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Why is there an error publishing my Facebook page?

Why is there an error publishing my Facebook page?

There are a few common reasons why you may encounter an error when trying to publish your Facebook page:

You don’t have admin rights

In order to publish changes to a Facebook page, you need to be an admin of that page. If you are trying to publish changes to a page that you don’t have admin rights for, you will see an error message stating “Only admins can publish updates.” To resolve this, you will need to be added as an admin of the page by another current admin.

Page needs to be claimed

If the Facebook page was created a while ago but hasn’t been managed recently, Facebook may require that the page be claimed before updates can be published again. You’ll see an error message stating “Please claim this page before publishing updates.” To claim the page, you will need to request verification from Facebook, which usually involves changing info on the page or uploading an image to prove you manage the page.

Page is restricted

Facebook may restrict publishing on a page if they detect suspicious activity, such as spam posting or inauthentic content. The error message will state something like “Publishing to this page has been temporarily restricted.” You will need to appeal the restriction and have Facebook review the page content before publishing can resume.

Technical issues

Sometimes errors publishing Facebook pages are due to temporary technical issues on Facebook’s end. The error message may simply state “There was a problem publishing your update. Please try again later.” In this case, waiting a bit and trying again later often resolves the issue once Facebook fixes whatever problem caused the error.

How to troubleshoot Facebook page publish errors

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot Facebook page publish errors:

  • Check that you have admin rights for the page
  • Try claiming the page if Facebook prompts you to
  • Review page content if page is restricted
  • Try publishing from a different device or browser
  • Check Facebook’s system status page for known issues
  • Try again later if the error seems temporary

Preventing publishing errors

To avoid Facebook page publish errors in the future:

  • Maintain admin rights on all pages you manage
  • Post quality content to avoid restrictions
  • Claim and verify pages when prompted by Facebook
  • Check for technical issues before mass posting


Publishing errors on Facebook pages can be frustrating, but are usually fixable. Confirm you have admin access, follow Facebook’s guidelines, and check for site issues on Facebook’s end. With some troubleshooting and preparation, you can minimize errors and successfully publish great content for your Facebook page audience.

Error Message Potential Cause Solution
“Only admins can publish updates” Lacking admin rights Get added as a page admin
“Please claim this page before publishing updates” Page needs to be claimed Request verification from Facebook
“Publishing to this page has been temporarily restricted” Page is restricted Appeal restriction and review content
“There was a problem publishing your update. Please try again later.” Technical issues Wait and try again later

Tips for troubleshooting Facebook page publish errors

Here are some additional tips that may help in troubleshooting Facebook page publishing errors:

  • Try publishing from different devices and browsers – this can rule out local browser issues
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies – cached data can sometimes cause errors
  • Check your internet connection – publishing may fail if you have a weak connection
  • Update your browser and apps – outdated software can prevent publishing
  • Disable browser extensions – some extensions interfere with Facebook’s interface
  • Try accessing Facebook from incognito/private mode – this eliminates account and settings issues
  • Report persistent technical issues to Facebook – they may need to fix problems on their end

Why Facebook page publishing is important

Being able to successfully publish content on a Facebook page is important for several reasons:

  • Reach your audience – Publishing helps get your message and updates out to your existing page followers.
  • Attract new followers – Fresh, engaging content encourages new users to follow your page.
  • Interact with followers – Publishing content allows followers to like, comment, and share posts.
  • Build credibility – Consistently publishing quality content establishes you as an authority.
  • Monetize – For business pages, publishing helps drive sales and conversions.

Having your publishing efforts disrupted by errors can be detrimental. Troubleshooting publishing problems helps ensure your Facebook presence continues reaching and engaging your target audience.

Common Facebook page types

Facebook pages are used for a variety of purposes, including:

Business Pages

Used to market businesses, sell products/services, promote brands, and engage customers.

Community Pages

Help connect people with similar interests such as causes, hobbies, professions, etc.

Public Figure Pages

Represent public personalities like artists, politicians, celebrities, influencers, and more.

Product/Service Pages

Promote specific products, services, or media like books, TV shows, apps, etc.

Best practices for managing Facebook pages

To maximize success on Facebook pages, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Post consistently – Don’t let your page go silent for extended periods.
  • Vary post types – Photos, videos, live broadcasts, and more.
  • Engage followers – Respond to comments, questions, and feedback.
  • Promote posts – Use paid ads to extend reach.
  • Analyze metrics – Track insights to inform your strategy.
  • Refine based on performance – Double down on what works.

