube thumbnails back into Facebook. Social Kit and Meta Tags Extender are two options, but research thoroughly before installing any new tools.

Will Facebook bring back YouTube thumbnails?

Ultimately, unless Facebook officially announces a policy change, it’s impossible to know for sure if or when proper YouTube thumbnails will return to Facebook.

If it is an unintentional technical glitch, one would assume Facebook will fix it soon to improve the user experience. However, if Facebook has deliberately removed thumbnails to limit YouTube’s presence and promote their own video products, the change could be permanent.

Hopefully pressure from users and content creators will convince Facebook to address the issue in an upcoming update. In the meantime, the workarounds listed above may help mitigate the impact of the missing thumbnails. Stay tuned for any official announcements from Facebook on if and when YouTube thumbnails will be reinstated on the platform.


Facebook has stopped displaying YouTube video thumbnails on the platform, instead showing a generic placeholder image. This appears to have started happening in late 2021, but a minority of users noticed it earlier. The issue seems widespread, affecting videos from most YouTube channels and creators.

The exact reason is unclear, but potential causes are technical issues, copyright concerns, or Facebook intentionally limiting YouTube’s presence. There are a few workarounds like sharing links in groups, uploading custom thumbnails, or using third-party tools. But the only true solution will require action on Facebook’s end to resolve the technical or policy issues at play.

Content creators and marketers will need to adapt until Facebook provides an official fix. Make sure to leverage alternative platforms and use link posts and captions effectively to optimize video performance as much as possible until proper YouTube thumbnails return.