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Why is there a notification on Facebook Messenger but no message?

Why is there a notification on Facebook Messenger but no message?

It can be frustrating to see a notification pop up on Facebook Messenger that indicates you have a new message, only to open the app and find nothing new in your inbox. There are a few possible explanations for this phantom notification phenomenon.

You Have a Message Request

One of the most common reasons for getting a notification without a new visible message is that you have received a message request. Message requests on Facebook Messenger allow users to message each other even if they are not friends on Facebook.

When you receive a message request, you will get a notification on Messenger. However, the message itself will not appear in your main inbox until you accept the request. This helps prevent unwanted messages from spam accounts or strangers from cluttering up your inbox.

To view pending message requests, tap on the People tab at the bottom of the Messenger screen. Any message requests will display here, separated from your regular messages. You can tap on any request to view the message and accept or decline it. Once accepted, the messages will now appear in your main inbox and the notification dot will disappear.

You Have Messages Filtered

Another possibility is that you have messages filtered, so certain messages are hidden from view in your main inbox. Messenger allows you to filter messages in a few ways:

  • Filter by sender – You can choose to always filter out messages from specific people.
  • Filter by group – Filter based on different group message threads.
  • Filter by words/phrases – Block messages containing certain keywords.

Even if a message is filtered, you will still get a notification on Messenger. But when you open the app, the message will not appear in the inbox because it has been filtered. To view filtered messages, tap on the People tab and select “Filtered Messages” at the top of the screen.

Check your filter settings to see if you have any messages blocked. Turn off the filters if you want these messages to appear in your regular inbox again.

You Archived a Conversation

Messenger also gives you the option to archive conversations. Archiving removes a thread from your main inbox, but it can still be accessed in your Archived chats. You will get notifications for new messages in an archived conversation, but it will not be visible in your inbox.

To find archived messages, tap your profile photo in the top left corner of Messenger > Archived Chats. See if the conversation with the phantom notification is there. Unarchive it to move it back to your regular inbox.

You Have Messages Deleted for Everyone

The “Delete for Everyone” feature on Messenger allows messages to be permanently deleted for all participants in a chat. However, sometimes the notifications can lag behind the actual deletion.

So you may get a notification that a new message has arrived, but by the time you open Messenger, the sender has deleted it for everyone which removes it from view. The notification still pops up briefly before it recognizes the message no longer exists.

This is a technical quirk that should resolve itself eventually once the app syncs up. If you keep getting notifications for messages that seem to disappear, it’s likely the other person is deleting their sent messages before you have a chance to view them.

You Have Unread Messages on Another Device

In today’s multi-device world, you may have Messenger installed and logged into your account on several devices. This includes smartphones, tablets, computers, etc.

Even if you have read all new messages on your phone’s Messenger app, you may still have unread messages sitting on another device. These unread messages on other devices still trigger notifications on your phone, even though they are not visible in your phone’s inbox.

Make sure to open the Messenger app on all your devices and read any unread messages. This will clear the notifications across all platforms once everything is marked read. You can also turn off notifications on specific devices if you only want to be notified on your primary smartphone, for example.

You Have Unseen Group Messages

Similar to the multi-device issue, it’s possible you have an unseen message in a group chat, even though you don’t have any unread messages directly in your inbox.

Group chats function a bit differently than regular conversations. You will get a notification any time someone posts in a group, whether or not you are specifically tagged or mentioned. So even if you have viewed all new messages in your inbox, you may have missed something in a group conversation.

Tap into each of your group message threads and read through the chat to see if you have missed a specific post. The notification will go away once you are fully caught up on all group conversations.

It’s a Facebook App Bug

Despite Facebook’s best efforts, Messenger is not a perfect app. Like any software, it is prone to occasional bugs and glitches. Sometimes a phantom notification is simply caused by a hiccup in the app’s code rather than any specific messaging reason.

Closing and restarting the Messenger app will often clear up minor technical issues that are causing false notifications. Make sure you also have the latest version of Messenger installed so you are running the most up-to-date code.

If the problem persists across app restarts and updates, try rebooting your phone completely. This will clear out any stale cached data that could be causing confusion with your notifications and messages.

You Have Unread Message Notifications Turned Off

This is an obvious one, but double check that you have notifications enabled for new Messenger messages. It’s possible you or someone else turned this setting off, which would prevent any new message notifications.