Applying these best practices helps ensure your Facebook presence remains vibrant, engaging, and optimized for results.

Facebook page roles

There are several roles that govern permissions for accessing and managing Facebook pages:

Page Admin

  • Full page access
  • Add/remove other admins and editors
  • Publish content
  • Change page settings


  • Create and edit posts as page
  • Analyze page insights
  • Limited access to settings


  • Moderate and respond to comments
  • Send messages as page
  • See page insights


  • Manage paid ads and promotions for page
  • Analyze advertising performance


  • View page insights and analytics

Understanding page roles helps assign appropriate content publishing access.

Facebook page settings

As a page admin, you have control over the following settings:

  • Page name
  • Page category
  • Username
  • Page description
  • Profile and cover images
  • Post attribution
  • Notifications
  • Preferred page audience
  • Age restrictions
  • Page moderation
  • Post approval
  • Visitor posts
  • Page roles

Managing these settings optimizes your page’s visibility, controls permissions, and ensures compliance.

Facebook page posting tips

To create quality posts optimized for engagement:

  • Understand your audience interests
  • Post visually appealing photos/videos
  • Use relevant hashtags and tag brands/people
  • Write clear, catchy captions
  • Utilize interesting polls and questions
  • Share links strategically
  • Publish consistently, but avoid overposting
  • Monitor engagement metrics
  • Optimize timing for your audience
  • Promote top performing post types

Creating compelling, relevant content tailored to your followers drives meaningful engagement with your Facebook page.

Advertising on Facebook pages

Facebook offers powerful advertising options to amplify page content:

  • Boosted posts – Promote existing posts to wider audience
  • Page like ads – Get more people to follow your page
  • Click-to-website ads – Drive traffic to your website
  • Lead generation ads – Collect visitor contact info
  • Event response ads – Increase event attendance
  • Catalog sales ads – Promote product catalog items

Running targeted ads helps expand your Facebook page’s reach and gets content in front of relevant audiences.

Benefits of Facebook page advertising

  • Increased page followers
  • Drives website traffic
  • Heightened brand awareness
  • Promotes products/services
  • Generates leads
  • Retargeting
  • Engages existing followers

Strategic ad investment yields major dividends in terms of growing and monetizing a Facebook presence.

Integrations for Facebook pages

Facebook offers integrations to sync page activity with other tools:

Facebook & Instagram

Publish post content seamlessly between connected Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Third-party scheduling tools

Schedule and publish posts using tools like Hootsuite, SEMrush, Sprout Social, and more.

Email list services

Automatically notify email subscribers about new Facebook posts.

Customer relationship management (CRM) tools

Sync Facebook lead generation with CRMs like Salesforce for workflow automation.

Analytics platforms

Connect Facebook page data with analytics tools like Google Analytics.

Live streaming services

Extend reach by simultaneously streaming live video to Facebook and other platforms.

Integrations help streamline publishing workflows and maximize impact.

Facebook page metrics

Key Facebook page metrics to track performance:

  • Page views
  • Post reach
  • Engaged users
  • Impressions
  • Reactions
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Clicks
  • Conversions
  • Follower growth

Analyzing these metrics identifies well-performing content to guide your Facebook page strategy.

Facebook page management tools

Tools to streamline managing Facebook pages include:

  • Facebook Creator Studio – Manage pages and profiles from one dashboard.
  • Facebook Business Suite – View analytics and collaborate across Facebook tools.
  • Facebook Ad Manager – Create, run, and track ads.
  • Facebook Creative Hub – Make professional-quality creative assets.
  • Hootsuite, Sprout Social – Social media management platforms.
  • Canva – Graphic design templates.
  • Iconosquare, Crowdfire – Analytics and optimization.

Leveraging these tools makes managing all aspects of Facebook pages more efficient.

Facebook page support options

If you need help with your Facebook page, there are several support options:

  • Page Settings Help – FAQs, troubleshooting, and guides.
  • Facebook Community Help Groups – Get advice from other users.
  • Facebook Ads Support – For advertising questions.
  • Facebook Business Support – Submit support tickets.
  • Facebook Portal – Contact businesses directly.
  • Social Media Customer Service – Hire experts to manage pages.

Leveraging available support resources can help resolve Facebook page issues and questions.


Troubleshooting Facebook page publishing errors involves checking for admin rights, claimed status, restrictions, and technical issues. Strategies like maintaining admin access, posting quality content, and monitoring Facebook’s system status can help minimize errors. Persistent issues may require contacting Facebook support directly. With some diligent diagnostics and proactive preparation, you can get your Facebook page publishing content successfully.