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Why isn t my jigsaw puzzle app working?

Why isn t my jigsaw puzzle app working?

Quick Answers

There are a few common reasons why a jigsaw puzzle app may not be working properly:

  • The app is not updated to the latest version
  • There are connectivity or server issues
  • The device does not have enough storage space
  • The app is not compatible with your device/OS
  • The app is buggy or glitchy

Updating the app, checking internet connectivity, freeing up storage space, and contacting the developer for support are some quick troubleshooting steps to try. If it’s a widespread technical issue with the app or servers, waiting for an update to fix bugs can also resolve problems.

App Not Updated

One of the most common reasons a jigsaw puzzle app may not be working is because the app has not been updated to the latest version from the app store. App developers periodically release new versions of their apps with bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.

If your jigsaw app has not been updated recently, there could be compatibility issues or bugs in the old version causing problems. Try checking your device’s app store to see if there are any pending updates available for the app. The update process only takes a few minutes and then you can reopen the app to see if the issues have been resolved with the newer version.

Many apps today have auto-update enabled by default so the process is seamless, but some users disable this feature or updates do not install properly in the background. Manually updating regularly helps avoid situations where an old, outdated app version leads to errors or glitches.

Check App Store Update Settings

Depending on your device platform, the process to check for app updates will vary:

iOS Updates

On an iPhone or iPad, open the App Store app and tap on your user icon in the top right. Scroll down to see a list of any pending updates and choose “Update All” to download the newest versions of your apps. For individual apps, you can go to that app’s page in the App Store and tap “Update” to get the latest iOS release.

Android App Updates

On an Android device, open the Google Play Store app and tap on the hamburger menu in the top left. Go to “My Apps & Games” to see all your installed apps and which ones have updates available. Tap the “Update” button next to each app to download the latest version.

You can also enable auto-updates in the Play Store’s settings so apps update automatically over WiFi without any action needed.

Windows/Mac App Updates

For Windows or Mac computers, apps purchased from Microsoft Store or Apple’s App Stores can be updated by opening the store app and checking the “Updates” section. This will show any pending app updates which can be installed with a click of the “Update” button.

Auto-Update Pros and Cons

Enabling auto-updates ensures your apps stay up-to-date with the latest versions without you having to manually trigger each update. However, some users prefer turning auto-updates off for reasons like:

  • Preventing large downloads over cellular data
  • Avoiding updates that may break app functionality
  • Managing updates across limited storage space

If you turn auto-updates off, it’s important to periodically check your installed apps and update any outdated ones manually. Leaving apps unpatched for long periods of time can lead to performance/stability issues over time as bugs accumulate.

Connectivity or Server Problems

Jigsaw puzzle apps rely on an internet connection to download puzzle images, game data, and sync progress across devices. Network connectivity issues are another common culprit behind unresponsive or glitchy apps.

Some troubleshooting tips include:

  • Checking if other apps or websites fail to load – if so, it’s likely an overall connectivity problem
  • Trying different WiFi networks or cellular data
  • Restarting your router if on WiFi
  • Reinstalling the app to refresh network authorization

If the problems seem to be isolated to just the jigsaw app, it could point to server-side technical issues on the developer’s end. Many apps and games connect to cloud servers to retrieve data, upload user progress, verify licenses, handle logins, synchronize across devices, etc.

Any downtime or outages on the company’s servers will likely impact connectivity and interactivity within the app. Checking the app developer’s server status pages or social media accounts can give you an idea if they are experiencing any acknowledged server maintenance or degraded performance.

This type of outage is usually temporary as the company diagnoses the issue and brings their servers back to full operation. Leaving the app closed and trying again later is the only real solution in this scenario as the problems originate from the developer’s data centers rather than locally on your device.

