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Why is there no message button on my friends profile on Instagram?

Why is there no message button on my friends profile on Instagram?

There are a few potential reasons why you may not see a message button on your friends’ Instagram profiles:

They have disabled messages from people they don’t follow

Instagram allows users to restrict who can send them messages. If your friend has set their messages to only receive messages from people they follow, you would not see the message button on their profile.

To check if this is the case, try sending them a message request by going to your messages, tapping the paper airplane icon in the top right and searching for their username. If you can’t send them a message request, it’s likely because they have message requests restricted.

Your account may be restricted

In some cases, Instagram may restrict accounts from being able to message others. This could happen if you have sent spammy messages in the past or have otherwise violated Instagram’s terms of service.

If your account is restricted, you may not see the message button on other users’ profiles. You can check if your account has messaging abilities restricted by trying to send a message to another friend – if you can’t message any of your friends, your account is likely limited.

They have blocked you

If your friend has blocked you on Instagram, you will not be able to see the message button on their profile or send them any messages.

You can check if you are blocked by logging out of your account and trying to view their profile or send them a message request. If you are blocked, you will get an error saying the content is not available.

It’s a bug or technical issue

In some cases, a bug or temporary technical issue could cause the message button to disappear from a friend’s profile. Some potential reasons this could happen include:

  • A glitch with the latest version of the Instagram app
  • Internet connectivity issues on your device or their account
  • The app failed to properly load their profile
  • Server-side issues at Instagram

If you are experiencing this issue, try closing and reopening the app, updating the app, checking your internet connection, or waiting a bit and trying again later. If the issue persists, it’s likely due to one of the other reasons on this list.

They have set their profile to private

If your friend has made their Instagram profile private, you will only be able to see their posts and send them a message if you are one of their approved followers.

You can check if their profile is set to private by logging out and trying to view their profile – if you get a “Page Not Found” error, their profile is private. To be able to message them, you will need to send them a follow request which they will have to approve.

Their account is deleted or deactivated

If your friend has deleted or deactivated their Instagram account, their profile will no longer show up and you will not have the option to message them.

You can double check if their account still exists by searching for their username – if their account no longer shows up even in search, that likely means they have deleted their account entirely.


In summary, the most common reasons you may not see a message button on your friend’s Instagram profile include them restricting messages, you being blocked or restricted, technical issues, their account being private, or their account being deleted/deactivated.

If you are still unable to message a friend for an unknown reason, you can try reporting the issue directly to Instagram through their help center. But in most cases, not seeing a message button on your friend’s profile can be explained by one of the reasons outlined above.

Reason How to Check Solution
They have disabled messages from people they don’t follow Try sending them a message request Wait for them to accept your message request
Your account may be restricted Try messaging other friends Contact Instagram support if you think your account is incorrectly restricted
They have blocked you View their profile logged out or try to message them You will not be able to message them if you are blocked
It’s a bug or technical issue Close and reopen the app, check your internet connection Wait and try again later or report the issue to Instagram
They have set their profile to private View their profile logged out Send them a follow request to be able to message them
Their account is deleted or deactivated Search for their username You cannot message a deleted account

Frequently Asked Related Questions

How do I send a message request on Instagram?

To send a message request to someone who isn’t following you back:

  1. Go to your Instagram Direct messages by tapping the paper airplane icon in the top right of your feed.
  2. Tap the pencil icon to start a new message.
  3. Search for the username of the account you want to message.
  4. Tap their username when it appears to send them a message request.
  5. Type out your message and tap “Send”.

If approved, your message will appear in their inbox and they will be able to reply. If rejected, you won’t be able to send another request for a period of time.

Why can’t I see all my friends’ Instagram stories?

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to view some friends’ Instagram stories:

  • They have added you to their “Restricted” list. This prevents you from seeing their story while still allowing you to remain friends.
  • Your account has been shadowbanned. An account restriction that prevents your account from interacting normally.
  • They have blocked your account from viewing their story.
  • Your account is too new. Instagram sometimes limits features on new accounts to prevent spam.
  • Connectivity issues. Check your internet connection and try reloading the app.

If none of those explain it, you can report the issue to Instagram directly for help.

What happens when you block someone on Instagram?

Blocking someone on Instagram does the following:

  • Removes their ability to view your posts or search for your account.
  • Stops them seeing when you are active on Instagram or when you read their messages.
  • Prevents them from messaging you or following you again.
  • Removes them as a follower if they currently follow you.
  • Deletes any previous conversations you’ve had with them.

However, blocking is one-sided. They will not be notified that you’ve blocked them. And you can always unblock them later to restore their access to your profile and conversations.

Instructions for Troubleshooting Missing Message Button

Update the app

Make sure you are running the latest version of the Instagram app. The option to message friends is sometimes missing in outdated versions of the app due to bugs. Updating the app may fix the issue.

Check your account restrictions

Go to your profile, tap Settings, then Account. Check if your account has any restrictions around messaging or account features. If so, you will need to appeal these restrictions to regain full messaging abilities.

Make sure your friend still has an active account

Go to your friend’s profile and check if their posts are still visible. If not, their account may be deleted or disabled. You cannot message accounts that are no longer active.

Contact Instagram support

If none of the above solutions work, reach out directly to Instagram’s support team via the in-app support options. Explain your problem and they may be able to resolve any unknown restrictions or bugs preventing you from messaging your friend.


Not seeing a message button is a common annoyance on Instagram. However, in most cases it is due to understandable reasons like privacy settings, blocks, or restrictions. Taking the time to troubleshoot and follow the tips outlined here should help you get to the bottom of the missing message button problem.

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram’s support team may not always be able to provide individualized help. But by being proactive and checking possible reasons on your own, you should be able to resolve most issues around missing message buttons and get back to seamlessly communicating with friends.