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Why isn t my relationship status showing up on my news feed?

Why isn t my relationship status showing up on my news feed?

There are a few potential reasons why your relationship status may not be showing up on your Facebook news feed:

You have not updated your relationship status

The most obvious reason is that you simply have not updated your relationship status on Facebook. Go to your profile, click “Update Info” and select your current relationship status. Once you actually update it, your new relationship status will display on your profile and in news feed stories.

Your privacy settings are limiting visibility

Facebook allows you to control the privacy of your relationship status update. If your privacy settings are very strict, your relationship status may only be visible to you or a small group of friends. To change this, go to your profile, click the three dots at the top right, select “View As…” and preview your profile as a public user. If your relationship status does not show up, you’ll need to edit the audience for your relationship status.

Your partner has not confirmed the relationship

For your relationship status to display as “In a Relationship with [Name]”, you both need to confirm the status. If only one of you has updated it, it will show as “In a Relationship” without your partner’s name. Ask them to edit their own relationship status to officially connect your profiles.

A glitch or bug is preventing it from showing

Like any software, Facebook can sometimes have glitches that affect visibility settings. Try logging out and back into your account. You can also report the problem to Facebook through their Help Center.

Why Facebook relationship statuses matter

Displaying your relationship status publicly serves several purposes:

  • It declares your commitment to your significant other.
  • It informs friends and family members that you’re in a relationship.
  • It wards off potential romantic advances from others.
  • It gives your partner permission to post affectionate updates.
  • It prevents awkward explanations about who you’re with.

Essentially, the relationship status update makes things “official” in your social media world. It’s a way to share a significant life event with your broader network. Even if you’re more private, consider at least confirming the status so close friends are in the loop.

How to troubleshoot relationship status visibility

If your relationship status is not appearing as you expect, there are steps you can take to remedy this:

Confirm it is actually updated

Go to your profile and verify your relationship status is set to the correct status and connected to your partner if applicable. The change won’t be visible until you actively save updates.

Check your privacy settings

Under the three dots menu, click “View As” and confirm your relationship status shows up when viewed as a public user. If not, adjust the audience who can see your relationship status.

Make sure custom settings allow status updates

Your custom privacy settings may be blocking updates like relationship changes. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Privacy Settings” and make sure relationship status changes are allowed.

Ask your partner to confirm it

If the issue is your partner’s name not appearing with your status, have them change their own status to officially connect you.

Report the issue to Facebook

Use the Report a Problem tool to notify Facebook of any glitch preventing your status from displaying correctly.

How relationship statuses display on Facebook

Relationship statuses display in a few key places on Facebook:

  • Your profile info section
  • “Life Events” section of your profile page
  • Next to your name at the top of the news feed
  • In news stories when you change your relationship status
  • When you tag your partner in a post
  • When you tag your partner in a photo
  • When you confirm you’re “In a Relationship with [Name]”

Essentially any place your name appears, your relationship status should also be visible (unless privacy settings dictate otherwise).

Examples of relationship status visibility

Where It Appears Example
Profile info section Jane Smith is in a relationship with John Smith
News feed story Jane Smith is in a relationship with John Smith
Post tag Jane Smith with John Smith
Photo tag Jane Smith with John Smith

Troubleshooting tips

Here are some additional troubleshooting tips if your relationship status won’t display properly:

Refresh and clear cache

Refresh your browser and clear caches/cookies to eliminate any loading issues. Log fully out of Facebook before logging back in.

Use a different web browser

Try viewing your profile in different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc. A browser glitch could be preventing it from loading.

Check app settings

If it won’t display on mobile, check the app’s notification and privacy settings. Toggle permissions off and on for your info to sync.

Update and restart

Make sure both the Facebook app and your OS are updated. Power your device off and back on to clear any glitches.

Check audience selector settings

Go to your profile, click the audience selector and make sure it’s set to public viewing. Customize as needed.

Review news feed preferences

Under news feed preferences, make sure relationship updates are allowed and confirmed friends are included.

Contact Facebook support

If all else fails, report the issue directly to Facebook through their Help Center for personalized troubleshooting.

Privacy considerations

While relationship statuses can be fun to share, it’s smart to consider your privacy too:

  • Restrict status visibility from coworkers or professional contacts
  • Limit status visibility from family members if needed
  • Customize individual post visibility when tagging partner
  • Use discretion when changing status from single to in a relationship
  • Keep details about your love life limited if preferred

The key is finding a balance between sharing relationship milestones and maintaining boundaries. Take advantage of Facebook’s customizable privacy settings as needed.


Troubleshooting relationship status visibility issues is usually a simple fix. Confirm the status is officially updated, check privacy settings, notify your partner and report glitches to Facebook as needed. With over 2 billion users, problems inevitably occur – but a few quick checks should get your status displayed properly.

Beyond debugging, give thought to how much of your love life you prefer to share publicly. Facebook provides controls to limit status visibility as desired. Find the right balance for you between showcasing your relationship and keeping some details just between you and your significant other.