Server Outages Are Commonplace

Even major technology companies experience periodic server troubles that disrupt popular apps and services. For example:

  • Facebook and Instagram outage on October 2021
  • Snapchat went down for millions of users in July 2021
  • Cloud flare outage took down Shopify, Discord and others in June 2021

Game apps like jigsaw puzzles rely on real-time server interactions for downloading packs, storing progress, multiplayer matchmaking, etc. So connectivity problems on the backend can cripple functionality until addressed.

When Servers Go Down

If you notice a jigsaw app not working coincides with confirmed server issues from the developer, here are some productive things to do while waiting for functionality to be restored:

  • Check for app or game updates in the meantime
  • Browse their support site for helpful troubleshooting tips
  • Follow updates from their social media account
  • File a bug report if issues persist after the outage
  • Leave constructive feedback on the quality of their server infrastructure
  • Be patient – repairs often take time depending on severity

A short disruption is annoying but unlikely to significantly set back your game progress. Try not to get too frustrated – remember the developers want their services up and running smoothly as soon as possible too.

Insufficient Storage Space

Another common troubleshooting area for misbehaving apps is making sure your device has enough available storage capacity. Downloading, updating, or playing a jigsaw app uses up storage space over time for:

  • Saved puzzle packs/DLC
  • Cached images and game data
  • App data like settings, preferences, progress etc.
  • Temporary operational files

If storage space runs low, you may encounter issues like:

  • Long loading times
  • Interface lag/stuttering
  • Game crashes or instability
  • Failing downloads or installations

Checking how much free space remains and clearing unused files can get the app functioning smoothly again.

Check Remaining Storage

You can check how much internal storage remains on your device as follows:

iOS Storage

On an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > General > Storage – this screen shows total space used vs available. Tap storage sense recommendations to remove unused apps, downloads or large files.

Android Storage

On Android, go to Settings > Storage to see a percentage or GB number for free internal space left. Tap “Free up Space” for suggestions on removing unneeded files.

Windows Storage

On Windows 10 or 11, open File Explorer then right-click on the main C: Drive. Select “Properties” to see total used vs free space. Use the Disk Cleanup utility to remove temporary files.

Mac Storage

On a Mac, click on About This Mac in the Apple menu to see storage details. Click “Storage Management” to remove unused files, downloads, inactive apps, etc.

Regularly checking and freeing up clutter is good device maintenance. Most jigsaw apps only take up 100-200MB but need room to save your progress.

Uninstall Unused Apps

If storage space is critically low, uninstalling apps you no longer use frees up the most space quickly. Their install packages and all associated app data will be removed.

You can typically sort your installed apps by size to identify good uninstall candidates. Unused social media apps, old games, redundant productivity apps are common targets. Removing just a few of the largest apps gains back plenty of GBs.

Also clear cached Web data and browser history you no longer need. Photos and videos tend to consume storage too so offload those to cloud backup or external storage if desired.

App Compatibility Issues

Some jigsaw puzzle apps may fail to work properly due to compatibility problems with your specific device model or operating system version.

For example, using an outdated iOS/Android OS the app was not designed for or running on unsupported low-power hardware can prevent smooth operation.

Common symptoms of compatibility issues include:

  • Frequent crashing/freezing
  • Choppy performance
  • Interface layout problems
  • Glitchy graphics or rendering
  • Input detection issues

If your device meets the app’s minimum system requirements, updating to the latest OS and app versions is the main remedy. But if your hardware specs are below par, upgrading the device itself may be the long-term solution.

Check OS/Hardware Compatibility

The app developer’s website or store listing usually provides technical details on supported devices and operating system versions. You can check if your specs meet the requirements:


On iOS, go to Settings > General > About to see your model identifier and current iOS version. Compare to app specs.

Android Device

On an Android phone or tablet, open Settings > About Device to view hardware model, OS version, processor details etc.

Windows PC

On Windows, press Windows Key + R then enter “dxdiag” – this displays diagnostics like CPU, RAM, graphics.

Mac Specs

On a Mac, click on the Apple icon > About this Mac to see macOS version, processor, memory etc.

Newer models with robust specs almost always provide the smoothest experience for graphics-heavy games like jigsaw apps.

