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Why is the name not showing up on Facebook tagging?

Why is the name not showing up on Facebook tagging?

There are a few common reasons why a name may not show up when trying to tag someone on Facebook:

  • The person you are trying to tag does not have an active Facebook account
  • Your privacy settings are blocking the person from being tagged
  • The person you are trying to tag has privacy settings enabled that prevent tagging
  • There is a glitch or bug preventing the tag from working properly

When you go to tag someone in a Facebook post, comment, photo, or video, you start typing their name and a dropdown menu should appear with name suggestions based on your friends list and connections. If you don’t see the name of the person you want to tag, it’s likely due to one of the reasons above.

The person you are trying to tag does not have a Facebook account

The most straightforward reason a name won’t appear for tagging is that the person simply does not have a Facebook account. Facebook’s tagging only works if both you and the person you want to tag have active accounts.

If you suspect this is the case, double check with the person to confirm whether or not they are on Facebook. If they are not on Facebook, you will not be able to tag them and their name will never show up in the tag dropdown menu.

It’s important to remember that not everyone chooses to have a Facebook account. Some people prefer to avoid social media altogether while others may use different platforms like Instagram or Twitter. Don’t take it personally if someone you know is not on Facebook!

Your privacy settings are blocking the person from being tagged

Facebook allows you to control your privacy settings related to tagging. This includes setting who is allowed to tag you in posts and restricting tags so you must approve them before they appear on your profile.

It’s possible you have configured your privacy settings to specifically block someone from being able to tag you. When you block a person from tagging, their ability to tag you is completely disabled and their name will not show up in the tag suggestion dropdown.

To check if your privacy settings are blocking someone, go to your Facebook Settings and choose “Privacy”. Look under “How people can find and contact you” and then “Who can see posts you’ve been tagged in on your timeline?” Here you can modify the settings if needed.

You can also block individual people from tagging you under “How people can find and contact you” and then “Who can tag you”. Type the name of the person you want to block and toggle them to “No” to prevent tagging.

The person you are trying to tag has privacy settings preventing tagging

Similarly, someone you are trying to tag may have configured their own privacy settings to limit tagging. They may have disabled tagging entirely or blocked you specifically from tagging them.

Unfortunately there is no way for you to view or modify someone else’s privacy settings. If you can’t tag someone, it’s possible they have disabled tagging on their end.

The only way to confirm is to ask them to double check their privacy settings related to tagging. Have them go under “How people can find and contact you” in the Facebook Settings to view their tagging options.

If they have intentionally blocked tagging, they will need to modify their settings in order for their name to appear and allow you to tag them.

There is a glitch or bug preventing the tag from working

In some cases, there may simply be a technical issue preventing a name from appearing properly when trying to tag on Facebook. Glitches related to tagging are rare but can happen.

Some common glitches that may impact tagging include:

  • The Facebook app or website failing to load the dropdown menu for naming tagging
  • A name appearing grayed out or unselectable in the tagging dropdown
  • A name appearing but tagging fails with an error message when trying to add the tag
  • Tagging someone but the tag not actually appearing on the post for others to see

These types of glitches are often temporary and caused by routine technology hiccups. Trying again later or switching from the Facebook app to the desktop website (or vice versa) can typically resolve a tagging glitch.

For persistent issues, reporting the problem directly to Facebook may help get it resolved sooner especially if multiple people are impacted. Facebook regularly updates features so a fix for tagging bugs will likely be deployed after identified.

Troubleshooting tips

If a name is not appearing properly when trying to tag on Facebook, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  • Confirm the person you want to tag has an active Facebook account
  • Check your privacy settings under “How people can find and contact you” to ensure you have not blocked someone
  • Ask the person to check their privacy settings related to tagging
  • Try tagging from both the Facebook mobile app and website to see if one platform works over the other
  • Log out and log back into your Facebook account to refresh the tagging feature
  • Update the Facebook app or clear the cache on your mobile device
  • Report the issue to Facebook through the “Help Center”

Often a quick refresh, app update, or privacy setting adjustment can resolve most issues that prevent names from appearing for Facebook tags.

Why Facebook tagging matters

While tagging on Facebook may seem like a minor issue, it’s an important feature for many reasons:

  • Tagging helps connect people and build community on Facebook
  • It allows people to receive recognition and engagement on posts
  • Tags notify someone when they are mentioned in a Facebook post or picture
  • Tagging makes content and conversations easier to find
  • Businesses can tag brands, products, or partners to increase visibility

When tagging works seamlessly, it makes the Facebook experience more engaging for users, businesses, friends, family, and communities alike.


Tagging is a key social feature on Facebook, but names sometimes won’t appear as expected when trying to tag someone. This is typically due to privacy settings blocking tags, the person not having an account, or a technical glitch with tagging. Double checking privacy settings, logging out and back into Facebook, and reporting persistent issues can often resolve these types of tagging problems. With troubleshooting and patience, you should be able to tag names on Facebook posts and have the tags appear correctly.