To enable notifications on iPhone:

  • Open Settings > Notifications > Messenger
  • Make sure Allow Notifications is turned ON
  • You can also customize notification sounds and badges here

On Android:

  • Open Messenger app > Tap your profile picture > Notifications
  • Make sure “Messages” and “Group Notifications” are turned ON

Re-enabling notifications will allow new messages to trigger notification dots and sounds like normal.

You Have Do Not Disturb Mode Enabled

Your phone’s Do Not Disturb setting will mute all notifications while active. So if you have this enabled, you will not see any notification dots or hear sounds when new Messenger messages arrive.

Check your Do Not Disturb settings to see if this is blocking your Messenger notifications. You may have a schedule set up accidentally, like overnight hours or during work meetings.

On iPhone, adjust Do Not Disturb under Settings > Do Not Disturb. On Android, look in Settings > Sound > Do Not Disturb.

Make sure Messenger is not being silenced by your phone’s global notification settings and you should start seeing new message alerts again.


Facebook Messenger notifications are a useful way to stay on top of your incoming messages. But occasionally you may see a notification dot that does not match up with the actual contents of your inbox. This phantom notification is usually caused by message requests, filtering/archiving, deletions, multi-device issues, bugs, or notification settings.

Check for hidden message requests or archived chats. Make sure you have notifications enabled and Do Not Disturb disabled. Close and re-open the Messenger app, and update to the latest version. Read through all your group threads in case you missed something. This should resolve any mysteries around notifications with no messages on Facebook Messenger.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get Facebook Messenger notifications but no new messages?

The most common reasons for Messenger notifications with no new visible messages are:

  • You have a pending message request from a non-friend
  • You have messages filtered or archived
  • The sender deleted the message for everyone
  • You have unread messages on another device
  • You missed a message in a group chat
  • It’s a minor Facebook app bug

How do I see my Facebook message requests?

On mobile, tap the People tab at the bottom of Messenger and select Message Requests at the top. On desktop, click on the Messenger icon > Message Requests. Any pending requests will appear here.

Why am I not getting Facebook Messenger notifications?

If you aren’t getting any Messenger notifications, first make sure they are enabled in your app settings. Also check that Do Not Disturb is not blocking notifications. On iPhone, adjust in Settings. On Android, go to Sounds > Do Not Disturb.

How do I turn off notifications for a Facebook group?

In Messenger, tap on the group chat > Group Notification Settings (iPhone) or Notifications (Android) > Turn off notifications.

Can you see Facebook messages that were deleted?

If a message was deleted for everyone, it is permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved. However, deleting just for yourself means others can still see it in the chat. You’ll just see “This message was deleted” on your end.

Table Illustrating Main Causes of Phantom Notifications

Cause Explanation
Message request Notification for a message from non-friend pending acceptance to appear in inbox
Filtered messages Messages hidden from inbox via Messenger’s filtering options
Archived chat Conversation has been archived so it doesn’t show in main inbox
Delete for Everyone Message deleted before you view it but notification already sent
Unread on other device Notification triggered by unread message on different logged-in device
Unseen group message Missed message in a group chat you’re part of
Facebook app bug Minor technical glitch causing inaccurate notifications

Troubleshooting Phantom Notifications

Here are some steps to take if you keep getting Facebook Messenger notifications with no new messages showing up:

  1. Check for message requests
  2. Look for filtered or archived chats
  3. Read through your group message threads
  4. Restart the Messenger app
  5. Update Messenger to the latest version
  6. Reboot your phone
  7. Enable notifications in Messenger settings
  8. Disable Do Not Disturb

Following this troubleshooting guide should help resolve any phantom chat notifications. If the problem persists across devices, contact Facebook support for additional help.

Key Takeaways

  • Phantom notifications without new messages are usually caused by hidden message requests, archived chats, multi-device issues, or bugs.
  • Check for message requests, filtered conversations, notifications settings, and Do Not Disturb issues.
  • Restarting the app, updating Messenger, and rebooting your phone can often fix it.
  • Make sure to read through all your group chats in case you missed a message.
  • Contact Facebook support if you keep seeing misleading notification dots across devices.

Understanding the possible reasons for inaccurate message notifications will help you troubleshoot and clear up the confusion. Taking a systematic approach allows you to identify and resolve the underlying cause.