Upgrade Eligible Devices

If your hardware is outdated but still supported, updating to the newest OS version available can improve compatibility.

On iOS devices, installing the latest iOS update is recommended. On Android, try updating to the newest Android release your phone or tablet allows.

Updating PC and Mac operating systems like Windows and macOS can also fix compatibility bugs. But very old systems may not be eligible for the latest OS versions in which case upgrading hardware is the permanent fix.

Buggy or Glitchy App

Sometimes a jigsaw app may generally have technical problems on all devices due to programming bugs in the app’s codebase itself.

Symptoms of a glitchy app can include:

  • Interface layout issues
  • Menus/buttons not working
  • Puzzle pieces not fitting correctly
  • Erratic crashes or freezes
  • Problems saving/loading progress

These kinds of quality issues arise during app development and testing, but inevitably some bugs slip through to the production app released to customers.

As users report issues after an app launches, the developers will work to diagnose the root internal software causes and release fixes in app updates.

Reporting App Bugs/Glitches

If you run into reproducible glitches in a jigsaw app, consider nicely alerting the app developer by:

  • Leaving constructive App Store/Play Store reviews
  • Reporting through in-app or website contact forms
  • Reaching out over social media
  • Filing detailed bug reports

Provide as many helpful details as possible:

  • Description of exact issue
  • Steps to reproduce bug
  • Frequency/consistency of problem
  • Device model, OS version
  • App version number
  • Screenshots/media capturing issue

This detailed feedback from users is invaluable for developers to address and fix the app problems promptly.

Be Patient with Fixes

While irritating, try to be patient as app developers work through reports and release bug-fixing updates. Understand that coding defects take time and testing to properly identify, troubleshoot, patch, and deploy correctly.

If game-breaking, developers usually prioritize super common or severe crashing bugs first. For lesser issues, fixes may take a little longer to arrive after subsequent update releases that contain cumulative stability improvements and patches.

Contact Developer Support

If you continue having unresolved trouble getting a jigsaw puzzle app to work properly after trying the above troubleshooting tips, it’s a good idea to contact the app developer’s customer support channels for additional help.

Many popular app makers offer website contact forms, email addresses, social media accounts, online documentation/FAQs, or in some cases telephone support numbers to assist users.

Start by checking the app’s store listing page or website for links to reach out and explain your problem to their support team. They may be able to provide personalized troubleshooting advice based on any log or diagnostic details they can look up.

App developers are highly motivated to help users through technical problems to improve retention and customer satisfaction. Don’t hesitate to ping them politely if all else fails getting an app functional after attempts at fixing it yourself.

What to Include in Support Requests

To enable the support reps to best diagnose and address your jigsaw app issues, try providing key details like:

  • App name and version number
  • Device model and OS version
  • Frequency/reproducibility of issue
  • Detailed problem description
  • Troubleshooting attempts
  • Screenshots/video if possible

The more specifics about your situation, the better chance they can replicate it their end and pinpoint where code or compatibility improvements are needed.

Following Support Recommendations

Any good customer support team will work collaboratively with users to thoroughly investigate technical problems and brainstorm potential fixes.

If they request you test potential workarounds or enable app diagnostics logs, try to cooperate with these reasonable support steps. The insights gleaned can swiftly resolve elusive issues.

If all collaborative efforts fail, they may advise waiting for the next app update or escalate to their developers. Having an open discourse with support demonstrates you are invested in jointly finding an effective solution.


Jigsaw puzzle apps failing to work properly can be immensely frustrating, but there are constructive ways to troubleshoot and address the most common underlying causes. Updating the app itself, checking system compatibility, ensuring sufficient storage space, testing network connectivity, reporting software bugs, reaching out to developer support teams, and being patient with fixes are all positive ways forward when technical issues inevitably arise. With the right mindset and willingness to work through problems, you’ll be back to enjoying a smooth and satisfying digital puzzle experience again before you know it.